This Man is Truly Inspiring! Take a Look at These Quotes
Mahatma Gandhi is often seen as an inspiring man most of us look to for his profound wisdom.
Regain Control Over Your Time with These Inspiring Words
Time management is no easy task, but the results are worth the effort. These quotes might inspire you to take the first step and gain control over your time.
13 Remarkable Quotes from Frank Sinatra
Being one of the most prominent figures in entertainment in the past century, Frank Sinatra has some remarkable things to say about life, love, and success.
This Message Will Teach Us Not to Jump to Conclusions
This is a message that we should all take to heart...
I Just Wanted to Share These Basic Truths With You
When times get tough, always remember these inspiring and beautiful words
Inspiring! Why Letting Go Is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
10 Things That Matter in Life That We Always Forget
We often forget the following 10 things, but by embracing them we can live more fulfilling lives.
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
Avoid Stress Eating With These Useful Tips
Does stress make you skip meals or eat more unhealthy snacks and foods? This is a very common problem, and here is how you can get rid of it...
How to Turn Stress into Your Secret Weapon
Here are some practical tips and best practices to help you manage stress and make it work for you.
Inspiring: One Day, a School Teacher Had a Brilliant Idea
It's hard to believe that a teacher could come up with a lesson so powerful that thousands of people have been inspired by it. I'll never forget this advice.
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
Got Low Self Esteem? 10 Tips to Boost Your Self Worth
Lacking self confidence? Here are 10 simple ways to boost your self worth.
10 Great Promises That We Should All Make to Ourselves
Beautiful and touching promises that we should remember to make to ourselves.
How to Reframe Your Negative Thinking for a Better Life
In this video, we will learn to process our negative emotions in a way that won't destroy our lives and our happiness.
Have You Ever Wondered Why We Love? Here are 5 Theories
Why do we love? Why do we put ourselves through heartbreak? Neither science nor psychology explain this, but this video puts forward some interesting theories.
Words Are Powerful, and Must Be Used Wisely...
This video will show you the power and beauty of words, and why you should learn to choose yours wisely.
15 Quotes that Will Help Start Your Day Off Right!
These inspirational words of wisdom will get you motivated!
Some Quotes Have the Power to Stay with Us for a Lifetime...
An uplifting list of the most powerful quotes from our favorite childhood books.
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
50 Pieces of Advice That'll Help You Age Gracefully
50 fantastic pieces of advice that will you age with grace and dignity. You'd do well to remember these tips.
17 Beautiful Quotes to Garner Ease and Happiness in Life
If you feel exhausted, sad, or lonely, read these brilliant quotes. They will help you find strength within yourself and be the capable person you know you are.
10 Life Lessons We Forgot But Children Still Remember
Children seem to know something that adults have forgotten. Here are 10 life lessons we can all learn from children.
Inspiring! Why Letting Go is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
The Secret to Happiness: An Old Monk's Advice
A wonderful TED talk about the easy road to happiness, and how anyone can attain it.
Want To Be Happy? Stop Expecting These 7 Things...
Learn to let go of these 7 expectations to live a happier life!
Inspiring and Comforting Quotes for Tough Moments
14 quotes on perseverance through hard times to inspire and lift your spirit.
This Story Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Think
Here's a story about a husband who missed something very important in his life. This is a story we could all learn something from.
When Times Get Tough, This Poem Will Inspire You to Go On
No matter how tough life gets, find the strength within you to 'Keep On'. This inspiring poem will encourage you to do just that.
The Island of Love: A Beautiful Story...
What are the things that draw us away from love? Here's a story that will open your eyes to them.
This Method is Becoming Popular for Life Improvement
Learn how to connect your body to your thoughts and overcome stress, dilemmas and even pain with this very effective method approach!
Beautiful Story: The Mouse and the Mouse Trap!
This story teaches us that when we help others, we truly help ourselves.
True Wealth Isn't Measured by Bank Accounts...
Despite the relentless push by everything around us to convince us of the merits of materialism, true wealth is markedly different. Enjoy this video.
This Beautiful Story Shows Who the Real Heroes Are
This video touched me so deeply, and I know it will do the same for you. This video brings to light the real heroes of every day life.
Do You Know These 11 Life Principles?
There are certain universal truths that apply to anyone and everyone.
Once These Words Enter Your Heart, They Can't Be Forgotten
I hope these inspiring words help you along the path of life.
How To Avoid and Deal With Emotional Blackmail
Emotional blackmail can be very tough to live with. Educate yourself to see the signs of emotional blackmail, as well as learn how to avoid it altogether.
Yes, You Really Do Lead a Blessed, Rich, and Lucky Life
To take a moment to step back and consider the wonderful things life bestows will do you the world of good. Here's your chance.
Few Words of Wisdom Can Aspire to Those Said by Voltaire
These inspiring quotes by Voltaire will have you feeling enlightened.
12 Heartwarming Photos of Kittens Before & After Adoption
These heartwarming before and after cat rescue stories and photos show how a loving home can completely transform the entire life of animals!
These Beautiful Quotes Will Inspire You to Pick Up a Book
Are you an avid reader? Or maybe, on the contrary, you haven’t picked up a book in a while? These 18 beautiful quotes will surely make you crave a good book
Regrets in Life Arise When We Ignore These 7 Vital Things
How can you change your perspective and mindset to enhance our experience of life for the better? Find out here.
This Is a Message You Should Only Share with a True Friend
If you have a true friend, share this video with them to let them know that you appreciate them deeply.
6 Thoughtful Zen Parables for Inner Enlightenment
Read these thoughtful Zen parables for a better and more uplifting life.
Words From the Greatest Literary Minds of the 20th Century
Some of the greatest literary minds in the world lived in the 20th Century, and though they have left us, their wise words remained
I've Never Been So Touched by Such Fine Quotes Before
Certain sentences have the power to shock us with their beauty and undeniable truth, here are 8 such sentences, spoken by some very famous people.