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Prayers to Mother Earth

Nature is quiet, yet powerful. Nature is proud, yet humble. Nature is complicated, but simple in its actions. Nature is always there, and you cannot avoid it. Our planet is an open book, it's got nothing to hide from us. There's actually no limit to what it can teach us about life. Here are some statements of appreciation we ought to give to the best and most important teacher of all time - Earth. 

Earth, teach me quiet

- as the grasses are still with new light.


Earth, teach me suffering

- as old stones suffer with memory.


Earth, teach me humility

- as blossoms are humble with beginning.


Earth, teach me love and care 

- as mothers nurture their young.


Earth, teach me courage

- as the tree that stands alone.


Earth, teach me limitation

- as the ant that crawls on the ground.


Earth, teach me freedom

- as the eagle that soars in the sky.


Earth, teach me acceptance

- as the leaves that die each fall.


Earth, teach me renewal

- as the seed that rises in the spring.

Earth, Teach Me

Earth, teach me to forget myself

- as melted snow forgets its life.

Earth, Teach Me

Earth, teach me to remember kindness

- as dry fields weep with rain.

Earth, Teach Me

Earth, nothing and no one can teach me more than you do.

I will always look up to you.


Inspire your dear ones by sharing these words.

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