These Misconceptions About Stress Need to Be Cleared Up...
Stress is the same for everybody Stress is an idiosyncratic condition, so it can manifest itself in many different ways. If you get stressed about your finances, career, relationship or any other thing, you should know that your stress triggers are completely unique to you.
8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress
The difference between us and them is that they already know how to deal with the stress. So, take a page out of their book and learn 8 tips for dealing with stress, tension, and anxiety, according to the methods they use themselves. 1.
Take Our Test: Are You Stressed?
Stress is a part of our everyday life. Sometimes we worry, sometimes we feel frightened. Everyone deals with their stress in their own way. But sometimes we're stressed and not even aware of it.
How to Reduce Stress Levels, According to the Experts
She explains that this technique makes you feel deeply cared for and alleviates stress. 5: Proactive Stress Combat - Diet, Sleep and Exercise Many professionals encourage a proactive attitude to fighting stress. The ones mentioned repeatedly are diet, sleep, and exercise.
Can STRESS Give Your Bad Breath?
Medical studies have found that when people are stressed or tense, their mouth odor can worsen. Dr. Michael Greger discusses the results of these studies and the causes of bad breath in general in the following video.
Watch: A Simple Breathing Technique to Reduce Stress
Calm breathing is a technique that many people have found to be life-saving in stressful situations. Although stress can help us focus better at times, too much of it is likely to make us feel faint, unwell, or even hyperventilate.
7 Poses That'll Help You De-Stress
Stress is a major cause of health problems and emotional trauma. It can lead to heart diseases, asthma, obesity, diabetes, depression, stomach problems, accelerated aging and even premature death.
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Being Stressed
But, does actual happiness itself or stress itself kill you? Then no." So, stress and misery aren't killing, they are only making you feel that way. There have been other studies which have taken it a step further and said that it is beneficial to get stressed. Could this really be possible?
Six Rules to Keeping Worry and Stress at Bay
Stress is something that we will all face throughout our lives, but it is actually a lot easier to get rid of than most people think. The following tips in the video below will help to drastically reduce any levels of stress that you may experience in the future.
Feeling Stressed? These Hidden Triggers Could Explain Why
While many stress triggers, such as deadlines and financial issues, are easily identifiable, there are also quite a number of others which are a lot harder to detect.
Stress Could Be Destroying Your Memory! Here's How...
If you've ever had your mind go blank during a stressful situation, such as an exam or job interview, then you're certainly not alone. Scientists have discovered a number of links between stress and memory, some of which are really surprising.
8 Pressure Points That Can Banish Your Stress
The Chest Stress can make us forget to breathe or take shallow breaths. This point helps reduce the stress that accumulates in your chest while reminding you to breathe normally again. Use three fingers to massage this point, or one finger to tap rhythmically on the area while taking deep breaths.
The Secret to a Stress-Free Life? Crying Once a Week!
“The act of crying is more effective than laughing or sleeping in reducing stress. If you cry once a week, you can live a stress-free life,” he said to the Japan Times .
14 Silent Signs That You’re Under Too Much Stress
Living under constant stress is never good for you, but sometimes, the chronic stress you’re experiencing might emerge in surprising ways, slowly chipping away at your physical and emotional well-being.
14 Great Ways That You Can Manage Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are prevalent in today's age, but the overwhelming feelings created, need not dominate and wreak havoc on your life. Overcoming stress is more straightforward than you think.
Mentally Exhausted? Beat the Stress With These 8 Tips!
Even if you get to the office and have a hefty workload, your brain will be ready to handle everything, and you won’t even feel the stress. 3.
These Techniques Helped Me Get Rid of Stress For Good!
From time to time, we all get a little overwhelmed by the stress that builds up in our lives.
Being Stressed Can Cause Constipation, Here’s How
The human digestive system is extremely susceptible to stress, and one of the most common ways stress affects your bowels is by causing one of the most painful, uncomfortable and dangerous digestive issues - constipation.
Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
5 Things That Will Cut Stress Out of Your Life
The stress brought by life itself can sometimes make you want to escape from it all. But in reality, there's absolutely no need to escape. You are right where you have to be, and all you need is a little order in your life to make you feel more organized and in control.
8 Silent Signs of Stress Everyone Should Know About!
According to an American Psychological Association survey, Americans are more stressed than ever before, and nearly one third believe that stress has a negative impact on their physical and mental health. If you have any of the following symptoms, then stress might be making you ill. 1.
Fill Your Home with These 8 Plants to Reduce Stress
It also provides you with a lot of folate which can lower stress levels. The National Institutes of Health have found that low folate levels have been linked to depression. Ensure that you consume a good amount of folate to help keep your spirits high while keeping stress and depression at bay. 3.
If You Have a Dog, Here Are 10 Signs It's Stressed Out
Stress is a natural part of life, be it in humans or dogs. In fact, stress is a lot more common in dogs than you’d think, and it can be caused by a variety of factors.
Adopt These Daily Habits to Make Your Life Less Stressful
The stresses of life can sometimes make you want to escape from it all. In reality, you only need to adopt a few simple habits in order to make your life less stressful.