8 Beautiful Quotes By the Great Artist Frida Kahlo
An artist with a soul so deep, Frida Kahlos, uttered words that had an impact on the world that can be felt to this day. Here are 8 of her most memorable quotes
An Inspiring Word Is Forever Heard...
Words are important because words are immortal. They resonate down and up the centuries, giving us better ideas and explaining existing ones.
The Chinese Have a Quote For Everything!
These Chinese words of wisdom will inspire you and provide you with a greater understanding of life.
I Hope These Beautiful Words Bring Light to Your Day
The gift of life can be a challenging one. To overcome the difficulties we encounter, we rely on our inner strength...
Take a Moment to Feel at Peace with These Thoughts of Zen...
Zen in about inner peace, and no matter who you are or where you are from, this is something all of us humans seek...
I'd Like to Say a Few Beautiful Words About Friendship...
Here are some famous quotes on friendship that will say it best to the friends you care about
I Can’t Believe These Ordinary Words Used to Mean That...
Let’s take a short journey back in time and trace the origins of 11 seemingly-ordinary words that have exceptionally-interesting histories.
10 Life Lessons We Forgot But Children Still Remember
Children seem to know something that adults have forgotten. Here are 10 life lessons we can all learn from children.
True Wealth Isn't Measured by Bank Accounts...
Despite the relentless push by everything around us to convince us of the merits of materialism, true wealth is markedly different. Enjoy this video.
9 Things I Learned When I Stopped Trying to Please People
If you feel like you're always pleasing others, please read this article to learn how to stop.
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
10 Quotes from Carl Jung That’ll Change Your Life
Carl Jung has had a huge impact on many fields, especially psychology, and behavioral science - these quotes will definitely affect you too.
12 Epic Ways to Help You Take Charge of Your Destiny!
These 12 powerful ways will help you take charge of your destiny and transform your life.
Anger Always Comes Back: An Important Story!
This story will teach you the importance of staying positive and not passing on anger to those around you!
8 Smart Quotes That Will Teach You Life's Lessons
Here are 8 pieces of advice that have really helped me throughout me life.
14 Common Dreams and the Fascinating Truths Behind Them
Have you recently had a dream you didn't understand? Let us help by interpreting these 14 common dream symbols!
The Secret to Happiness: An Old Monk's Advice
A wonderful TED talk about the easy road to happiness, and how anyone can attain it.
How to Get Past Your Worst Memories and Start Healing
Bad experiences are part and parcel of life, but there are ways to diminish their presence in your mind. Here are awesome methods for eradicating bad memories.
How to Deal With Regret in 9 Easy Steps
Forgive yourself and let go of the regrets binding you with these easy steps.
The Most Precious Thing in the World Is Not What You Think
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
There is a Lot to Learn From the Soul of a Dog...
This beautiful video makes it clear why we love dogs so much.
14 Agatha Christie Quotes That Will Make You Think
Agatha Chritie gave us some pretty memorable words, as remarkable people often do. Here are some of the most inspiring, introspective and entertaining ones
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
This Grandmother's Wise Words Will Change Your Perception
In times of adversity, do you allow the situation to make you soft, hard, or do you learn to adapt?
How to Reframe Your Negative Thinking for a Better Life
In this video, we will learn to process our negative emotions in a way that won't destroy our lives and our happiness.
What You See Here First Will Tell You About Yourself
If you are hungry to learn more about yourself, then click here!
12 Heartwarming Photos of Kittens Before & After Adoption
These heartwarming before and after cat rescue stories and photos show how a loving home can completely transform the entire life of animals!
Second Wind: Finding Purpose and Meaning as We Age
Rediscovering purpose in the second half of life can feel like uncharted territory, but it can open doors to adventures you never imagined.
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
Martin Luther King Had a Powerful Message to Share
Martin Luther King left a legacy and some of the most powerful words in history.
An Old Man Teaches a Businessman a Valuable Life Lesson
This businessman learned a valuable life lesson from a kind and caring old man.
Famous Quotes and Sayings That Are Grossly Misunderstood
The quotes we list in this article are really famous, but most people don't use them right. Learn about the real meaning of these quotes here!
This Beautiful Story Will Teach You to Value Yourself!
This beautiful story has an ingenious lesson to share.
30 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius - The Philosopher King
Marcus Aurelius best known for his stoic philosophy personal writings 'Meditations' - a collection of 12 short books about Self-discipline, guidance, motivation, and self-improvement. 30 beautiful quotes by Marcus Aurelius still relevant today.
These Wise Creatures Have Some Advice For You...
Sometimes the best advice comes from the natural world around us.
12 Life-Ruining Thoughts We Must Banish Now
You may recognize some of these toxic thoughts, we all have them. This is how to get rid of them.
These Profound Quotes Teach Us to Embrace Our Age
These profound and inspirational quotes will remind you of the beautiful aspects of aging!
Need a Smile? Try These Heartwarming Photos!
These heartwarming photos tell some beautiful stories and are sure to bring a bright smile to your face.
When Times Get Tough, This Poem Will Inspire You to Go On
No matter how tough life gets, find the strength within you to 'Keep On'. This inspiring poem will encourage you to do just that.
Mother Teresa Had a Lot to Teach Us About Humility
We often talk about our pride, but what about our humility? If there's one wise woman who could teach us how to be humble, it's surely Saint Mother Teresa...
The Gem Knows: Pick a Gem and We'll Tell You Why You Did!
You may be surprised what your pick of gems says about who you are.
These 15 Concessions Will Make You a Happier Person
Some believe that the more things we have, the happier we are, but that's not true. Discover the 15 things you should actually give up to be happy.
Saying No: A Key Buddhist Practice for Inner Peace
Use Buddhism to ignore distractions and focus on what matters.
How to Let Go of Negative Memories: Practical Strategies
Want to forget something unpleasant? These strategies might help.
Wishing You a Happy & Prosperous NEW YEAR!
Wish the important people in your life a Happy New Year by sending them one of these greeting cards.
A Beautiful Poem About What REALLY Matters in Life
Overcome self-doubt with this touching poem about the essence of who we are...
Breathe. Move. Relax. Yoga for a Calmer You
Try these easy yoga poses to reduce stress and anxiety.