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Discover the Strength of the Human Spirit

When life doesn't go quite as planned, it's easy to just give up and to pretend you never even tried. However, in such moments we'd be far better off by staying strong and looking to draw motivation and inspiration from the achievements of others. Below, you'll find 13 striking examples of everyday heroes who are truly an inspirationto us all. It always impresses me what humans can do, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.
1. This impressive work of art was created by John Bramblitt, who is completely blind. 
13 Inspiring Human Stories
2. What Paweł Poljański’s legs look like after 16 Tour de France stages.
13 Inspiring Human Stories


3. Maule Dhan returning to her camp after gathering beeswax.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
4. Ted Rammel is a wheelchair-bound surgeon.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
5. Dashrath Manjhi's incredible result after 22 years of tunneling through a mountain to get his community access to healthcare.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
6. This 9-year-old child uses the light from McDonald's to do his homework.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
7. 100-year-old Fauja Singh holds a Guinness World Record for completing a marathon in 8 hours, 25 minutes, and 18 seconds.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
8. Surgeons resting after performing brain surgery for 32 hours straight.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
9. Aaron Fotheringham is a professional wheelchair skateboarder.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
10. In 2017, Hugh Jackman beat cancer for the 5th time.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
11. This Filipino teacher crosses a powerful river every day to get to her students.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
12. 2016 Paralympic champion, Vanessa Low, performing a record-breaking 4.93-meter long jump.
13 Inspiring Human Stories
13. After 37 years of planting trees, Jadav Payeng's forest now exceeds 550 hectares.
13 Inspiring Human Stories

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
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