Finding the right gift to give to a friend for any kind of occasion can sometimes be a problem, so today, I'm sending someone special, something different. After spending time running around in search of the perfect gift, I've finally found it. I am giving my dear friend seven gifts that cannot be bought - though they may be a simple gift, they surely come from a deep place within my heart.
The presentation is accompanied by music - We recommend you turn on your speakers.
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I give you The Gift of Love...
Love is a special gift that you can give over and over again and is completely within your power.
May you find love in your family and your friends. And may you share the love you have to give. When you share your love, it comes back to you in many forms.
I give you The Gift of Laughter...
Laughter is infectious and the more you laugh, the more other people will join in with you.
May laughter fill your home, relieve your stress, and strengthen your friendships. Do not let a day go by without laughing; it is good for your health.
I give you The Gift of Living Each Day to the Fullest...
Every day is a gift, and may you use this gift by living life to the fullest. You will never have this day again. What will you do with it?
It is a day that you can squander, or a day that will be marked as unique. You have within you the ability to make each day worthy of note; a day that will form a significant contribution in your best-selling book of living.
I give you The Gift of No Worry...
Worries are wasted emotions, and remember that circumstances have no emotional component unless you give it to them.
May your days be worry-free. If you find yourself worrying about something then fix it. If it is beyond your control, then there is no sense in worrying about it. Ninety percent of what you worry about will never happen, so why worry!
I give you The Gift of Positive Thinking...
May you find the good in all situations, even if you have to look for it - look because it is there. No matter what happens in your life, find the good. Your life will be a happier one.
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."
- Richard Bach
I give you The Gift of Balance...
Too much of one thing can end up creating stress; this is something that no one needs in their life.
May you find the balance of life: time for work, but also time for play.
"Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some."
- Robert Fulghum
I give you The Gift of Dream Fulfillment...
Goals will help you accomplish things you may have thought impossible.
May all your dreams turn into goals.
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I Am Sending You These Inspiring Words! Stay Strong!
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