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7 Simple Tools for Achieving Goals in Life

There is no shortage of examples of people who have succeeded in fulfilling the very challenging goals they’ve set in their lives, whether it’s earning more money or shedding a few pounds. However, studies show that 92% of people in the world fail to achieve their significant and meaningful goals in life.


As for the remaining 8%, the secret to their success probably lies in the correct process of setting goals, which can be learned and implemented with the help of 7 very simple tools. So keep reading so that you can join the eight percent, and give yourself the chance to succeed!

tips for goals

1. Define your goals in detail

 The first step you need to take is really getting into the nitty-gritty about what you are trying to achieve. In addition, you need to make sure that the goal you are aiming toward is measurable so that you can track your progress. When you define your goal in detail, most often it is realized - you are actually turning an abstract idea into reality. To do this, you need to write everything down, because it needs to make the transition from your mind to the page. Answer the following questions:

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What will your life look like when you achieve your goal?
  • Who will be your friends?
  • What will you do during the day?
  • What will be your hobbies?
  • What time will you wake up in the morning?
  • You can add to this list questions related to your goal and to you, but the important thing is to describe in detail your ambition and your life after you achieve it. The more focused you are about your goals, the more likely you will be successful in attaining them.

2. Make sure your goals are meaningful

 Defining your goals isn’t enough - the second step you need to take so that you can achieve them is to make sure they are meaningful. We will always strive harder to achieve a goal that is of paramount importance to us. Plus, you can’t want things just because you want them; you should always ask yourself why you always want to achieve your goal.

Take a moment to find the meaning behind your goals, dig deep within you, it must have a rooted meaning, one that you are willing to give up everything for. As mentioned above, we are always doing more to achieve things that are of paramount importance for us, especially when these things are related to family, freedom, security, and love. Therefore, a few obstacles and pitfalls on the way, won’t stop you if you really understand why this goal is important to you. 

tips for goals

3. Pick goals that are achievable

Long-term goals are very good and we are likely to succeed in them as long as we work hard for them, but when it comes to short-term goals (two to three years ahead) it is highly desirable that they be achievable. For example, if you are in debt, then a goal like making half a million dollars in two years probably isn’t possible.

 When you choose goals that are achievable, you are more likely to achieve them. You must find goals that are big but not impossible to achieve, at least when it comes to short-term goals. Plan your short-term goals so that they serve as milestones for the more distant goals. Then, put together a plan of action that will help you get through the process, which we’ll demonstrate below.

4. The goals must be tailored to you

How appropriate are the goals you have chosen for your life and future? Do they suit who you are? Or do they contradict everything you believe in? When we choose goals that contradict who we are, it is much harder to achieve them. So how do we choose goals that are suited to us? Take a few moments and write down everything you believe in and appreciate.

It is important to know that our beliefs and values are also the product of things we’ve absorbed from our environment growing up; Statements such as "money doesn’t grow on trees" are embedded in our minds and affect our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, even if not consciously. So, take the time to write down the things that make you who you are, and then choose relevant goals. You will find that once the goals you set for yourself fall in line with your personality, they will be easier to achieve.

tips for goals

5. Set a deadline

Goals must be limited in time to be achievable, so don’t throw out statements like "I want to be more financially stable in the future," rather choose a deadline if you are serious about that goal. When you set your goals for a specific date, you can break them down into smaller weekly and monthly goals. This way, you can see your progress and be impressed by it to determine how far or close you are from achieving your goals.

For example, if you want to be 50 pounds lighter by this time next year you can "break it down" so that you will have to lose four pounds a month, and 1 pound a week for you to meet your goal. When you continue to do this for months, weeks, and days, you will find that the challenge isn’t as big as it may seem and that you will eventually achieve your goal.


6. Assess Your Progress 

When goals are set in time, they can be evaluated and this allows us to track our progress along the way. You need to find the method that will suit you to follow your goals and do it every day - this will give you the opportunity to evaluate the progress you are making. For example, when a plane flies, the pilot assesses the progress along the way, and he knows at any given time how far he has gone, where he is exactly, and how long he’s been flying.

When you learn to evaluate your process, you get a clearer view of the stage you are in and what else you have left to do. On the other hand, when you don’t assess, it is much easier to ignore important things on the way and you are likely to return to harmful patterns and habits.

tips for goals

7. Learn how to adapt to yourself 

This may sound simple, but it is much harder to apply than most people think. When you assess your progress towards the goal and you realize that you are moving away from it, you need to adapt yourself to the situation. This will give you the opportunity to correct things that you won’t notice unless you evaluate your progress on a regular basis. You are trying to reach your final destination and to do so, you need to be clear about the goal you are aiming for and the time it’s going to take you to reach it. Then, all you have to do is plan and act to change your attitude along the way, all in order to get where you want to be in the long term.
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