Animals Are Getting Smarter Every Day, and Here’s Proof!
In fact, there are hundreds of examples out there showing that animals are actually getting smarter by the day. Chimpanzees, for example, can beat humans at recollecting a set of numbers displayed for a fraction of a second. And parrots have been shown to have meaningful conversations with humans!
Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs? This Clip Will Surprise You!
Who says that cats are smarter than dogs? Man's best friends are not only incredibly cute, they are some of the smartest animals ever!
5 Animals That are Smarter than They Look!
Submitted by user: Rajesh Sourash 5 Animals That are Smarter than They Look! nature, animals, intelligence, facts From counting and dancing to incredible communication skills - these five animals may not look like Einstein's, but compared to other animals of their kind - they are geniuses.
10 Things Scientifically Proven to Make Children Smarter
Nevertheless, while instilling these 10 activities during their childhood years will make your kid smarter, studies have also shown that most of these activities benefit teens and adults too. Let's take a look: 1.
This Is How You Determine Whether You're Smarter Than Most
Find out more about these determinants of intelligence in this fascinating video: Are You Smarter Than Average?
A Smarter Approach to Measuring Body Mass Index
For many years, the Body Mass Index (BMI) has been considered a leading metric for determining an individual's health and fitness. There have, however, been concerns raised about its authenticity b..
Get Smarter: How Do Hard Drives Work?
Get Smarter: How Do Hard Drives Work? computers, video, technology, How Things Work, hard drive How do hard drives built and how do they work? All is explained in this video.
Why You're Smarter Than You Think...
What traits classify somebody as a genius, or at least smarter than average? Below are 10 common signs of high intelligence, supported by scientific evidence. Read on and see which of these describes you. 1.
11 FREE Websites That Will Make You Smarter
H/T: 11 Websites that Will Make You Smarter computers, education, websites, guide, learning, Sites, Webinar, Academia Free learning, courses and webinars, all at the tip of your fingers.
In Photos: 15 Ways Crows are Smarter Than You Might Think
Below are some of the most impressive examples of their intelligence, proving that crows may be much smarter than we ever realized. 1. Crow catching a ride on the back of an eagle 2.
WATCH: Crows Are a Lot Smarter Than You Imagine
Crows are known to be very intelligent birds. But as a whole, birds are usually considered less intelligent than mammals. Recently, many scientists have started to claim that although bird intellig..
These 7 Tips Will Help You When Speaking in Public!
Click on images to enlarge [related_articles] 7 Speaking Habits to Make You Sound Smarter tips, informative, infographic, baba recommends, habits, speaking, smarter If you want to improve your speaking in public skills, take a look at these 7 great tips!
6 Google Apps That’ll Make Your Smartphone Even Smarter
Source Source Improve Your Life with These Google Apps tips, computers, google, Cellphone, smartphone, Application, apps, computer and smartphone guides Make your smartphone smarter with these 6 free Google apps.
This Skimming Device Shows How Thieves Are Getting Smarter
I don't know about you but I go everywhere with my bank and credit cards, using them both to get cash and for virtually every transaction. I am aware of ATMs being targeted by thieves, yet only whe..
12 Clever Websites That Promise to Make You Smarter
The internet has opened up the world to everyone. You can learn or find almost anything on it. With so much content being pushed and programs being designed - the universe is really at your fingert..
How Smart ARE Dolphins, Anyway?
Dolphins are much smarter than we may have thought, say some scientists. In this quirky little video, suitable for all ages, we learn that they may be much smarter than we have believed, and may even use a sort of complex mathamtics to calculate locations!
What Is Artificial Intelligence and Is It Dangerous?
Since the 1920s, science fiction has been fascinated and terrified of the idea that we’ll create machines that are as smart or smarter than we are, but can that actually happen? And how can a machine even learn things to begin with?
This Man Overcame His Brain, Now He'll Teach You the Same
Unleash the Power of Your Brain lecture, motivational, work smarter, how to learn faster, how to work smarter This lecture is going to change the way you get things done!
Guide: How to Remain Comfortable on a Flight
Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, these tips will help you fly smarter and healthier.
Improve Your Critical Thinking with These 5 Great Tips
You may think this only takes common sense, but there are ways to become a better and smarter critical thinker. Here are 5 tips to become a smarter, more critical thinker who isn't persuaded by fake news. 5 Tips to Improve Your Critical Thinking!
Hilarious - How Parrots Trick Kangaroos!
If we were to ask you who is smarter - a cockatoo or a kangaroo - most would of course point towards the kangaroo. After all, mammals have bigger brains, so they must be smarter, right? While this is technically true, things are very different in practice...
A Lesson in Humility - Funny!
When you get older & smarter - comfort & dull is not such a bad thing! Us older folks understand this one, it's called S.O.S : Slower, Older and Smarter.... A Lesson in Humility - Funny! funny, hilarious, joke, plane, army, air force, fighter jet A funny joke with a lesson besides
Little Johnny Joke: Going to the Nudist Beach
After 30 minutes he comes again back to his mother and says: “Mom, Mom, Daddy is talking to a very rich woman and every second he is getting smarter and smarter.”
A Little Lesson In Humility Goes a Long Way...
When you get older and smarter - comfort & dull is not such a bad thing! Us older folks understand this one, it's called: S.O.S : Slower, Older and Smarter....