There are many things in life that we have to learn to accept, regardless of whether we like them or not. These include our flaws, regrets and mistakes. As the year draws to a close, I’d like to come to terms with the things I find difficult to accept so that I can let go of them before the New Year of 2024 sets in. You should do the same – free yourself from the things that are keeping you stuck in the past. I’m sure that you can relate to the following affirmations:
To the Irreplaceable Woman Whom I Love Most of All
Sometimes women don't realize their own greatness. This is what they need to know.
Mother Teresa Had a Lot to Teach Us About Humility
We often talk about our pride, but what about our humility? If there's one wise woman who could teach us how to be humble, it's surely Saint Mother Teresa...
13 of the Most Inspiring Quotes You'll Ever Come Across
We all need to feel inspired from time to time, and undoubtedly these 13 nuggets of wisdom will
6 Essential Ethics for Life that Infuse Them With Hope
When I am spiritually lost I return to Dr. Dyer's 6 essential principles for living a spiritually wonderful life. The 6 fruits of his wisdom are ...
The Most Precious Thing in the World Is Not What You Think...
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
The Most Precious Thing in the World Is Not What You Think
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
Send a Greeting Card to Your Loved Ones This Christmas
Wish your loved ones a Merry Christmas by sending your loved ones one of these greeting cards.
The Conclusions Drawn From a 75-Year-Long Happiness Study
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is the fourth appointed head of the longest happiness study in history. Watch this video to see what its conclusions were.
11 Precious Romantic Quotes to Rekindle Relationships
Get inspired by this collection of 11 quotes about love and relationships, and find one that will spark a newfound appreciation of your partner
7 Small Mistakes That Ruin the First Impression You Give
When trying to make personal or professional connections, first impressions do count. Expets advise avoiding these 7 mistakes when introducing yourself.
The Great Female Quotes No One Ever Told You About
Most collections of quotations are drawn from celebrated 'men' of letters. But what about the wisest women of our age? Here are some enlightening quotes.
These 15 Concessions Will Make You a Happier Person
Some believe that the more things we have, the happier we are, but that's not true. Discover the 15 things you should actually give up to be happy.
This Guide of 40 Tips Will Improve Your Life
There are many ways that you can improve your life. Check out these 40 inspiring tips.
Get in Here for Some Heartwarming Captures!
Let these captures and posts warm your heart with some positive stories.
Read These Words and Put Them In Your Heart...
These words are all on your side - read them and have yourselves a wonderful, peaceful day.
30 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius - The Philosopher King
Marcus Aurelius best known for his stoic philosophy personal writings 'Meditations' - a collection of 12 short books about Self-discipline, guidance, motivation, and self-improvement. 30 beautiful quotes by Marcus Aurelius still relevant today.
Because Sometimes it's Hard to find the Right Words...
We all have someone in our lives who mean so much to us that we can hardly find the words. Sending them this video will let them know how you feel about them.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
This Is to Remind You of the Glory in Growing Old
When viewed from a different perspective, growing old is a beautiful and highly-dignified thing. If you need a reminder of this, you need to read this post.
Food For Thought: How to Live a Life Free of Regret
You can't control everything, but you can control what you think about it and deal with your regrets in a way that will benefit your life.
I Hope You Enjoy These Beautiful Quotes About Friendship
It can be hard to sum up what your friendships mean to you in normal words. That's what makes these beautiful quotations all the more special.
17 Beautiful Quotes to Garner Ease and Happiness in Life
If you feel exhausted, sad, or lonely, read these brilliant quotes. They will help you find strength within yourself and be the capable person you know you are.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
I Read These Words to Uplift Myself...
May these beautiful words remind you how precious life truly is.
A Few Words of Inspiration Can Go a Long Way...
Some good advice to help you along in life.
The Unexpected Differences Between the Rich and the Poor
The following story will leave you wondering about the real differences that exist between the rich and the poor.
Inspiring Words! Give Yourself the Things You Deserve
In order to celebrate life and its blessings, you need to allow yourself to do these important things.
The Most Precious Thing in the World Is Not What You Think
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
This Man is Truly Inspiring! Take a Look at These Quotes
Mahatma Gandhi is often seen as an inspiring man most of us look to for his profound wisdom.
10 Things You Really Need to Stop Apologizing For
Do you constantly find yourself apologizing for these things? It’s time to change your ways.
Read These Messages to Change Your Life For the Better
Sometimes in life, you need to just stop and reflect on where you are and who you have become. These 20 inspirational ways will help you change for the better.
Did You Know That Birds Can Teach Us About Life?
Birds have to have certain traits just to survive in the wilderness, namely patience and perseverance. Imagine if you could apply such traits to your own life.
10 Things All Couples Need to Do to Be in Love Forever
Everyone talks about that special spark, but what's the secret to making it last? Every couple should know these tips...
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
When Times are Hard, Remember These 7 Encouraging Speeches
Some leaders managed to inspire millions and sometimes even change the course of history through their speeches, and here 7 prime examples
Talking to Yourself Has More Benefits Than You Realized
Talking to yourself isn’t unusual. In fact, it has more benefits than you realize.
There's No Greater Gift Than These 8 Treasured Offerings
These gifts are priceless and I want to share them with you.
Stick to These 6 Principles for the Best Life
There are certain universal truths that apply to anyone and everyone. Here are 6 of them.
This Comes From the Heart: The Blessing You Deserve
Today, inspire someone to have a blessed day by wishing them all you think they deserve, for being truly wonderful beings.
Say These 10 Words of Positivity Every Single Day
If you say these 10 uplifting words every single day, you'll immediately start seeing life more positively than ever before. Then you'll know what a gift it is.
10 Great Promises That We Should All Make to Ourselves
Beautiful and touching promises that we should remember to make to ourselves.
In The Pursuit of Happiness This is What You Need to Know...
Striving to be happy takes work and requires a change from within, and not from without. Let these quotes inspire you to achieve your happiness.
Have You Ever Wondered Why We Love? Here are 5 Theories
Why do we love? Why do we put ourselves through heartbreak? Neither science nor psychology explain this, but this video puts forward some interesting theories.
If You've Known Love, This Song Will Move You...
Contemporary pop songs don't manage to convey the emotion of love like the songs of the past, but this wonderful piece does so in a charming and moving way...
Here’s How to Stop Taking Others' Opinions So Personally
Many of us often feel offended by the actions or comment of others, even though it may have nothing to do with us, here's how to stop taking things personally.