Mother Teresa was an inspiration to millions due to her lifelong devotion to the neediest and most vulnerable people of the world. The selflessness and sacrifice with which she lived her life made her an international symbol of charitable work, and the love and compassion that she showed to destitute of all faiths won her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, which she donated to the poor.
In 2016, Mother Teresa was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as Saint Teresa. Below are 10 great inspirational quotes from her that will guide you to become a better person.
Sometimesm, the Right Words Can Return Our Balance
Learn to achieve balance in your life and get the inspiration you need from these quotes.
10 Moving Quotes That'll Help You Pursue a Fulfilling Life
With every rise of the sun, you get a new opportunity to fill your day with new meaning, to live your life the way you choose. Here are 10 uplifting quotes.
This Man is Truly Inspiring! Take a Look at These Quotes
Mahatma Gandhi is often seen as an inspiring man most of us look to for his profound wisdom.
These Wise Buddha Quotes Made Me Think...
These inspiring Buddha quotes are great food for thought!
These 8 Great Quotes May Change Your Outlook on Life
These beautiful, smart and honest quotes all have great thoughts behind them, each a treasure of the mind.
Winston Churchill's Most Inspiring and Motivating Quotes
Have a look at these inspirational and motivational quotes from Great Britain's legendary wartime leader, Winston Churchill.
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Habit?
Is your financial situation dependent on the stars?
Everyone Needs to Know the Magic They Make You Feel
Because you wish them all the best, because they help you and work so hard, you just want to show your friend that you love them...
14 Morning Mantras You Should Say to Yourself Each Day
Make it a habit to let these beautiful and meaningful mantras resonate in your soul every morning.
Learn All About the 7 Ancient Greek Types of Love
We all crave a romantic type of love. But which type of love do you have?
This Comes From the Heart: The Blessing You Deserve
Today, inspire someone to have a blessed day by wishing them all you think they deserve, for being truly wonderful beings.
Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
Psychologists also experience stress and anxiety, however, they have methods of dealing with it. Learn their methods here!
Is There Anyone You Know Who Deserves a Beautiful Bouquet?
Flowers have special sigifications and symbolism. Choosing the right one for your dear friends and family is a great way to express your love.
Timeless Wisdom: 15 Brilliant Quotes From Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei thought-provoking quotes continue to inspire us today.
There's Nothing Better Than Life Advice From a Dear Friend
Receive the kind of life advice you've always wanted to be given - you will see how it all makes sense.
One Thing I Want To Remember: It's in the Valleys I Grow...
Here's a beautiful and powerful prayer you will need to get through your downfalls..
I Can’t Believe These Ordinary Words Used to Mean That...
Let’s take a short journey back in time and trace the origins of 11 seemingly-ordinary words that have exceptionally-interesting histories.
The Wisdom of Sigmund Freud: 18 Must-Read Quotes
These Sigmund Freud quotes reveal the mind’s secrets.
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
Wishing You a Happy & Prosperous NEW YEAR!
Wish the important people in your life a Happy New Year by sending them one of these greeting cards.
Inspiring Words! Give Yourself the Things You Deserve
In order to celebrate life and its blessings, you need to allow yourself to do these important things.
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
Life is a Blessing and Here are 8 Reasons Why...
Whenever we are feeling down, we often lose sight of what we have to be thankful for in our life. Here are 8 blessings that I am thankful for:
You Really Need to Read These Brilliant Lao-Tzu Quotes
The ancient wisdom of Lao Tzu is still relevant to this day. Here are a selection of his wonderful quotes.
Say These 10 Words of Positivity Every Single Day
If you say these 10 uplifting words every single day, you'll immediately start seeing life more positively than ever before. Then you'll know what a gift it is.
Voltaire's Quotes Are So Witty That It Hurts!
Throughout Voltaire's immense body of work, there lie plenty of important and memorable quotes, and here are 15 of his finest.
14 Gestures That Prove Your Spouse Still Loves You
Usually, after several decades of living together, we forget to show our partners how much we still love them, but these 14 little gestures do just that.
15 Crucial Signs It's Really Time to Move On
In life, there are key indicators that stare us in the face, letting us know that it's time to move on, yet we still miss them. Watch this touching video.
Ancient Wisdom: Timeless Chinese Idioms and Proverbs
Learn life lessons from these ancient Chinese proverbs and idioms.
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
Nourishing vs Toxic Pleasure: What is the Difference?
Pleasure is an essential part of being human, in fact it's physically important for our health. But not all kinds of pleasure - what is toxic pleasure?
The Island of Love: A Beautiful Story...
What are the things that draw us away from love? Here's a story that will open your eyes to them.
11 of Eleanor Roosevelt's Most Inspiring Musings
Eleanor Roosevelt was an empowered woman with many wise words to share with the world. Here are 11 of her most inspiring quotes.
May Your Life be Blessed with Strength and Courage
You are more courageous than you think. Here's a message that will inspire you.
These Quotes Will Remind You of Your Inner Strength
The past year hasn’t been easy on any of us. Whenever you feel times are getting tough, these quotes will remind you that you can, and will, get through this!
12 Things You Should Talk to Your Therapist About
12 important issues one should raise with their therapist.
This Profound Story Taught Me the Importance of Gratitude
The eraser seemingly only exists for the pencil. Does this remind you of anyone?
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
These Inspirational Quotes Can Help Boost Your Faith
The spiritual quotes in this video can help you better understand your faith and relationship with God. They will provide you with strength, clarity and motivation,
I Just Wanted to Say: I Love My Family
For a lot of people, family bonds run a whole lot deeper than just blood. If you feel this way about your family, be sure to share this greeting with them.
Helen Keller Fought to Speak And Left Us With These Words
Helen Keller spent her life working hard and overcoming great odds, and used her words, like these quotes, to inspire people everywhere
Let These Life Quotes Reach Deep into Your Beautiful Soul
Whenever you feel low, all it can take to turn your spirit is around the powerful truth that comes from a wise quote. Here are some of our favorites.
Don't Forget! You Are Special & Unique
Often we can feel worthless, so it's important to be reminded of this terrible falsehood. We are all unique and important people for God. He loves you.
12 Tips to Turn Your Pain Into Wisdom and Strength
with the following 12 tips, you’ll learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and wisdom.
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
Embrace Gratitude: 11 Quotes to Elevate Your Life
Let's remind ourselves of the beauty of life and how fortunate we are to be right here, right now, by reading though 11 gorgeous, wise quotes on gratitude.
Get Inspired by These Lovely Words – 14 Pics
Read these positive and uplifting words of wisdom to get inspired.