Here Are Some Sharks With No Interest in Harming People!
It was first discovered only in 1976 and since then, less than 100 specimens of this shark have been seen across the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. Not only are your chances of running into this shark extremely low, it is even less likely to ever attack. 2.
The Shark Dancer - Amazing!
This amazing video was made from various clips and born of his fascination of the shark form. Watch this beautiful video to see what a shark dance is all about! The Shark Dancer - Amazing!
Investigating the Biggest Shark of All: The Whale Shark
The whale shark is the largest shark in the world, but actually one of the less threatening ones. It has a very small brain for its size, but its size can reach almost 20 meters (65 feet). They are slow-moving giants, filtering huge amounts of seawater every hour.
The Pool Shark Couple
The Pool Shark Couple - Awesome! video, sport, pool, couple, Trick Shot You know what they say in pool clubs - 'The couple that plays together - Stays together!'. And this couple is one of the best we've ever seen in trick shooting pool!
Beware! Orchestra Attack - Funny Prank!
The old Shark fin sticking out of the water gag has been done to death. However, this next video takes the old classic and gives it a musical twist... Beware! Orchestra Attack - Funny Prank! funny, video, prank, hilarious The old Shark fin sticking out of the water gag has been done to death.
Hammerhead Sharks - Eevolution's Strangest Turn
Sharks have dominated the seas for hundreds of millions of years. Around 20 million years ago evolution created the newest shark to enter the water, arguably the strongest one of them all - the great hammerhead.
10 Facts About Sharks That Are Terrifying Yet Fascinating
Sharks are all teeth Most species of sharks can have up to 15 series of teeth in their jaws, which are the most powerful jaws on the planet. Over a single lifetime, a shark can grow nearly 50,000 teeth and in the case of larger sharks even more.
A Deep Dive into the Biology of Great White Sharks
Often regarded as the ocean's top predator, the great white shark evokes fascination and fear in equal measure. Known scientifically as Carcharodon carcharias, this iconic marine creature exhibits an intricate biology that contributes to its prowess in the ocean.
Weird Nature: The Walking Shark is a Remarkable Creature
The Epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) is a rather remarkable creature – it walks on land! Yes, you read that right. Also known as the 'Walking shark', these sea animals have evolved to walk on land and have many interesting features. Find out more.
Beware! Cute Attack!
Cute Attack! Photos of the cutest little creatures...
The Story of a Diver Who Became the “Mother of Sharks”
Sharks are considered some of the most ferocious creatures in the world. However, for diver Cristina Zenato they are nature’s masterpiece. She has been diving with sharks for the last twenty-five years and has developed a special bond with them.
This Joke Begins with a Prawn Wishing to Become a Shark
The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that inhabited the area. Finally one day Justin said to Christian, "I'm fed up with being a prawn, I wish I were a shark, then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten."
Swim With Some Deadly Mako Sharks in This 360° Video
The fastest shark in the world is known as the mako shark and can be a deadly predator. In just a short moment, you're going to join a couple of these fearsome creatures as they compete over a tasty feast, supplied by a group of fearless divers.
When is it Panic Attack and Not Just Anxiety?
Is anxiety the same as a panic attack? Not quite, according to experts. Although they are similar, especially by name, they are actually two different things that affect the body and mind differently. Still, many people confuse the two and tend to call anxiety a "panic attack" and vice versa.
This Dog Isn't Scared of Anything, Even a Shark
This Dog Isn't Scared of Anything, Even a Shark animals, cute, funny, video, dog, dogs This dog has won a decided victory while protecting his home. A terrifically fun video!
The Cutest Bear Attack Ever Recorded
This little teddy bear picked a bit of a big target for his attack, and ends up being more adorable than menacing! We just hope he doesn't go call mommy for backup...
Here is Why Great White Sharks Never Survive in Captivity
Great White Sharks are among the largest and most predatorial species, but they are also among the most fascinating. However, you're unlikely to ever see one in captivity. There are many reasons for this, starting with their size and ferocity and ending with the resources of the aquariums.
An Informative Video On How to React to a Heart Attack
People often think of heart attacks in overly-dramatized terms, such as is depicted in Hollywood movies and television shows. However, the reality is often very different to these over-the-top, onscreen portrayals.
You Would Never Guess That Sharks Had Such a Funny Side!
( The Life of Sharks ) 2. Carol really was something else ( The Life of Sharks ) 3. Did you ever wonder why our cave has teeth? ( The Life of Sharks ) 4. Understanding the meaning of ‘immortal’ ( The Life of Sharks ) 5. That phrasing was intentionally misleading ( The Life of Sharks ) 6.
Can Sharks Truly Smell a Drop of Blood From a Mile Away?
There's a common belief that sharks can smell just a drop of human blood at a distance of a mile or even more... This guy decided to put this idea to the test. So he traveled all the way to the Bahamas and set up an experiment that involves human blood and many, many sharks.
Incredible Nature! Watch the Super Rare Ghost Shark Swim
Nature has many beautiful oddities, but few are stranger or more fascinating than this stunning creature, a 300 million-year-old species called the Ghost shark.
How to Survive a Heart Attack if You Are Alone
A heart attack occurs when a buildup of cholesterol, fat, and other substances creates a blockage in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart. This blockage interrupts blood flow and can harm the heart muscle. Heart attacks often happen when people are alone.
Watch it, Cat, it's a Puppy Attack!
Watch it, Cat, it's a Puppy Attack! animals, cute, funny, video, cat, adorable, puppy Cats are usually great at dealing with dogs, and that goes double for puppies.
Can Exercise Really Stop Heart Attacks?
Join Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy as he sheds light on the intricate details of a heart attack (myocardial infarction), its causes, and treatment options.