Source: quotery
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
Creativity In Words - Beautiful Quotes!
Find out what some of the greats had to say about that illusive of all human skills - creativity!
17 Beautiful Quotes to Garner Ease and Happiness in Life
If you feel exhausted, sad, or lonely, read these brilliant quotes. They will help you find strength within yourself and be the capable person you know you are.
10 Moving Quotes That'll Help You Pursue a Fulfilling Life
With every rise of the sun, you get a new opportunity to fill your day with new meaning, to live your life the way you choose. Here are 10 uplifting quotes.
In The Pursuit of Happiness This is What You Need to Know...
Striving to be happy takes work and requires a change from within, and not from without. Let these quotes inspire you to achieve your happiness.
11 Quotes From the Mind of the Famous Che Guevara
Che Guevara was a deep thinker, and had these inspiring quotes to say.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
10 Great Promises That We Should All Make to Ourselves
Beautiful and touching promises that we should remember to make to ourselves.
These Wise Buddha Quotes Made Me Think...
These inspiring Buddha quotes are great food for thought!
If You've Known Love, This Song Will Move You...
Contemporary pop songs don't manage to convey the emotion of love like the songs of the past, but this wonderful piece does so in a charming and moving way...
You'll Do Much Better In Life If You Realize These Things
Life teaches us many lessons, however,sadly many of us are guilty of forgetting the lessons we learn along the way. Here are 24 things to keep in mind in life.
A Zen Tale: This Story Taught Me a Great Life Lesson
Everyone of us will be able to relate to this story.
An Old Man Teaches a Businessman a Valuable Life Lesson
This businessman learned a valuable life lesson from a kind and caring old man.
11 of Eleanor Roosevelt's Most Inspiring Musings
Eleanor Roosevelt was an empowered woman with many wise words to share with the world. Here are 11 of her most inspiring quotes.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
When Times Get Tough, This Poem Will Inspire You to Go On
No matter how tough life gets, find the strength within you to 'Keep On'. This inspiring poem will encourage you to do just that.
11 Things We Should Stop Doing in This Life
These quotes will teach you that you cannot wait for the perfect moment to enjoy each day.
Erma Bombeck: "If I Had My Life to Live Again..."
When writer Erma Bombeck discovered she didn't have long left to live, she composed this searingly personal but beautiful message I think we can all learn from.
These Three Little Words Will Strengthen Any Friendship
Any close friends deserve to hear these three little words.
Native American Wisdom - 21 Powerful Proverbs & Quotes
The wisdom of Native American tribes is truly profound. Here are some of their most powerful quotes and proverbs.
The Chinese Have a Quote For Everything!
These Chinese words of wisdom will inspire you and provide you with a greater understanding of life.
9 Tips to Help You Set Boundaries and Maintain Your Dignity
It won't be easy, but with these 9 tips, you can set limits without feeling bad as you'll understand how important it is for your soul.
Do These 5 Things Today to Wake Up to a New Life Tomorrow
Stop and ask yourself a small, important question. When was the last time you felt happy?
5 Real Life Heroes Caught On Camera Saving Lives
These people were caught on camera acting like real heroes, saving lives and helping those in traumatic situations.
A Few Words of Inspiration Can Go a Long Way...
Some good advice to help you along in life.
An Important Message: Don't Be Anyone but You
You, my friend, are unique. Not only to me, but to the whole world as well. Your uniqueness is one of the things I truly treasure in you.
My Grandmother's Advice is Still True Today...
Here is the incredible advice that my grandma gave me before she sadly passed away...
How to Reframe Your Negative Thinking for a Better Life
In this video, we will learn to process our negative emotions in a way that won't destroy our lives and our happiness.
12 Things You Should Talk to Your Therapist About
12 important issues one should raise with their therapist.
These Beautiful Quotes Will Inspire You to Pick Up a Book
Are you an avid reader? Or maybe, on the contrary, you haven’t picked up a book in a while? These 18 beautiful quotes will surely make you crave a good book
Words Are Powerful, and Must Be Used Wisely...
This video will show you the power and beauty of words, and why you should learn to choose yours wisely.
Famous Quotes and Sayings That Are Grossly Misunderstood
The quotes we list in this article are really famous, but most people don't use them right. Learn about the real meaning of these quotes here!
10 of the Greatest Gifts I've Received to Date
Life bestows many a great gift upon us, but they aren't always obvious. This post will open your eyes to the 10 greatest gifts you can receive in life.
The Secret to Happiness: An Old Monk's Advice
A wonderful TED talk about the easy road to happiness, and how anyone can attain it.
Albert Einstein Had Some Interesting Things to Say...
The famous quotes of Albert Einstein, a man who never ceased being a source of inspiration.
Wabi-Sabi: 5 Lessons from this Japanese Philosophy
discover 5 lessons the Wabi-Sabi philosophy will teach you if you embrace it.
This Poem Will Inspire You in Difficult Times...
These beautiful words will help you in your time of need.
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
Reflection: The Power of Words is Beyond Beautiful
Words are something we often forget to appreciate. What would we do if we didn't have words? This poem and video will make you reflect.
Audrey Hepburn - 16 Quotes on Love, Happiness and Optimism
Audrey Hepburn was one of the most beloved film stars and fashion icons of the 20th century. These quotes highlight her great heart, wisdom, and humility.
14 Clever and Wise Quotes Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits
We’ve prepared 14 joyful, beautiful, motivating, and sometimes even funny quotes, so that everyone can find something to match their mood and lift their spirits!
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
How to Deal With Regret in 9 Easy Steps
Forgive yourself and let go of the regrets binding you with these easy steps.
14 Common Dreams and the Fascinating Truths Behind Them
Have you recently had a dream you didn't understand? Let us help by interpreting these 14 common dream symbols!
10 Sentences That'll Help You Win Arguments
incorporate the following 10 golden phrases into your conversation in order to bring an argument to an end.
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
10 Important Things Our Beloved Pets Teach Us About Life
Our beloved pets offer us the most adorable life lesson you can ever get. Check them out here!