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17 Heartwarming and Inspiring Acts of Kindness

Constantly following the news or being caught up in the stressful and mundane everyday life may make you believe that Earth is a terrible place, which it simply isnโ€™t, as our world is so rich in beauty and abundant in good-hearted compassionate people who support and help others, be it a close person, a stranger, or even a furry or feathered friend. We hope these 17 heartwarming images will brighten up your day and inspire you to be even more kind and loving towards others.

1. This couple was visiting an art museum and the woman was explaining each of the sculptures in detail to her blind husband

images that will restore your faith in humanity couple at museum

2. Stranger helping a handicapped girl cross a busy intersection

3. This man needed a kidney transplant and a distant acquaintance whom he barely knew from school from 50 years ago became his donor

images that will restore your faith in humanity kidney transplant

4. Police canine deaths are sadly anything but rare, and a shortage of vests is one of the causes

images that will restore your faith in humanity bulletrproof dog vests

5. This man's moral strength wasn't shattered even by the infamous L.A. traffic

images that will restore your faith in humanity geese

6. Just a kind man pushing his happy pet on a swing

images that will restore your faith in humanity

7. This is an excellent way to spread kindness throughout the world

images that will restore your faith in humanity tires

8. Every neighborhood should have one of these

images that will restore your faith in humanity food box

9. As first, this man was very upset because the new dog pillow he got was knocked off to the neighboring roof, but he was relieved to see that the pillow soon gained a proud new owner

images that will restore your faith in humanity cat on a pillow

10. This is the very definition of optimism!

images that will restore your faith in humanity

11. I wish everyone would stop and help animals cross the street

images that will restore your faith in humanity beaver

12. This barber gives a $2 discount to every kid who reads a book aloud 

images that will restore your faith in humanity barber

13. Even the smallest of good deeds can have the biggest impact

images that will restore your faith in humanity change for ticket london

14. Stories like these always bring tears to my eyes

images that will restore your faith in humanity leukemia couple

15. A dog that recovered from severe burns finally met the vet who saved his life

images that will restore your faith in humanity

16. Just beautiful and so kind...

images that will restore your faith in humanity John Williams
17. Park ranger comforts orphan baby gorilla as bombs fire above Virunga National Park, Rwanda
images that will restore your faith in humanity gorilla
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