Related: Celebrate the Beauty of Fall in These 20 Glorious Pics
Related: Quotes for Inspired Gardening
Share these beautiful words with those who love fall
Welcoming Long-Awaited Fall With the Right Poem
If you know anyone who is still sulking about the summer ending, send this poem to them!
12 Memorable Quotes Virginia Woolf Left Us
A brilliant writer and a feminist when feminism was still taboo, Virginia Woolf inspired a whole generation. Here are 12 of her most memorable and profound quotes.
12 Quotes That Reveal Jane Austen’s Wit and Wisdom
These quotes perfectly capture Jane Austen's timeless humor, wit, and wisdom.
10 Quotes on Grace and Inner Strength by Jackie Kennedy
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis's grace and inner strenght are an inspiration for many to this day. Here are the most memorable of the former First Lady.
The Wise and Beautiful Words of Princess Diana
Proncess Diana is remembered for her grace, compassion, and generosity. These are her most powerful words.
13 Remarkable Quotes from Frank Sinatra
Being one of the most prominent figures in entertainment in the past century, Frank Sinatra has some remarkable things to say about life, love, and success.
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
If you’re feeling unmotivated or down, there’s a psychological concept that can push your brain to help you get back on track.
This Is One Story of Forgiveness I Will Never Forget!
This fascinating story about two brothers and the escalation of a foolish argument they had between them teaches us about life and what forgiveness is all about!
I Became Happier As Soon As I Put This into Practice...
Everyone knows that happiness is a most beautiful thing. But how are we supposed to go about achieving it? Here are 10 happiness rules.
King Solomon Was a Wise Man and These Quotes Prove It
Read through these wise quotes said by the biblical King Solomon.
10 Mistakes You Will Regret in 10 Years Time
We will introduce you to 10 common mistakes that you may regret in the future.
These Wise Creatures Have Some Advice For You...
Sometimes the best advice comes from the natural world around us.
7 Evocative William Wordsworth Poems to Reflect On
Explore the meaning behind some of William Wordsworth's most celebrated poems
The Wise and Beautiful Words of Princess Diana
Proncess Diana is remembered for her grace, compassion, and generosity. These are her most powerful words.
What Makes a Friend True? A Beautiful Answer
These words reminded me what friendship is all about, and how lucky I am to have great people in my life.
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking
Negativity is all around us, but we can choose whether it influences us, or whether we influence it. Learn more here.
Do These 5 Things Today to Wake Up to a New Life Tomorrow
Stop and ask yourself a small, important question. When was the last time you felt happy?
My Mom Taught Me These Important Life Lessons...
At times, life can be hard, so we can all use a piece of good advice from time to time. Here are 12 valuable life lessons that my Mom taught me.
9 Tips to Help You Set Boundaries and Maintain Your Dignity
It won't be easy, but with these 9 tips, you can set limits without feeling bad as you'll understand how important it is for your soul.
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
The Wisdom of Africa: Beautiful and Ancient Proverbs
Thanks to its rich oral tradition and seemingly timeless history, it's inevitable that the African continent would come to be the originator of these wise words
Let Go of the Past With Édith Piaf's Classic Song
Edith Piaf's "No, I regret anything" will help you break away from worries and fears, throw aside all regrets, and take an important step forward.
Voltaire's Quotes Are So Witty That It Hurts!
Throughout Voltaire's immense body of work, there lie plenty of important and memorable quotes, and here are 15 of his finest.
This is Exactly Why You Should Have a Cat in Your Life
Every single cat owner will agree with the message in this video!
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
12 Quotes That Reveal Jane Austen’s Wit and Wisdom
These quotes perfectly capture Jane Austen's timeless humor, wit, and wisdom.
10 Things All Couples Need to Do to Be in Love Forever
Everyone talks about that special spark, but what's the secret to making it last? Every couple should know these tips...
I Just Wanted to Let You Know How Much You Mean to Me...
Whether they are close to me or far away, I want the members of my family to know how I feel.
The Smart Person's Guide to a Happy Life...
The smart principles we all need in our life provided in 19 smart sayings and pieces of genuine advice that have always been true.
14 Gestures That Prove Your Spouse Still Loves You
Usually, after several decades of living together, we forget to show our partners how much we still love them, but these 14 little gestures do just that.
Mental Health: 9 Things You Should Stop Keeping Secret
It's important to know that there's no reason to be ashamed of the following 9 things...
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
When You Lack Motivation, Listen to Martin Luther King Jr.
The incredible Martin Luther King Jr. speech you might not have heard before.
This is What Mother Teresa Had to Say to the World
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to others and she learnt an awful lot throughout her long time on earth. Here are some of her words of wisdom.
Relaxed Mind: 6 Enjoyable Meditation Techniques
Thought there was only one way to practice meditation? The following 6 creative and enjoyable techniques will enable you to bring about peace and tranquility!
Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
Psychologists also experience stress and anxiety, however, they have methods of dealing with it. Learn their methods here!
I Am Sending You These Inspiring Words! Stay Strong!
May these inspiring words get you through the tough times.
John Lennon Inspired Millions with His Wise Words
Lennon was also capable of inspiring millions with a single, spoken sentence. Take a look:
How Can We Cope With Grief? These 5 Talks Will Help
Grief is an unfortunate part of life for all of us. But how can we deal with it so that we do not ruin our own life? These 5 talks explain...
These Quotes, Said a Century Ago, are Still True Today
Will Rogers quotes are smart, witty and are most certainly true.
This Poem Will Inspire You in Difficult Times...
These beautiful words will help you in your time of need.
Don't Make Life So Complicated! Live by These 3 Rules
We make our lives out to be more complicated than they need to be. Listen to these inspiring words.
16 Deeply Beautiful Quotes by Famous Artists
From William Shakespeare to Ernest Hemingway, these inspirational quotes have been cherry-picked from the greatest artistic minds of the past centuries. I hope you enjoy them.
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
10 Things That Make Us Look Older and How to Stop!
We all get a bit stuck in life, but here are 10 mistakes we make that we can change, and thus offset the effects of aging.
10 Types of People We All Need in Our Life
Today we will introduce you to 10 types of people that your soul needs, and we will also explain to you where you can find them and who they can be.