I'll Never Forget This Poem About Love and Life
Whether you are 25 or 85, you are here on this planet to love.
Read This Poem to Your Loved Ones Out in Nature
Let this poem inspire you to go out into nature even when the weather turns colder, as being one with nature is medicine for all illnesses.
One of the Most Influential Self-Help Books, Summarized
This all-time best-seller had a lasting influence in the world of self-help. We summarized it for your convenience. Let the positive change begin!
Break Bad Habits and Build New good Ones With This Video
A 30-minute illustrated summary of the book "Atomic Habits", on a science-backed way to build good habits and break bad ones.
Busting Some Mental Health Myths!
Any western doctor will tell you stress causes physical illnesses. Then why are there so many myths around mental health?
Can You Benefit From Halotherapy? Find Out Here
Learn about Halotherapy and what it can do for respiratory issues and some skin conditions.
You Won’t Believe How Body and Mind Change Every 7 Years!
Philosopher Rudolf Steiner divided life into seven-year stages, and his conclusions about each stage can tell you a lot about our past and future.
I Am Sending You These Inspiring Words! Stay Strong!
May these inspiring words get you through the tough times.
22 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Seize the Day
I hope these meaningful words of wisdom will inspire you to accomplish something incredible, and to seize the day! Enjoy!
This Father Is a Liar, The Reason Will Make You Tear Up...
This beautiful story of love between father and daughter is one you won't soon forget.
A 4-Step Guide to Being Happier With Who You Are
This guide will teach you how to live a better life with yourself.
GUIDE: Getting Unwanted Advice? This is What You Should Do
Getting a lot of annoying, unwanted advice? There are ways to put that to an end, politely.
10 Mistakes You Will Regret in 10 Years Time
We will introduce you to 10 common mistakes that you may regret in the future.
What is the Karpman Triangle, and Is it Affecting You?
Learn what the Karpman Triangle is and how it may be harming your family's relationship with each other...
The Words of This German Spiritualist Are Fascinating...
Quotes from spiritual mentor Eckhart Tolle will lead you on the path to happiness, peace, and love.
Send a Greeting Card to Your Loved Ones This Christmas
Wish your loved ones a Merry Christmas by sending your loved ones one of these greeting cards.
I've Never Been So Touched by Such Fine Quotes Before
Certain sentences have the power to shock us with their beauty and undeniable truth, here are 8 such sentences, spoken by some very famous people.
The Important Things Are the Ones that Make You Happy...
A few suggestions made by this simple yet powerful little video, to remind us of the important things in life...
These Quotes From Maya Angelou Will Guide You Through Life
Maya Angelou contributed greatly to the literary world and communities across the globe, raising spirits with her words, like these.
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
There's Nothing Better Than a True Friend...
Real friends are rare, and must be kept and treated in kind, for there are few people who will make your time in this life better than that true friend.
I Hope You Enjoy These Beautiful Quotes About Friendship
It can be hard to sum up what your friendships mean to you in normal words. That's what makes these beautiful quotations all the more special.
7 Warning Signs of Low Self Esteem and Lack of Confidence
No one wants to come off as insecure or having low self-esteem. These are 7 signs that can point to low self-esteem in yourself or others.
How to Turn Stress into Your Secret Weapon
Here are some practical tips and best practices to help you manage stress and make it work for you.
These Quotes By George Orwell Will Make You Stop and Think
These quotes by George Orwell will make you stop and think.
This is What Mother Teresa Had to Say to the World
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to others and she learnt an awful lot throughout her long time on earth. Here are some of her words of wisdom.
"Shiny Object" Syndrome: Do You Have It?
You can overcome shiny object syndrome, and that’s what we’ll help you do with 7 effective tips.
17 Beautiful Quotes to Garner Ease and Happiness in Life
If you feel exhausted, sad, or lonely, read these brilliant quotes. They will help you find strength within yourself and be the capable person you know you are.
Did You Know That Birds Can Teach Us About Life?
Birds have to have certain traits just to survive in the wilderness, namely patience and perseverance. Imagine if you could apply such traits to your own life.
15 Beautiful Quotes by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Discussed
In this article, we delve into 15 of Tennyson’s most beautiful and insightful quotes and discuss their meaning.
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
13 Remarkable Quotes from Frank Sinatra
Being one of the most prominent figures in entertainment in the past century, Frank Sinatra has some remarkable things to say about life, love, and success.
There's No Greater Gift Than These 8 Treasured Offerings
These gifts are priceless and I want to share them with you.
Words Are Powerful, and Must Be Used Wisely...
This video will show you the power and beauty of words, and why you should learn to choose yours wisely.
This is Exactly Why You Should Have a Cat in Your Life
Every single cat owner will agree with the message in this video!
Let Go of the Past With Édith Piaf's Classic Song
Edith Piaf's "No, I regret anything" will help you break away from worries and fears, throw aside all regrets, and take an important step forward.
The 15 MOST Memorable Quotes by Sean Connery
Let’s remember and reflect on Sir Sean Connery as an actor and as a person by looking at 15 of the most iconic quotes ever uttered by the late actor.
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
This Comes From the Heart: The Blessing You Deserve
Today, inspire someone to have a blessed day by wishing them all you think they deserve, for being truly wonderful beings.
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
My Mom Taught Me These Important Life Lessons...
At times, life can be hard, so we can all use a piece of good advice from time to time. Here are 12 valuable life lessons that my Mom taught me.
After Losing His Wife, Man Writes Tips to Fight Loneliness
90 year old man combats loneliness by keeping himself busy with these helpful tips.
The Wisdom of Africa: Beautiful and Ancient Proverbs
Thanks to its rich oral tradition and seemingly timeless history, it's inevitable that the African continent would come to be the originator of these wise words
Inspiring! Why Letting Go Is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
True Wealth Isn't Measured by Bank Accounts...
Despite the relentless push by everything around us to convince us of the merits of materialism, true wealth is markedly different. Enjoy this video.