Funny Joke: King Solomon's Got a Serious Decision to Make
King Solomon isn't the monarch for nothing. When a man is dragged before him by two women, his decisions have to be calculated and swift...
When Daddy and Baby Get Together, Hilarity Ensues!
rom high-flying tosses to goofy dances, witness the unfiltered joy and adventurous spirit of fatherhood that brings a new dimension to family fun.
The Parable of the Prince Who Thought He Was a Rooster
A clever story about madness, and how to reach the people who need our help.
This 76-Year-Old Draws Funny Cartoons To Make You Laugh
This 76 year old artist creates funny comics that delight everyone.
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
This comedy sketch begins with a standard business meeting, but the boss has a real problem with people's language...
Hilarious Improv: Dear Wife, I'm Writing You This Letter...
These two improv performers are only allowed to say one word at a time. Following a suggestion from the audience.
Interactive: What Does Your Zodiac Sun Sign Say About You?
his animated guide will ask you to select a zodiac sign and then open a big load of information and media for you to enjoy
This Profound Story Taught Me the Importance of Gratitude
The eraser seemingly only exists for the pencil. Does this remind you of anyone?
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
Release Your Fears & Anxieties with These Calming Mantras
These calming mantras have a calming effect and will help you deal with anxiety.
9 Ways to Tell That Someone is Hiding Depression
Depression is a common disorder, but many of those with suffer from it try to hide it - these 9 signs will tell you if someone you know is depressed.
This Grandson Learned a Lesson He Will Carry Forever!
A story about stepping out of our comfort zone and living life to the fullest.
10 Things That Matter in Life That We Always Forget
We often forget the following 10 things, but by embracing them we can live more fulfilling lives.
These Three Little Words Will Strengthen Any Friendship
Any close friends deserve to hear these three little words.
These Quotes Will Remind You of Your Inner Strength
The past year hasn’t been easy on any of us. Whenever you feel times are getting tough, these quotes will remind you that you can, and will, get through this!
18 Stories That Feel Like a Warm Hug on a Rough Day
Here’s a collection of heartwarming stories to cheer you up.
May This Beautiful Blessing Uplift Your Spirits
Remember to take a break and enjoy the simple things in life.
The History of the Statue of Liberty and Its Symbolism
The history behind the Statue of Liberty and the poem that has come to symbolize it,
This Story Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Think
Here's a story about a husband who missed something very important in his life. This is a story we could all learn something from.
12 Habits That Will Help You Gain Respect and Admiration
We all have moments in life where we feel like the whole world is just ignoring us, but if you adopt the following habits, you'll see things quickly change ...
The Wise and Beautiful Words of Princess Diana
Proncess Diana is remembered for her grace, compassion, and generosity. These are her most powerful words.
The Wittiest, Wisest Quotes by Oscar Wilde!
Oscar Wilde was world famous for his wit. These quotes will show you exactly why that was...
14 Quirky Inspirational Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face
Feeling a little down? These humorous words of wisdom will inspire you with a smile.
You'll Do Much Better In Life If You Realize These Things
Life teaches us many lessons, however,sadly many of us are guilty of forgetting the lessons we learn along the way. Here are 24 things to keep in mind in life.
When Times Get Tough, This Poem Will Inspire You to Go On
No matter how tough life gets, find the strength within you to 'Keep On'. This inspiring poem will encourage you to do just that.
Breathe. Move. Relax. Yoga for a Calmer You
Try these easy yoga poses to reduce stress and anxiety.
These Beautiful Quotes Will Bring Peace to Your Soul
Here is a selection of 20 pieces of beautiful and wise quotes, for you to be inspired by and lift your spirits!
This Meditation Guide Just May Change Your Life!
There is a free and effective way to improve your life in a variety of areas, find out how by reading this article....
The 8 Ingredients for Einstein's Problem Solving Recipe
We all know that Einstein gave the world a great scientific inheritance, achieved largely through his problem solving skills. Here are 8 of his secrets.
How to Stop Worrying About Letting People Down
With the following 6 tips, you can overcome this overwhelming feeling and learn how to stop fearing disappointing others.
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
Learn 8 Effective Ways for Overcoming Your Self-Doubt
Self-doubt has the power to stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward, the next guide will help you overcome it!
10 Superb Quotes From Ancient Rome’s Emperors
For your viewing pleasure, we collected 10 precious nuggets of wisdom famously uttered by Roman Emperors.
How to Argue Effectively Without Losing Relationships
An argument with a friend or family member can turn unpleasant rather quickly. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case.
The Great Female Quotes No One Ever Told You About
Most collections of quotations are drawn from celebrated 'men' of letters. But what about the wisest women of our age? Here are some enlightening quotes.
What is the Karpman Triangle, and Is it Affecting You?
Learn what the Karpman Triangle is and how it may be harming your family's relationship with each other...
Follow This Advice and People Will Start Trusting You More
This video will show you how to become more trusted in the complex world of today.
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
True Friendship Should Be Cherished Forever...
There are few things more enjoyable, more lasting at times, and more crucial to living a life as it should be lived - as true friendship.
This Method is Becoming Popular for Life Improvement
Learn how to connect your body to your thoughts and overcome stress, dilemmas and even pain with this very effective method approach!
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
30 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius - The Philosopher King
Marcus Aurelius best known for his stoic philosophy personal writings 'Meditations' - a collection of 12 short books about Self-discipline, guidance, motivation, and self-improvement. 30 beautiful quotes by Marcus Aurelius still relevant today.
Discover Your Joyful True Nature in 5 Valuable Steps
Discover your joyful true nature in 5 meditative steps.
These Quotes By George Orwell Will Make You Stop and Think
These quotes by George Orwell will make you stop and think.
7 Tips for Dealing with Depression from a Life Coach
Dealing with depression and heartbreak is not easy, for the sufferers themselves or for their relatives, but the following 7 tips can be very helpful.
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
9 Ways to Tell That Someone is Hiding Depression
Depression is a common disorder, but many of those with suffer from it try to hide it - these 9 signs will tell you if someone you know is depressed.
This Grandson Learned a Lesson He Will Carry Forever!
A story about stepping out of our comfort zone and living life to the fullest.
10 Things That Matter in Life That We Always Forget
We often forget the following 10 things, but by embracing them we can live more fulfilling lives.
This Beautiful Story Shows Who the Real Heroes Are
This video touched me so deeply, and I know it will do the same for you. This video brings to light the real heroes of every day life.
50 Pieces of Advice That'll Help You Age Gracefully
50 fantastic pieces of advice that will you age with grace and dignity. You'd do well to remember these tips.
The Important Things Are the Ones that Make You Happy...
A few suggestions made by this simple yet powerful little video, to remind us of the important things in life...
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