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Fade into You - A Moving Song About Infinite Love

There is no shortage of love songs in the world, but as time passes they become more trite and less original and moving. Empty words and very meager use of metaphors cause these works to be added to a forgotten pile of pop songs, but in the haystack hide small needles that manage to save the name of love. In 2012, in the Australian musical drama, Nashville characters, Scarlett O'Connor and Gnar Scott played the song ‘Fade into You,’ which anyone who heard it on television probably hasn’t forgotten until now. You are invited to listen to this wonderful duet and follow its lyrics with this beautiful presentation we’ve prepared for you. Share it with your loved ones or listen to it with your partner, because this love song has the power to move one to tears...

This presentation is accompanied by music.
Click play on the youtube below to begin then scroll with the lyrics.


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