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9 Kinds of Joy: How Different Cultures Found Happiness
How different cultures view happiness and how to achieve it
This Mother's Letter to Her Daughter Touched Me Deeply
There is nothing quite like a mother's love for her daughter, as this heartbreaking letter reveals. Prepare to be moved.
These Are the Golden Rules of Happiness...
Let these simple lessons serve as a gentle reminder on how to live your life to its fullest potential.
Inspiring! Put on Your Walking Boots & Step Out in Nature
This inspiring video will entice you to put on your walking boots and step out in nature.
Here's a Good Morning Hug! I Hope You Have a Good Day
Here's a good morning poem that I'd like to share.
Don't Be Afraid of What's to Come, Read These Instead!
There are many things or situations in life that may cause us to feel uncertain. These quotes will motivate you to embrace your future, no matter how uncertain it may be.
Beautiful Story: The Suspended Cup of Coffee...
While having some coffee in a small cafe, one man learns how a small act of kindness can have a big impact on someone's day.
These Insightful Quotes Are From India's Greatest Sages
Some of the most spiritual people ever to live hailed from India, and left us with many famous quotes to ponder. Here are 16 quotes from India's greatest teachers.
What Makes a Friend True? A Beautiful Answer
These words reminded me what friendship is all about, and how lucky I am to have great people in my life.
Watch This Baby's Miracle Story Unfold Before Your Eyes
Miracles do happen. Watch the incredible journey of Ward Miles, a baby born three and a half months prematurely.
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
15 Inspiring Quotes by Great Minds to Spark Courage in You
To help you reclaim your bravery, here are 15 inspiring and thought provoking quotes by world renowned thinkers of the past and present
Some Quotes Have the Power to Stay with Us for a Lifetime...
An uplifting list of the most powerful quotes from our favorite childhood books.
5 Psychological Theories For Understanding the Mind & Soul
These five psychological theories are considered to be breakthroughs in understanding the mind. Knowing them can certainly change your life for the better.
Release Your Fears & Anxieties with These Calming Mantras
These calming mantras have a calming effect and will help you deal with anxiety.
How to Deal With Regret in 9 Easy Steps
Forgive yourself and let go of the regrets binding you with these easy steps.
I Hope This Message Turns Your Frown Upside Down
We sincerely hope that this message will make your day that little bit brighter.
Father Gives His Daughter Away with An Amazing Speech
I've never seen such deep emotion displayed during the giving away of a daughter on her wedding day. This father's words will leave you in tears.
These Beautiful Quotes Will Bring Peace to Your Soul
Here is a selection of 20 pieces of beautiful and wise quotes, for you to be inspired by and lift your spirits!
7 Overlooked Daily Habits That Drain Your Energy
All seven of these often overlooked habits can make your energy levels plummet, even if your overall lifestyle is healthy.
Words of Wisdom: 15 Timeless Lessons from Famous Authors
These wise words will make you think..
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
If You Ever Want to Feel Gratitude, Just Watch This...
Turn off all distractions, lay back, listen to and watch this video. It will help you achieve some peace and a sense of gratitude for what life has in store...
This Is One Story of Forgiveness I Will Never Forget!
This fascinating story about two brothers and the escalation of a foolish argument they had between them teaches us about life and what forgiveness is all about!
16 Beautiful Words of Wisdom to Brighten Up Your Soul
We hope these beautiful quotes will inspire and motivate you to great deeds and spread kindness to others, too.
5 Real Life Heroes Caught On Camera Saving Lives
These people were caught on camera acting like real heroes, saving lives and helping those in traumatic situations.
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
These Are The Things I Will NOT Wish You This Christmas...
This year, my wishes are more meaningful than they've ever been. I would like to wish you nothing more than the love of...
Second Wind: Finding Purpose and Meaning as We Age
Rediscovering purpose in the second half of life can feel like uncharted territory, but it can open doors to adventures you never imagined.
10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That'll Make You Think
Mother Teresa was an inspiration to millions. In this video you'll find ten of her most powerful quotes and we hope they inspire you too!
Don't Make Life So Complicated! Live by These 3 Rules
We make our lives out to be more complicated than they need to be. Listen to these inspiring words.
9 Things I Learned When I Stopped Trying to Please People
If you feel like you're always pleasing others, please read this article to learn how to stop.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
The Many Truths We Learn As We Turn Another Year Older
Children seem so eager to celebrate their birthdays and turn another year older. But our perception of ageing changes once we hit our 30s.
There's Nothing Better Than a True Friend...
Real friends are rare, and must be kept and treated in kind, for there are few people who will make your time in this life better than that true friend.
The Island of Love: A Beautiful Story...
What are the things that draw us away from love? Here's a story that will open your eyes to them.
Interactive: What Does Your Zodiac Sun Sign Say About You?
his animated guide will ask you to select a zodiac sign and then open a big load of information and media for you to enjoy
Because Sometimes it's Hard to find the Right Words...
We all have someone in our lives who mean so much to us that we can hardly find the words. Sending them this video will let them know how you feel about them.
13 Remarkable Quotes from Frank Sinatra
Being one of the most prominent figures in entertainment in the past century, Frank Sinatra has some remarkable things to say about life, love, and success.
The Tale of the Two Wolves: One Good, One Evil...
This wise old Red Indian tale sums up something essential about human existence. The truth of this tale will do wonders for your spirit.
How to Help Those Who Don't Want Help
This article explains the ways to deal with a senior who needs help but is resistant.
The Philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche in 20 Quick Quotes
The words of a philosopher will always be thought-provoking, and none more so than these observant quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche
These Greeting Cards Will Put a Smile On Someone's Face
If you know of someone that needs their day brightening, be sure to send them one of these amazing greeting cards to ensure they have a smile on their face.
This Girl Surprised All When She Was Asked About 7 Wonders
When a little girl is asked in her class about what she thinks the true 7 wonders of the world are, her answer surprises and inspires everyone...
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
Quotes that Makes Your Body, Mind, and Soul Healthier
These quotes aren't merely inspirational; they're life-changing.