Frank Sinatra is widely seen as the first modern superstar of popular music, with an entertainment career that spanned more than five decades. He was born in Hoboken, New Jersey on December 12, 1915, the only child of Italian immigrants Martin and Natalie Sinatra. Sinatra knew from an early age that he was destined for the stage. He dropped out of high school in order to chase his dreams and became the master of romantic ballads during World War II. His appeal began to wane in the late 1940s, but Sinatra had the rare ability to reinvent himself, and had a spectacular comeback in the 1950s, this time with a rougher, more world-weary singing style.
In addition to his great success in music, Sinatra had also appeared in many movies, becoming the epitome of show-business success. As a prominent figure with such vast life experience, Sinatra had some very memorable and inspiring quotes on life, love, success, and more. Here are the 13 of his most remarkable utterances.
Related: Frank Sinatra’s Music is Timeless, As This Playlist Proves
Related: 14 Smart and Insightful Quotes By Andy Warhol
Related: Frank Sinatra: Young at Heart
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