No matter what troubles he faced throughout his day, my dog will always come to greet me with a big smile on his face. In fact, for the most part, my dog (as with every other dog in the world) is always happy. In light of this, I had to ask myself what is his secret? How, despite all odds, does he always look so happy? After giving it much thought, I think I've discovered the answer. Here are 15 possible reasons why your dog is happier than you:
When Times Get Tough Stand By Your Partner's Side
Ensure that your relationship with your partner will stay as strong as ever by bearing in mind these six important tips.
Having Trouble Sleeping? Then You'd Better See This...
There's nothing more frustrating than not managing to get a good night's sleep, so here are ten tips that'll help improve the quality of your sleep.
Do We Really Need to Be Drinking So Much Water? YES!
If you still need convincing that plain old water really is necessary - and in copious amounts - this short video will give you all the evidence you need.
Just Wanted to Say: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Halloween is the time for ghouls, witches and strange bumps in the night. Share some of your holiday excitement by sending these video greetings to a loved one!
Let This Famous Poem Sweep You Away...
This poem is all about coming to a fork in the road in life and having to make a decision one way or the other. Watch it on video now.
I Hope You Enjoy These Beautiful Quotes About Friendship
It can be hard to sum up what your friendships mean to you in normal words. That's what makes these beautiful quotations all the more special.
16 Beautiful Words of Wisdom to Brighten Up Your Soul
We hope these beautiful quotes will inspire and motivate you to great deeds and spread kindness to others, too.
7 Spirit Animals & Their Amazing Hidden Meanings for You
Learn about some common spirit animals and the deep meanings they may hold in your life.
A 4-Step Guide to Being Happier With Who You Are
This guide will teach you how to live a better life with yourself.
These Words on Being Kind Will Bring a Tear to Your Eye
Every now and then, when things get tough, take a deep breath and read these quotes to remind yourself of all the kindness in the world.
The Priceless Stone: A Father’s Touching Lesson
When a little boy wanted to know exactly what his value in the world was, his father had a creative way of showing him...
Learn 8 Effective Ways for Overcoming Your Self-Doubt
Self-doubt has the power to stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward, the next guide will help you overcome it!
Here's Some Precious Advice You'll Really Thank Me For...
We all have regrets, but that's no excuse for not getting rid of bad habits today. Here are 5 things you should do to make sure you look back on life kindly.
Lüften: The German Practice That’s Changing How We Sleep
Recently, the German concept of lüften has gained attention, with many sharing how it has improved their sleep. But does it really work?
Silence is the Most Profound and Beautiful Sound of All...
By enjoying sweet moments of silence, you can truly commune with the One True Unity that encompasses us and all creation.
A Profound Thought About Human Character I'd Like to Share..
What is character? And what is its importance? Here are a few words about character for you to mull over...
9 Hard Truths We All Need to Face Up To in This Life
We've listed 9 things for you that you may find difficult to hear, but you need to be aware of. Once you succeed in changing your attitude happiness awaits you!
5 Zen Parables With Profound Life Lessons
Read these enlightening short Zen stories that have profound life lessons.
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
These Profound Quotes Teach Us to Embrace Our Age
These profound and inspirational quotes will remind you of the beautiful aspects of aging!
This Beautiful Story Has a Moral at the End
If you love reading tales or stories that have a moral at the end, then we have got one heck of a treat in store for you!
Let These Motivational Pictures Bring Light to Your Day
Let these wise and inspirational messages bring light into your day!
The 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language
Words have power! How do you use ten of the most powerful words in the English language?
Take Part in This Guided Morning Meditation For Beginners
Read this article to learn how to perform a morning meditation session, and find out what you can gain from it. Found this meditation guide interesting? Make sure to share it with your friends, too!
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
I Just Wanted to Say: I Love My Family
For a lot of people, family bonds run a whole lot deeper than just blood. If you feel this way about your family, be sure to share this greeting with them.
These Words from the Dalai Lama Will Open Your Mind
Here are some words from the 14 Dalai Lamas, the foremost spiritual leaders for people everywhere looking for inspiration and enlightenment.
These Quotes Will Remind You of Your Inner Strength
The past year hasn’t been easy on any of us. Whenever you feel times are getting tough, these quotes will remind you that you can, and will, get through this!
9 Ways to Tell That Someone is Hiding Depression
Depression is a common disorder, but many of those with suffer from it try to hide it - these 9 signs will tell you if someone you know is depressed.
Inspiring! Why Letting Go Is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
True Wealth Isn't Measured by Bank Accounts...
Despite the relentless push by everything around us to convince us of the merits of materialism, true wealth is markedly different. Enjoy this video.
You'll Never Be Downcast Hearing Sublime Quotes Like These
Here are some sublime quotes about life that will make you think twice about how you live yours...
This Father Is a Liar, The Reason Will Make You Tear Up...
This beautiful story of love between father and daughter is one you won't soon forget.
You are Amazing: Can You Allow Yourself to Believe This?
Make someone realize that they are great and that they never stop being so, today.
Talking to Yourself Has More Benefits Than You Realized
Talking to yourself isn’t unusual. In fact, it has more benefits than you realize.
Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are the words that best describe restorative yoga - a yoga style that is all about emotional relaxation and healing.
These are the Things That Make a True Friend...
True friendship is something that we should all cherish in life, however, on occasion, we should also take the time to define what it really means.
These are the 11 Qualities You Need to be Irresistible
Many of us dream of irresistible charmers and if you adopt the following 11 qualities, you can be.
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
Here's Why Everyone Should Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax as well as prevent a whole host of illnesses. Read all about how it works here.
Do Your Friends Deserve Thanks? Send Them a Cute Greeting
Your friends are probably your greatest treasure, so why not let them know with a cute and fun animated cards?!
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
Every True Friend Deserves This Cute Message
If your friends are of those who brighten your life, then they should receive these animated messages, to remind them they're special.
Try This Trick For Getting More Control in Life
Sadhguru gives a talk about the importance of exercising control over your thoughts and emotions.
Even in Difficult Times, the Beauty of Gratitude Shines
Even if you're having a bad day, not feeling too good, or just feel dissatisfied with your life in general, you should always remember to be thankful. Here' why
This Beautiful Story Will Surely Touch Your Heart
This story touched me very deeply, and I know it will do the same for you.
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