1. Celebrate every birthday with friends, family, and champagne.
2. Wear your hair more naturally, both in style and color.
3. Spend lots of time around children, to be reminded of the joy there is in play.
4. Quit smoking.
5. Give up flirting, and be charming instead.
6. Smile more - it’s an instant face-lift.
7. Travel often, especially to countries that embrace aging.
8. Walk everywhere.
9. Learn how to overcome your personal demons.
10. Learn a foreign language.
11. Embrace your age, it’s a lot more attractive than trying to appear younger than you are.
12. Learn to really appreciate all of your experiences, both good and bad, for what they’ve brought into your life.
13. Learn the art of gracefulness
14. Fall in love with you.
15. Write a memoir, if only to remember what a wonderful life it’s been so far.
16. Reduce your alcohol intake.
17. Improve your calcium intake.
18. Set goals for 40, 50, 60, 70, and beyond.
19. Get dressed up and go out at least once a week.
20. Get enough sleep.
21. Don’t be afraid to fall in love again.
22. Take proper vitamins and minerals.
23. Keep an air of mystery.
24. Eat dessert more often.
25. Do one thing every day that makes you laugh.
26. Forgive yourself.
27. Realize that you’re more than just a parent or grandparent.
28. Now is the time to give up regrets, they’re too big a burden to carry gracefully.
29. Remember that age does not give you the right to say whatever is on your mind - courtesy still counts.
30. Keep dreaming new dreams.
31. Appreciate the wonder of your children and grandchildren, and their many talents.
32. Re-ignite the love affair with your partner.
33. Tell people about the good things in your life, rather than the aches and pains.
34. Hold your head high, and stand as tall as possible.
35. Stop thinking about how fit you once were, and be as fit as you possibly can be now.
36. Show love and affection to those you care for.
37. Go for walks after dinner.
38. Tell your children how proud you are of them, and name the specific reasons why.
39. Add weight bearing exercise to your routine for strong bones.
40. Attempt one thing every year that you never thought you could do.
41. Stop worrying about tomorrow.
42. Now is the time to use the good china.
43. Stop frowning.
44. Take up a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try.
45. Make a list of inelegant things you’ve seen older people do, and be certain you don’t do them yourself.
46. Don’t forget that you may be many people’s role model.
47. Learn how to make the big family holiday meal on your own.
48. Buy classic clothing, of the best quality you can afford.
49. Spend your money on taking better care of yourself, and looking good naturally, rather than trying to cover flaws/signs of aging.
50. Make your new goal to live to be 100, with health and happiness, and live life in a way that will make it happen.
Source: livethecharmedlife
Images: depositphotos
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