Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Your Health at Risk
Some facts everyone should know about sitting.
14 Methods to Wake Up in the Morning Feeling Great!
14 things you can do to make sure you wake up energized and feeling well each morning.
Study Finds Breakfast to Be More Important Than We Knew
New study further solidifies the importance of eating breakfast by revealing a clear connection between skipping breakfast and higher risk of heart disease.
Recovering From Covid-19? Try These 7 Easy Exercises
Exercise can help you recover from Covid-19 quicker, but being smart about it is crucial. Here are a few easy and safe exercises anyone can do at home.
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
Here's a Workout You Can Do EVERYWHERE
You don't even need sports shoes for this workout! This is the perfect routine for people who travel a lot.
Nourishing vs Toxic Pleasure: What is the Difference?
Pleasure is an essential part of being human, in fact it's physically important for our health. But not all kinds of pleasure - what is toxic pleasure?
This Father Is a Liar, The Reason Will Make You Tear Up...
This beautiful story of love between father and daughter is one you won't soon forget.
Tales Older Than Time That Can and Will Change Your Life
These 20 short stories come from the great Ancient Greek philosopher Aesop, to teach us valuable lessons on how to live our lives.
Inspirational Poem: Life Can Be a Struggle. Are You Ready?
These sentimental words will provide you with plenty of inspiration to face the day and every day that follows.
Albert Einstein Had Some Interesting Things to Say...
The famous quotes of Albert Einstein, a man who never ceased being a source of inspiration.
There's No Greater Gift Than These 8 Treasured Offerings
These gifts are priceless and I want to share them with you.
10 Great Promises That We Should All Make to Ourselves
Beautiful and touching promises that we should remember to make to ourselves.
10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That'll Make You Think
Mother Teresa was an inspiration to millions. In this video you'll find ten of her most powerful quotes and we hope they inspire you too!
I Became Happier As Soon As I Put This into Practice...
Everyone knows that happiness is a most beautiful thing. But how are we supposed to go about achieving it? Here are 10 happiness rules.
Ever Hear About the 6 Elephants?
What is "truth" comprised of? This highly inspiring story will definitely get you thinking about this.
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Habit?
Is your financial situation dependent on the stars?
18 Stories That Feel Like a Warm Hug on a Rough Day
Here’s a collection of heartwarming stories to cheer you up.
14 Inspiring Lessons That Can Be Found in Children's Books
These are the life lessons that will be passed on from generation to generation. Do you remember any of them?
Read These Words and Put Them In Your Heart...
These words are all on your side - read them and have yourselves a wonderful, peaceful day.
There is a Lot to Learn From the Soul of a Dog...
This beautiful video makes it clear why we love dogs so much.
These are the Things That Make a True Friend...
True friendship is something that we should all cherish in life, however, on occasion, we should also take the time to define what it really means.
15 Inspiring Quotes by Great Minds to Spark Courage in You
To help you reclaim your bravery, here are 15 inspiring and thought provoking quotes by world renowned thinkers of the past and present
Do You Know These 11 Life Principles?
There are certain universal truths that apply to anyone and everyone.
True Friendship Should Be Cherished Forever...
There are few things more enjoyable, more lasting at times, and more crucial to living a life as it should be lived - as true friendship.
Calm and Heal Your Inner Self with this Meditation Guide
Meditation has many known health benefits, such as increasing longevity and reducing stress. This very simple guide will help you to begin one of the healthiest routines possible - meditating at home.
30 Thoughtful Quotes by Bruce Lee to Meditate On
30 thoughtful and deep quotes by Bruce Lee, showing that he was more than just an actor and martial artist, but also a deep thinker
What Cirque Du Soleil Dancers Teach Us About Trust...
This unique video offers a beautiful performance as well as deep thoughts about the sublime act of trust.
'O Lord God, I Ask You for Your Help': 10 Helpful Prayers
Life is truly a wonderful gift, but oftentimes I feel the need for guidance and assistance from the almighty. Here are 10 prayers which I like to offer.
20 Profound Mencius Quotes About Life and Morality
You'll find these Mencius quotes thought-provoking and insightful.
How You Choose to Live at Present Will Affect Your Future...
These inspiring quotes will make you realize just how important the choices you make each day truly are.
Discover Your Joyful True Nature in 5 Valuable Steps
Discover your joyful true nature in 5 meditative steps.
This Gives Us a Lesson That We Should All Take Note Of!
May this video inspire you to keep you candle of hope flickering, despite the losses you may have experienced in life.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
11 Things We Should Stop Doing in This Life
These quotes will teach you that you cannot wait for the perfect moment to enjoy each day.
Avoid Stress Eating With These Useful Tips
Does stress make you skip meals or eat more unhealthy snacks and foods? This is a very common problem, and here is how you can get rid of it...
The 15 MOST Memorable Quotes by Sean Connery
Let’s remember and reflect on Sir Sean Connery as an actor and as a person by looking at 15 of the most iconic quotes ever uttered by the late actor.
"Shiny Object" Syndrome: Do You Have It?
You can overcome shiny object syndrome, and that’s what we’ll help you do with 7 effective tips.
Poem on the Outlook on Life: Remember and Forget
What should you remember in life? What must you forget? Take my words on this.
These 3 Daily Choices are Behind 90% of Our Success
By making these choices a daily practice and cultivating healthy habits as a result, we can achieve any ambition that resides within us.
Father Gives His Daughter Away with An Amazing Speech
I've never seen such deep emotion displayed during the giving away of a daughter on her wedding day. This father's words will leave you in tears.
Wabi-Sabi: 5 Lessons from this Japanese Philosophy
discover 5 lessons the Wabi-Sabi philosophy will teach you if you embrace it.
How to Deal With Grief: A Companion Guide
Grief can be a crippling emotion, and all experiences of it are different. This guide will highlight the obstacles your grief creates, and how to overcome them.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
Here's Some Precious Advice You'll Really Thank Me For...
We all have regrets, but that's no excuse for not getting rid of bad habits today. Here are 5 things you should do to make sure you look back on life kindly.
Let Nature's Law of the Seed Serve As Your Inspiration
Our perceived failures often bog us down, but all you need to do is look to nature for a change of perspective. The Law of the Seed will show you the way.
This is How You Read a Palm: A Simple Guide
The art of palm reading considered one of the oldest mystical arts in the world. Get to know yourself and others with the help of this simple guide!