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7 Lies You May Be Telling Yourself

When consistent thoughts become our beliefs, there are instances when this serves as a positive thing. For instance, believing that you are a healthy person, or that you are resilient, or talented in your work. But when beliefs are based on thoughts that do not serve us at present or in the future, they can have a negative effect. Think about the amount of times you told yourself a subtle lie just so that you would feel better. Depending on the situation, there are times when it's a lot easier to repeat a lie than to face a truth which may be uncomfortable and more painful to accept. 

Below are seven lies that you may be telling yourself in the hopes that it would offer some form of comfort in the present moment. Though eventually, you may come to learn that these very lies may only harm you or hold you back from being truly happy in the long run. 
lies you tell yourself
It may take quite a bit of time before we learn that we can't fix or change anyone. You can't expect to change a person's level of commitment to you, their personal debt or even their diet preferences. Once you accept a person for whom they are, knowing full well that you cannot change them, only then will you feel free. 
lies you tell yourself
This lie is particularly deceptive. How many times have you told yourself that one day you will... travel the world... write a novel... start your own business, until you come to realize that one day you will wake up and there will be no time left to do any of these things. Our days on this planet are numbered. No matter where you may be in your life right now, or how old you are, get the wheels in motion now. The present is all we've got. 
lies you tell yourself
Time is often to blame when we plan to do many things, no matter how small - be it working out, meditation, reading. We rarely stop to consider how we can fit these little things into our busy schedule. Why not close your eyes and listen to a meditation app or podcast on your way to work, or as you lie down in bed? What about carrying a kindle and carrying it with you wherever you went, enabling you to read if you're kept waiting during the day?
lies you tell yourself
If you often tell yourself this lie, remind yourself that if you are not happy right now, you won't be happy when you get the 'big prize'. Also remember that many of the things you now have in your life were the same things you once wished for. Appreciation makes everything better and it turns what you have into enough. 
lies you tell yourself
When you're feeling helpless, believing that we have a choice may seem a bit difficult. Perhaps you feel like you can't move to a new apartment, get a better job or get out of a relationship. But there's always a way. For instance, if you wish to become a photographer, but don't believe that you are able to because you have no time, no resources, and possibly, no idea where to start, you are simply choosing to be a victim. Telling yourself that you would rather hang onto this lie than risk going for it. This very act of not doing something may also worsen over time. 
lies you tell yourself
Truth is, no one ever feels ready for anything, be it parenthood, entrepreneurship or change. The only way to ever feel ready to do something is to begin. If you say you aren't ready for something chances are that you either are not all that interested or you are procrastinating - most likely out of fear. 
lies you tell yourself
A lie we often tell ourselves, and possibly the biggest lie of all. Each and every day tell yourself that you are enough, you do not need to do anything to deserve a full, rich and happy life. Remember also that there's a difference between thinking that you deserve to be happy and knowing that you are worthy of being happy. 
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