Nothing makes us feel better than a nice thought from a good friend. Nothing is more uplifting than knowing you are worthy of someone's good sentiments, and that you're an important part of their life. We all have a friend, a partner, or a special person in our lives who we know we can always turn to when life gets tough. I feel lucky I have such a person in my life, and today I will show them just how much they mean to me:
What is True Wealth? This Is My Honest Assessment...
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
10 Important Things Our Beloved Pets Teach Us About Life
Our beloved pets offer us the most adorable life lesson you can ever get. Check them out here!
This Story Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Think
Here's a story about a husband who missed something very important in his life. This is a story we could all learn something from.
Spread the Kindness Today by Doing These 10 Small Things!
If everyone did these simple things, the world would be a much better place!
The Most Precious Thing in the World Is Not What You Think...
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
A Little Something to Let You Know That I Care About You!
If you have a friend who you really care about, send them this video to let them know that you truly care.
These Genuine Father-Daughter Moments are SO Touching!
These 15 wedding photos capture the magical bond between daughter and father, making it visible to everyone.
Voltaire's Quotes Are So Witty That It Hurts!
Throughout Voltaire's immense body of work, there lie plenty of important and memorable quotes, and here are 15 of his finest.
This Great Poet’s Words Will Bring You Inner Peace
These powerful and inspiring quotes by the great poet Rumi will bring you inner peace.
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
Thes Inspirational Quotes Touch Both Heart and Soul
It's fascinating how a few words can have a lasting inspiring effect on a person. Enjoy this collection of quotes and get a daily dose of motivation.
How to Deal With Grief: A Companion Guide
Grief can be a crippling emotion, and all experiences of it are different. This guide will highlight the obstacles your grief creates, and how to overcome them.
May These Words Inspire You as Much as They Did For Me
Truly inspiring! It only takes one person to change the world.
Inspiring Words! Give Yourself the Things You Deserve
In order to celebrate life and its blessings, you need to allow yourself to do these important things.
Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are the words that best describe restorative yoga - a yoga style that is all about emotional relaxation and healing.
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
These Quotes, Said a Century Ago, are Still True Today
Will Rogers quotes are smart, witty and are most certainly true.
True Wealth Isn't Measured by Bank Accounts...
Despite the relentless push by everything around us to convince us of the merits of materialism, true wealth is markedly different. Enjoy this video.
Don't Make Life So Complicated! Live by These 3 Rules
We make our lives out to be more complicated than they need to be. Listen to these inspiring words.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
This Meditation Guide Just May Change Your Life!
There is a free and effective way to improve your life in a variety of areas, find out how by reading this article....
Got Low Self Esteem? 10 Tips to Boost Your Self Worth
Lacking self confidence? Here are 10 simple ways to boost your self worth.
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
Find Your Inner Peace By Taking 10 Easy Steps
Achieving inner peace isn't as hard as it seems at first glance. This guide will help you find it by taking just 10 easy steps.
Discover Your Joyful True Nature in 5 Valuable Steps
Discover your joyful true nature in 5 meditative steps.
Aging Gracefully Is Within Your Reach - Just Read This
This touching message will enlighten you on how to age with grace and style. Take this heartwarming message on board to enhance your life.
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
Founding Father Ben Franklin’s Recipe to a Life Well Lived
Tips to a life well lived from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
Feeling Low? Gaining Confidence is the Key to Happiness!
There is nothing quite like these 15 uplifting quotes to get your confidence back and believe in yourself, no matter what the task ahead is.
Avoid Stress Eating With These Useful Tips
Does stress make you skip meals or eat more unhealthy snacks and foods? This is a very common problem, and here is how you can get rid of it...
The Little Gardener: A Story to Move Your Spirit
This touching tale of a dedicated little gardener who perseveres against all odds, with charming illustrations and inspiring words, is definitely worth reading.
These are the 11 Qualities You Need to be Irresistible
Many of us dream of irresistible charmers and if you adopt the following 11 qualities, you can be.
14 Clever and Wise Quotes Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits
We’ve prepared 14 joyful, beautiful, motivating, and sometimes even funny quotes, so that everyone can find something to match their mood and lift their spirits!
Breathe. Move. Relax. Yoga for a Calmer You
Try these easy yoga poses to reduce stress and anxiety.
Let These Motivational Pictures Bring Light to Your Day
Let these wise and inspirational messages bring light into your day!
I Just Wanted to Say: I Love My Family
For a lot of people, family bonds run a whole lot deeper than just blood. If you feel this way about your family, be sure to share this greeting with them.
The Wittiest, Wisest Quotes by Oscar Wilde!
Oscar Wilde was world famous for his wit. These quotes will show you exactly why that was...
13 Remarkable Photos of the World's Unsung Heroes
Here are 13 striking examples of everyday heroes who are truly an inspiration to us all!
Get Inspired Today With These Penetrative Sartre Quotes
Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the greatest philosophers ever to have lived - his unique way of thinking made him famous the world over. Enjoy 12 of his quotes.
What's the Secret to Happiness? Find Out in These Words
What is the secret to happiness? Find inspiration in these quotes.
Remind Yourself of Love's Meaning With These 15 Quotes
If you need reminding of the true value and meaning of love, read these 15 quotes to re-ignite that spark.
Tales Older Than Time That Can and Will Change Your Life
These 20 short stories come from the great Ancient Greek philosopher Aesop, to teach us valuable lessons on how to live our lives.
Helen Keller Fought to Speak And Left Us With These Words
Helen Keller spent her life working hard and overcoming great odds, and used her words, like these quotes, to inspire people everywhere
A Beautiful and Inspiring Story About True Forgiveness
An inspiring story of two friends who learn something special about forgiveness together.
11 Things We Should Stop Doing in This Life
These quotes will teach you that you cannot wait for the perfect moment to enjoy each day.
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