Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Truer words have perhaps never been spoken, especially so in the case of writers. From Shakespeare to Ayn Rand, authors have been around for centuries feeding us deliciously enthralling stories, peppered with kooky characters, witty anecdotes, and endless twists and turns.
Many literary marvels from previous eras are still taught in schools today and maintain their popularity, like Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'Sherlock Holmes' and the works of Charles Dickens, to name a few. In addition to these incredible epics, writers from the 20th century like Virginia Woolf, J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of 'Lord of the Rings'), F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby), and Rudyard Kipling (The Jungle Book) have also left us words of wisdom and observant musings we can all live by. These are just a few quick examples.
15 Fountains From Around the World Designed to Inspire Awe
No matter where you are traveling, make sure to stop and take in the beauty of these breathtaking fountains.
These Cartoons of Hilarious Cats Took the Internet By Storm!
These cats are the ultimate comedians of the internet and now they’re being brought to us in adorable and hilarious illustrations
Helen Keller Fought to Speak And Left Us With These Words
Helen Keller spent her life working hard and overcoming great odds, and used her words, like these quotes, to inspire people everywhere
Lifelike Animal Sculptures Made of Cardboard - Stunning!
Believe it or not, these realistic animal sculptures are all made of a material that is found in ample supply in most homes - old cardboard boxes.
16 Beautiful Quotes About Aging With Grace
Enjoy these pearls of wisdom and may they inspire a newfound appreciation for the golden years.
18 Breathtaking Stained Glass Windows in the World
One look at these stunning stained glass windows, and you’ll be swept away into a fantasy of color and light.
These Quotes Will Inspire You to Be Who You Want to Be
A little motivation goes a long way. Let these quotes inspire you!
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
Have You Read These 6 Beautiful Poems About Aging?
Approaching one's winter years is a topic most poets are drawn to. Read what they have to say about growing old right here.
Inspiring Words! Give Yourself the Things You Deserve
In order to celebrate life and its blessings, you need to allow yourself to do these important things.
This Beautiful Story Made Me Think About My Life...
This beautiful story takes a simple coffee drink and creates a lesson for us all.
Share This Message with Someone Who Needs to Hear It
So many ways to describe love, allow me to try...
These Photos Will Make You Admit That Life Is Beautiful
These photos show us the true beauty of life - one that is filled with kindness and happiness.
9 Tips to Help You Set Boundaries and Maintain Your Dignity
It won't be easy, but with these 9 tips, you can set limits without feeling bad as you'll understand how important it is for your soul.
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
This is What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Health
Astrologists use the movement and positions of the stars and other celestial objects to draw information about human health. This is what they have to say!
13 of the Most Inspiring Quotes You'll Ever Come Across
We all need to feel inspired from time to time, and undoubtedly these 13 nuggets of wisdom will
Wabi-Sabi: 5 Lessons from this Japanese Philosophy
discover 5 lessons the Wabi-Sabi philosophy will teach you if you embrace it.
10 Important Things True Friends Deserve to Be Thanked For
True friends are as precious as pearls, let yours know just what they mean to you...
May This Beautiful Blessing Uplift Your Spirits
Remember to take a break and enjoy the simple things in life.
Embrace Gratitude: 11 Quotes to Elevate Your Life
Let's remind ourselves of the beauty of life and how fortunate we are to be right here, right now, by reading though 11 gorgeous, wise quotes on gratitude.
If Life Has Taken a Sudden Turn, Read These Words
If you're feeling like your life is at a crossroads, these inspiring words will uplift your spirits.
10 Superb Quotes From Ancient Rome’s Emperors
For your viewing pleasure, we collected 10 precious nuggets of wisdom famously uttered by Roman Emperors.
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Habit?
Is your financial situation dependent on the stars?
14 Morning Mantras You Should Say to Yourself Each Day
Make it a habit to let these beautiful and meaningful mantras resonate in your soul every morning.
Harvard Psychiatrist: How to Invest in Your Happiness
A Harvard psychiatrist delves into the importance of maintaining active relationships to foster happiness.
15 Quotes that Will Help Start Your Day Off Right!
These inspirational words of wisdom will get you motivated!
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
Learn From This Wise, Blind Man How to Really See People
I always thought blindness was a disability, but when I heard Tommy Edison's thoughts about racism, I recalled what Martin Luther King said all those years ago.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
Quotes to Inspire from the Fiercest Women in History
Quote's from inspirational women for International Women's Day.
Quotes that Makes Your Body, Mind, and Soul Healthier
These quotes aren't merely inspirational; they're life-changing.
10 Things That Matter in Life That We Always Forget
We often forget the following 10 things, but by embracing them we can live more fulfilling lives.
Better Sleep Starts Here: Feng Shui Bedroom Guide
Improve your sleep with these amazing Feng Shui bedroom hacks.
Let Your Thoughts Bloom Like Beautiful Flowers
We need to nurture our thoughts just as we nurture beautiful flowers. We must learn all the lessons we can in order to become better people, one step at a time.
The Words of This German Spiritualist Are Fascinating...
Quotes from spiritual mentor Eckhart Tolle will lead you on the path to happiness, peace, and love.
May Your Life be Blessed with Strength and Courage
You are more courageous than you think. Here's a message that will inspire you.
9 Psychological Tricks to Boost Your Charisma
These 9 easy tips will help you increase your inherent charisma!
These Greeting Cards Will Put a Smile On Someone's Face
If you know of someone that needs their day brightening, be sure to send them one of these amazing greeting cards to ensure they have a smile on their face.
John Lennon Inspired Millions with His Wise Words
Lennon was also capable of inspiring millions with a single, spoken sentence. Take a look:
The Chinese Have a Quote For Everything!
These Chinese words of wisdom will inspire you and provide you with a greater understanding of life.
True Friendship Should Be Cherished Forever...
There are few things more enjoyable, more lasting at times, and more crucial to living a life as it should be lived - as true friendship.
Carrying the Burden: A Zen Tale With a Moral
A pair of Zen monks, a master and his pupil, went on a journey to visit another convent..
Inspiring! Why Letting Go is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
Choose an Image & Find Out What Your Fear Says About You
A quick and simple test that can tell you a lot about yourself according to your fears.
20 Powerful Quotes That Will Uplift Your Spirits
We all have difficult days where the simplest of tasks seem like a huge burden upon us. These 20 powerful quotes will keep you motivated all day long!
These Beautiful Quotes Will Inspire You to Pick Up a Book
Are you an avid reader? Or maybe, on the contrary, you haven’t picked up a book in a while? These 18 beautiful quotes will surely make you crave a good book