1. Drink a lot of water.
2. Eat your breakfast like kings, lunch like princes, and dinner like beggars.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat fewer foods made in factories.
4. Live your life according to the TEE principle: Truth, Empathy, and Energy.
5. Make time for contemplation and/or prayer.
6. Involve more game playing in your life.
7. Read more books than you read last year.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes a day.
9. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.
10. Take 10-30 minutes to walk somewhere each day. Smile while you walk.
11. Don't compare your life to those of others. You have no idea what their journey actually looks like.
12. Don't waste time on negative thoughts or things you cannot change. Instead, divert your energy to a positive moment in the present.
13. Don't exaggerate in your actions, keep yourself in check.
14. You don't have to win EVERY argument. Agree to disagree.
15. Don't waste your energy gossiping. It never ends well.
16. Dream more while you're awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You may already have all you need, but if not, envy won't get it for you.
18. Forget past events and don't remind your partners of their past mistakes. It will ruin your present happiness. The past should stay in the past.
19. Life's too short to hate people. Don't hate in vain.
20. Make peace with your own past, or it will destroy you at present.
21. No one is responsible for your happiness but you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you're here to learn. Problems are just a part of learning, but the lessons they teach will be with you for life.
23. Smile more. Laugh more.
24. Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else will!
25. Call your family often.
26. Every day give or do something good for another. Even if it's as small as holding a door for someone. Add to the good in the world.
27. Forgive everyone, for everything. At least try.
28. Spend time with people over 80 and under 6 - it will teach you a lot about what life is really about.
29. Try to make at least three people smile, every day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your concern.
31. Your work won't take care of you when you're sick. Your family and friends will. Your priorities should reflect that.
Improve your life
32. Do the right thing. It pays off in the long-term.
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or brings you enjoyment.
34. When you are angry or upset, seek solitude before taking it out on the people around you.
35. Forgiveness heals all wounds.
36. No matter how good or bad the current situation is, it'll change.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you wake up alive in the morning, don't take it for granted - embrace it.
39. The secret of secrets in your heart is that you CAN be happy - so don't be afraid to go for true happiness.
40. Never forget to enjoy the time you have, the moment you are experiencing, and the people who share these things with you!
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