Alfred Bernard Nobel was an engineer, inventor, chemist, philanthropist, and businessman from Sweden. He was the designer and owner of the original patent for dynamite, which was found to be a safer way to handle the explosive nitroglycerin. In fact, he went on to make numerous developments in the field of safe and convenient explosives, which continue to have major uses in drilling and mining for various resources.
Alfred Nobel's contributions to the world of science during his lifetime, from 1833 to 1896, earned him immense respect and financial wealth. If part of his name sounds familiar to you, it should, because this brilliant man's final act before leaving this world was to specify the last of his funds (94% to be exact) be used to establish the institution for Nobel Prizes, which has been run by the Nobel Foundation since 1900. He designated these awards to be handed out to worthy persons in the five categories (literature, chemistry, physics, peace, medicine or physiology) every year without fail and regardless of nationality.
A century later, the Nobel prizes continue to be held in high regard and Nobel Laureates world over continue to be honored. Alfred Nobel gave immensely not only to the world of science but to many other fields and communities, without distinction. Along with the Nobel prize institution, he also left behind these words, expressions, and thoughts to inspire, pushing us to always innovate and introspect.
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