WATCH: How to Solve Age-Related Sleep Problems!
What's more, insufficient sleep can lead to serious health problems including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight problems and also breast cancer in women.
Why This Sleep Condition Affects Our Cognitive Abilities
One such factor is sleep apnea, a syndrome that often goes unnoticed because it occurs during sleep. Sleep apnea affects many people, but is not widely understood.
These 4 Delicious Juices Will Remedy Your Sleep Problems
Yet, I don’t want to take sleeping pills because I fear the side-effects, so I was utterly delighted when I came across these 4 delicious juice recipes that each remedy a different sleep disorder . Why don’t you be pro-active in combating your bad sleep with these super home remedies?
Sleeping Tips: Improve Your Most Important Sleep Stage
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, also known as paradoxical sleep (PS) or desynchronized sleep, is one of the 4 stages of sleep that our body goes through every night. REM sleep helps keep your brain and body healthy and affects your mood, memory, and learning efficiency.
Is Weekend Sleep as Good as Regular Sleep? Let's Check
Table of Contents Can You Make Up for Lost Sleep? How Does Sleep Affect the Cardiovascular System? How Many Extra Hours of Sleep Should You Get on the Weekend? Can a Nap Achieve the Same Result? Can You Make Up for Lost Sleep?
Sleep Better: Tips for Seniors with Insomnia
Our sleep patterns often change as we age, making it more difficult to get a good night's sleep in our 50s and beyond. Insomnia and disrupted sleep are common problems among seniors, both of which can adversely affect their health and well-being.
15 Myths on Sleep DEBUNKED by Experts
How many of us ‘make up’ for lack of sleep during the weekend? Or believe that if we can’t fall asleep, all it takes to succeed is lying in bed with our eyes closed?
Want Better Sleep? Try Sleeping Like Our Ancestors!
When it comes down to sleeping, it’s safe to say that we all go about it in a different way.
These Aromatic Oils Will Do Wonders For Your Sleep
I've suffered from sleep problems for many years, and believe me when I say I've tried quite a few tricks and treatments to deal with the problem. Nothing seemed to work, but I've finally discovered a secret that helps me sleep like a baby.
Joke: The Winking Problem
The interview went quite well with one problem - he kept winking at the camera. The interviewer said, "Although you have a lot of the qualities we're looking for, the fact that you keep winking is a real problem. I'm afraid we won't able to hire you unless you get it under control."
Hilarious: The Winking Problem!
Expert Debunks the MOST Common Sleep Myths
Ravi Aysola is a Professor of Clinical Sleep Medicine at UCLA, and in this video by Wired, he’ll tackle the most common sleep myths, such as ‘Do we really need to sleep 7 hours every night?’ or ‘Can you sleep with your eyes open?’ among many others.
Can Sleep Deprivation Lead to Dementia?
It is often assumed that as we age, we need less sleep than the young. However, this is not the case. In fact, studies show that middle-aged people sleep less due to damage to the brain. Furthermore, many experts believe that people cannot get away with less sleep as they age.
The Connection Between ADHD and Sleep
Is too little sleep connected to the onset of ADHD? The link is a very interesting one and may reveal a lot more about the nature of ADHD and new ways to fight its development. Is There a Connection Between ADHD and Lack of Sleep?
The Many Strange and CUTE Ways Animals Sleep…
Have you ever wondered if elephants sleep? What about insects? Do they doze off at night as well? The truth is that animals sleep in the most extraordinary ways. You might be shocked to see an owl taking a nap.
7 Silent Signs of Sleep Apnea in Adults and Children
In a study conducted at Harvard's Department of Sleep Medicine, people who don’t sleep enough every night often suffer from depression and mental exhaustion - all of which can be suspicious signs of sleep problems. 5.
A Complete Visual Guide to Sleep Apnea
Good sleep is a true blessing - one that we don’t really appreciate until we suddenly wake up in the morning, but instead of being refreshed and full of energy, we’re all exhausted and grumpy without understanding why. If this sounds familiar, you may have sleep apnea.
The Sleep Subway Car!
Pajamas, sleep masks, and earplugs were also provided as part of this unauthorized free service. The project took place on the above-ground N train in Astoria, Queens around midnight on a Sunday evening. The Sleep Subway Car! funny, video, gag A Gag or Just a Kind Deed?
9 Useful Tips That Are a Boon for the Sleep Deprived
Sleep doesn’t come easy to a lot of us. Getting restless at night and being unable to drift off to sleep can be quite a frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are many simple ways through which you can fall asleep faster.
Creative Problem Solving - Amazing!
Check out this hilarious photo collection of people dealing with their problems in their own unique way. Creative Problem Solving - Amazing! photos, funny, humor, Creative Solutions Photos of Very Creative Solutions To Problems
13 MORE Myths on Sleep Debunked by Experts
Good sleep is one of the most basic needs to maintain a healthy life, both mentally and physically. If your night's sleep wasn't sufficient, this will affect the entire course of your next day and maybe even the week.
The Problem of Using Logic in a Relationship
The Problem of Using Logic in a Relationship animated, family, love, marriage, couple, relationship, logic, School of Life This video discusses the idea of using logic in love and relationships.
Sleeping in the Cold Isn’t Just Cozier, It’s Healthier
But what if we told you that sometimes, it isn’t stress , genetics , or your sleeping position that’s to blame for poor sleep quality, it’s the temperature of your surroundings. It turns out that room temperature affects not only our sleep quality but our overall health as well.
Joke: Two Blondes and a Problem
Joke: Two Blondes and a Problem joke Two blondes were exiting a restaurant when they discovered, to their horror, that they locked their keys in their car.