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Reminder to a Friend: There's Magic in your Heart

With all the battles that life brings with it, we sometimes forget to value ourselves. Life can be too distracting for us to focus on our goals and purpose. Sometimes, all we need is someone to motivate us and remind us of our worth, our values, and of the reasons why we are so special to them. I wanted to remind you of this, to remind you of the magic you have inside you. I hope you enjoy this charming poem and presentation as my gift to you today.

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Don’t ever give up on
What’s in your heart...
A Magical Poem for a Dear Friend
Don’t ever let go of
What it is you believe in...
poem, friendship, magic
Don’t ever say the road is too tough
And that it’s better to quit...
poem, friendship, magic
Don’t ever think that you don’t matter;
Because you’re important to me.
poem, friendship, magic
Don’t ever let anyone tell you
That you can’t follow your dreams...
poem, friendship, magic
Don’t ever think that the world
Doesn’t need someone like you...
poem, friendship, magic
You’ve touched my heart and my life
Just by being who you are
And doing the things you do. 
poem, friendship, magic
There’s a magic in you
That no other could possess.
A quality, a warmth, a sparkle
That will carry you through life’s tests. 
poem, friendship, magic

There’s a magic in you
That makes you special to me.


I just thought I'd share this with someone
who truly deserves it.

Source: Jake Olson Studios

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