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10 Extraordinary Motivational Sentences

Sometimes all it takes to change the way people think is one simple sentence. A tiny piece of inspiring information can make us look at something in a totally different light. Whether it's about success, happiness, or something else entirely, words have the power to make a significant impact. 
Therefore, with this in mind, below you'll find 10 motivational sentences, of which it might take just one to change your life today. 
1. "Everybody is given the same number of hours every day to accomplish what they want to accomplish, and that's 24...no more, no less."
10 Extraordinary Motivational Sentences
We all get given the same number of hours to use each given day. This means that the likes of Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Warren Buffet all have the same amount of time every day as we do. So really, if they can be successful, we can too. 
We have the same amount of time to use to our advantage, so why can't we put in the same amount of work and get the same results as they do?
2. "Some of the most successful people in the world have been rejected hundreds of times before finally reaching success."
What do Colonel Sanders, Tim Ferriss, and J.K. Rowling have in common?
They were all rejected a number of times. In fact, they were rejected so many times that if you tried to count, you'd run out of fingers and toes pretty quickly. 
Rowling and Ferriss' books were rejected by more than 20 publishers, and Colonel Sanders' KFC recipe was rejected over 100 times before it started making him some serious money. 
Therefore, no matter how much rejection you suffer in life, there's always hope. Don't forget that. 
3. "20% of your problems are the reason for 80% of your unhappiness."
This is the old Pareto principle; where 20% of your efforts can equal 80% of the results. This principle also works for other areas and aspects of your life. 
Once you have realized this, you're able to identify the 20%, solve the issues, and remove them from your life. 
This is something that you can apply to many areas of life, whether it's productivity, goals, happiness, or something else. 
4. "It's possible for you to be earning half the amount of money somebody else is earning, and still live a better and healthier life."
10 Extraordinary Motivational Sentences
It's never about how much you are earning, it's about what you do with the money you earn, as well as how you're earning. 
Someone could be slaving away working 80 hours a week in a job they hate, earning a six-figure salary, but spend that money on material things they never even have the time to use. 
Whereas somebody else could be traveling around the world doing what they love, earning just enough to scrape by. They only work 30 hours a week and are much happier. The difference of your life's quality is never in how much money you're earning, but in how you're earning and spending it.
5. "If you never ask for things, you'll never get them."
People like to wonder why there aren't any opportunities for them out there. Well, it's because you're not asking for them! You're not knocking on that door!
Even with small things, such as getting a discount on something you buy, asking somebody out on a date, or getting an extra egg for breakfast from the hotel. It's all about friendly smiles, conversations, and actually asking the question. 
This is can be applied to any situation in life. The sole thing to remember is that you shouldn't wait for them to come to you. 
6. "Big things have small beginnings, so don't be put off by starting out small."
Amazon, Apple, Dell, Google and many other billion dollar companies actually started off in garages or bedrooms. 
If this doesn't inspire you, then nothing will. All these companies started off small, and just look at how much they have grown over the years. 
Never be put off by the fact that you might be starting a business or any other skill at the bottom of the barrel as big things always start from small beginnings. 
7. "You don't laugh at the same joke repeatedly, so why do you cry over the same problems repeatedly?"
The first time we hear a joke it's hilarious. The second time, it's funny. By the third, you probably won't laugh. However, when it comes to a problem we have, we get upset over it repeatedly. 
We need to learn to worry less, and not waste our precious time crying over the same problem. 
8. "There won't always be tomorrow; so, it's safe to say that if you're putting off something until tomorrow, it won't get done."
10 Extraordinary Motivational Sentences
You can never say for certain if you'll be waking up to another day tomorrow. It's a sad reality, that one day you can be here, and the next you're gone. 
The excuse of "I'll do it tomorrow," just doesn't fit right.
9. "Many people often hit rock bottom at some point and still become successful."
There are some people out there who have grown up in rough neighborhoods, poor families, bad circumstances, 3rd world countries, and they've still gone on to become successful.
If people from all over the world who come from challenging situations achieve big things, then why can't you?
10. "The most valuable thing you will ever have in life is time, and it's always running out, so use it wisely."
More than friends, more than money, more than a job, more than possessions, time is the most valuable asset you have in life.  
However, most people don't treat time like it's that valuable. They care more about the other things that are mentioned above. You can always earn more money, find a new job, and make new friends, but you cannot get more time. It's impossible. 
The way you spend your time should be the most important thing to you. Don't spend a second of your life complaining, worrying, or being unhappy. 
Source:  wealthygorilla
Images: depositphotos
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