People often conceive of comics as either childish or funny, but this medium has more potential than one would think! The comics we’re about to share with you may look colorful and cute, but they actually tackle many important and serious topics, such as coping with criticism and anxiety, going through grief, and garnering empathy, self-love, and kindness within you. Scroll through these wholesome, feel-good comics and get inspired for the day!
These colorful illustrations were created by an artist that goes by the name Slimy Oddity, check out more works by this artist by visiting their Instagram Page.
Get Ready to Laugh with these Witty Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by cartoonist D.T. Walsh.
These Comic Strips Will Make You Both Laugh and Think
Prepare to be taken on a hilarious yet emotional journey thanks to these fabulous comic strips.
These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
Enjoy this humorous collection of single-panel comics by Harry Bliss.
You Will Crack Up Reading These One-Panel Cartoons!
Comic artist creates witty yet hilarious single-panel comics. Check out some of his best ones.
Funny Cartoons NEVER Go Out of Style!
Time to laugh out loud with these hilarious comics by Leigh Rubin.
16 Clever One-Panel Comics That'll Crack You Up!
Check out these humorous one-panel comics by cartoonist Jeff Swenson.
This Dog Was Left on a Deserted Island, Until...
this video will break your heart and then mend it as you see this poor dog being rescued.
Breathe. Move. Relax. Yoga for a Calmer You
Try these easy yoga poses to reduce stress and anxiety.
The Truth Behind This Song's Words Will Touch You Deeply
Tears in Heaven was written as a father's attempt to fight the most affecting grief any parent could experience. The beauty of this song staggers.
The 8 Ingredients for Einstein's Problem Solving Recipe
We all know that Einstein gave the world a great scientific inheritance, achieved largely through his problem solving skills. Here are 8 of his secrets.
14 Inspiring Lessons That Can Be Found in Children's Books
These are the life lessons that will be passed on from generation to generation. Do you remember any of them?
Viking Wisdom: Life Lessons from the Norse Legends
Find inspiration in these wise and powerful Viking quotes.
I Was Having a Bad Day Until I Came Across These Words
Words have the power to change your day for the better. Here are some inspirational quotes that offer you some inspired perspective.
14 Clever and Wise Quotes Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits
We’ve prepared 14 joyful, beautiful, motivating, and sometimes even funny quotes, so that everyone can find something to match their mood and lift their spirits!
Words Are Powerful, and Must Be Used Wisely...
This video will show you the power and beauty of words, and why you should learn to choose yours wisely.
12 Wise Quotes About World Peace
The world is in need of peace, and here's a touching way of spreading it. Here are 12 touching inspirational quotes by some of these unforgettable figures.
Silence is the Most Profound and Beautiful Sound of All...
By enjoying sweet moments of silence, you can truly commune with the One True Unity that encompasses us and all creation.
Time to Relax: Read and Rest Your Mind...
When writers and philosophers tell you to relax and forget all your troubles, you should probably listen...
These Words Reminded Me That You Will Always Be With Me
This poem will give you reassurance knowing that in spite of a relative or lover passing away, they're still with you every step of the way.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
Inspiring and Comforting Quotes for Tough Moments
14 quotes on perseverance through hard times to inspire and lift your spirit.
Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are the words that best describe restorative yoga - a yoga style that is all about emotional relaxation and healing.
The Wittiest, Wisest Quotes by Oscar Wilde!
Oscar Wilde was world famous for his wit. These quotes will show you exactly why that was...
True Friendship Should Be Cherished Forever...
There are few things more enjoyable, more lasting at times, and more crucial to living a life as it should be lived - as true friendship.
Today, Get Inspired and Dare To Be...
Today, how are you going to live? These words will inspire you to be your true self!
Here's Some Precious Advice You'll Really Thank Me For...
We all have regrets, but that's no excuse for not getting rid of bad habits today. Here are 5 things you should do to make sure you look back on life kindly.
These Simple Words Can Help You Through Life's Troubles
Sometimes as adults we over-complicate life. Babies, on the other hand, really demonstrate how life is to be enjoyed simply. Follow their wise lead.
10 Types of People We All Need in Our Life
Today we will introduce you to 10 types of people that your soul needs, and we will also explain to you where you can find them and who they can be.
Did You Know the Origin of These 10 Superstitions?
Discover the interesting reasons behind why you're afraid of walking under ladders, seeing a black cat, breaking a mirror, and many others!
18 Wholesome Messages Found in Unexpected Street Corners
We found these inspiring street messages that will help lift you up.
15 Inspiring Quotes by Great Minds to Spark Courage in You
To help you reclaim your bravery, here are 15 inspiring and thought provoking quotes by world renowned thinkers of the past and present
There's Nothing Better Than a True Friend...
Real friends are rare, and must be kept and treated in kind, for there are few people who will make your time in this life better than that true friend.
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
The Change Begins From Within: 8 Illusions Keeping You from Life
The great illusions of life serve as "excuses" that prevent us from reaching happiness and success, here is how to see beyond them...
Are We Afraid to Ask Ourselves These Questions?
These questions should be pondered, the answers you give may change your outlook on life...
If You Ever Want to Feel Gratitude, Just Watch This...
Turn off all distractions, lay back, listen to and watch this video. It will help you achieve some peace and a sense of gratitude for what life has in store...
What Will You Be Asked in Heaven? Definitely Not This!
What will God ask you, when you pass through those gates? Here are 10 things he will surely not ask.
Founding Father Ben Franklin’s Recipe to a Life Well Lived
Tips to a life well lived from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
Don't Make Life So Complicated! Live by These 3 Rules
We make our lives out to be more complicated than they need to be. Listen to these inspiring words.
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
These are the Things That Make a True Friend...
True friendship is something that we should all cherish in life, however, on occasion, we should also take the time to define what it really means.
Because Sometimes it's Hard to find the Right Words...
We all have someone in our lives who mean so much to us that we can hardly find the words. Sending them this video will let them know how you feel about them.
8 Smart Quotes That Will Teach You Life's Lessons
Here are 8 pieces of advice that have really helped me throughout me life.
Regrets in Life Arise When We Ignore These 7 Vital Things
How can you change your perspective and mindset to enhance our experience of life for the better? Find out here.
What You Should NOT Say to a Friend With an Ill Loved One
A list of 10 phrases its best to avoid when a friend's loved one is battling terminal illness
This is What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Health
Astrologists use the movement and positions of the stars and other celestial objects to draw information about human health. This is what they have to say!