The Words of This German Spiritualist Are Fascinating...
Quotes from spiritual mentor Eckhart Tolle will lead you on the path to happiness, peace, and love.
16 Great Ways to Calm Down Anytime and Anywhere
With the following 16 ways, you can calm yourself down whether you're in the car, at the office, at home or with your kids.
15 Lovely Christmas Quotes That Will Fill Your Heart with Joy
These beautiful Christmas are sayings everyone can be thankful for!
Inspiring! This is What Christmas is Really About
To celebrate the festivities here are some inspiring quotes that will get you in the Christmas-cheer mood.
3 Fun & Creative Christmas DIY Projects
Bring in some holiday cheer to your house with 3 fun and easy DIY projects
These Waterparks are Perfect for a Summer Holiday!
You can spend days over days in these wonderful water parks and still not get enough! They are the perfect places for a water and summer loving family!
If Life Has Taken a Sudden Turn, Read These Words
If you're feeling like your life is at a crossroads, these inspiring words will uplift your spirits.
There's No Greater Gift Than These 8 Treasured Offerings
These gifts are priceless and I want to share them with you.
I'd Like to Say a Few Beautiful Words About Friendship...
Here are some famous quotes on friendship that will say it best to the friends you care about
These Quotes By George Orwell Will Make You Stop and Think
These quotes by George Orwell will make you stop and think.
5 Psychological Theories For Understanding the Mind & Soul
These five psychological theories are considered to be breakthroughs in understanding the mind. Knowing them can certainly change your life for the better.
The Chinese Have a Quote For Everything!
These Chinese words of wisdom will inspire you and provide you with a greater understanding of life.
In The Pursuit of Happiness This is What You Need to Know...
Striving to be happy takes work and requires a change from within, and not from without. Let these quotes inspire you to achieve your happiness.
Beautiful Story: The Suspended Cup of Coffee...
While having some coffee in a small cafe, one man learns how a small act of kindness can have a big impact on someone's day.
12 Things You Should Talk to Your Therapist About
12 important issues one should raise with their therapist.
10 Superb Quotes From Ancient Rome’s Emperors
For your viewing pleasure, we collected 10 precious nuggets of wisdom famously uttered by Roman Emperors.
How to Let Go of Negative Memories: Practical Strategies
Want to forget something unpleasant? These strategies might help.
Helen Keller Fought to Speak And Left Us With These Words
Helen Keller spent her life working hard and overcoming great odds, and used her words, like these quotes, to inspire people everywhere
18 Beautiful Words of Affirmation to Cultivate Confidence
Here is a collection of 18 terrific words of affirmation that will channel some positivity and motivation into your life!
This Profound Story Taught Me the Importance of Gratitude
The eraser seemingly only exists for the pencil. Does this remind you of anyone?
This Poem Will Inspire You in Difficult Times...
These beautiful words will help you in your time of need.
This Story Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Think
Here's a story about a husband who missed something very important in his life. This is a story we could all learn something from.
The Change Begins From Within: 8 Illusions Keeping You from Life
The great illusions of life serve as "excuses" that prevent us from reaching happiness and success, here is how to see beyond them...
Live Longer and Better With These Longevity Practices
These time-tested longevity secrets really do work!
This Beautiful Story Made Me Think About My Life...
This beautiful story takes a simple coffee drink and creates a lesson for us all.
The Wise and Beautiful Words of Princess Diana
Proncess Diana is remembered for her grace, compassion, and generosity. These are her most powerful words.
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
This Beautiful Tale has a Strong Lesson to Teach Us All
This inspirational tale tells the story of a young woman who got advice from a wise old storyteller. This moral is one we can all learn from.
7 Tips for Dealing with Depression from a Life Coach
Dealing with depression and heartbreak is not easy, for the sufferers themselves or for their relatives, but the following 7 tips can be very helpful.
Is There Anyone You Know Who Deserves a Beautiful Bouquet?
Flowers have special sigifications and symbolism. Choosing the right one for your dear friends and family is a great way to express your love.
How to Stop Worrying About Letting People Down
With the following 6 tips, you can overcome this overwhelming feeling and learn how to stop fearing disappointing others.
This Story of Father and Son Touched My Heart...
A beautiful way to demonstrate the circle of caring and love between parent and child.
How To Avoid and Deal With Emotional Blackmail
Emotional blackmail can be very tough to live with. Educate yourself to see the signs of emotional blackmail, as well as learn how to avoid it altogether.
16 Beautiful Words of Wisdom to Brighten Up Your Soul
We hope these beautiful quotes will inspire and motivate you to great deeds and spread kindness to others, too.
12 Epic Ways to Help You Take Charge of Your Destiny!
These 12 powerful ways will help you take charge of your destiny and transform your life.
Learn How to Cope With Erikson's 8 Stages of Life
Looking at Erikson's 8 conflicts of life and its relation to our modern life.
This Beautiful Story Will Surely Touch Your Heart
This story touched me very deeply, and I know it will do the same for you.
Inspiring: This Moral Will Give You Some Perspective
This short tale reminds us that just when we think all hope is lost, there may be a brighter solution.
16 Powerful Quotes That Capture the Essence of Karma
These karma quotes offer deep life insights.
If You Ever Want to Feel Gratitude, Just Watch This...
Turn off all distractions, lay back, listen to and watch this video. It will help you achieve some peace and a sense of gratitude for what life has in store...
May These Words Light Your Way...
Sometimes It's not easy to listen to something, But when we do, good things just might happen. Read some wise thoughts and take a moment to ponder.
This Gives Us a Lesson That We Should All Take Note Of!
May this video inspire you to keep you candle of hope flickering, despite the losses you may have experienced in life.
Adopt These 14 Habits and Start Enjoying a Better Life!
These14 simple tips and easy habits don't require special effort, but their contribution to your body and mind health is tremendous ...
Did You Know the Origin of These 10 Superstitions?
Discover the interesting reasons behind why you're afraid of walking under ladders, seeing a black cat, breaking a mirror, and many others!
These Innocent Questions Can Hurt Other People’s Feelings
Sometimes, asking seemingly innocent and common questions can hurt other people’s feelings.
The 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language
Words have power! How do you use ten of the most powerful words in the English language?
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