The Psychology Behind Why Some People Are Habitually Late
However, for some individuals, being on time is a perpetual challenge. We all have that one friend who is always running late, no matter how much they try. Have you ever thought about why some people struggle with punctuality?
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
Related: 5 Psychological Theories For Understanding the Mind & Soul What is "Skinner's Law"? Skinner's Law, named after behaviorist B.F. Skinner, is a psychological principle that emphasizes the power of reinforcement in shaping behavior.
The Primary Rules of Life: A Journey to Well-Being...
With that being said, there are some fundamental rules - the so-called Golden Rules - that all of us should be aware of and apply to our lives. Doing so allows us to reach our highest potential and become the very best we can be.
Science Shows That Touching is Vital For Your Well-Being
Here’s why human touch is vital to cultivating a thriving relationship: [related_articles] Why Touch Is Important Touching and being touched are fundamental ways in which humans interact, and are actually instrumental to our health and well-being.
Taking Time for Ourselves Can Do Wonders for Our Well-Being...
Taking some “me” time is not only beneficial, but also essential for our physical and mental well-being.
The Psychology of Color - Fascinating!
A great little guide to the psychology of color, as used in design and as it influences our perception. It's amazing what a little color can do! The Psychology of Color - Fascinating!
The Psychology of Color - Informative!
Well, that depends on what you want to achieve! Colors have a strong impact on how we feel throughout the day, and therefore, knowing the psychology behind when painting can be very beneficial! Source The Psychology of Color - Informative!
Improve Your Relationships With These Psychological Tricks
When we strike a wrong chord with someone, we may feel uncomfortable; when we are being yelled at, we may feel inclined to yell back; when we feel apprehensive, we may bury our mind with worry.
This Joke Starts With a Psychology Teacher Giving a Class
One day a college professor of Psychology was greeting his new college class. He stood up in front of the class and said, "Would everyone who thinks he or she is stupid please stand up?" After a minute or so of silence, a young man stood up. "Well, good morning.
These Interesting Psychological Facts Are Handy to Know
As a result of various studies and experiments being conducted, many intricacies of the human mind have actually been uncovered.
Learn 11 Lessons in Human Psychology
The human psyche is a vast ocean, but here we can offer you some islands of understanding that will make you a bit wiser in the ways of other human beings. About the Psychology of Lying Click Here to Read the Article We all know how to lie from a very young age.
7 Truly Provocative Psychological Experiments
In psychological experiments, scientists seek to test our mental function and behavior when we encounter certain stimuli or when we are put in certain situations.
5 Psychological Theories For Understanding the Mind & Soul
Psychological theories provide insight into every aspect of human behavior. There isn't one of us that doesn't wish to know ourselves better, and psychological theories can go a long way toward providing insight into the mind and human psyche.
Secrets of Sport Psychology to Apply in Your Own Life
However, sports psychology doesn't just help athletes; it can also be useful to common men and women. In this video, you will get to learn some of the most beneficial secrets from the world of sports psychology that we can apply to our lives to revitalize it.
World-Famous Psychological Experiments That Shocked Us
Here are 10 psychological experiments that are famous for uncovering incredible (and occasionally uncomfortable) truths about us all: 1.
14 Psychological Tricks You Have to Try Today!
All you have to do is learn these 14 psychological tricks - you’ll be amazed at how simple it is. 1. Agreeableness When you ask someone a question, get them to agree with you by simply nodding your head.
PSYCHOLOGY 101: Quiz Yourself on the Human Mind
How much do you know about human psychology? Test yourself now and see if you have the knowledge of a fresh-faced psychology student!
8 Psychological Tricks for Better Communication With Kids
Fortunately, since we now understand these facts, it is easier to use various psychological techniques to gain more attention, consideration, focus, and cooperation.
SHOCKING! Con Artists Reveal Their Psychological Tricks...
The video below highlights some of the most convincing psychological tactics that scammers make use of, and will help prevent you from being taken advantage of by them.
29 Psychological Tricks that Make You Spend More Money!
As human beings in today's modern society - there is almost no one who is not exposed to sales tactics that manage to run over our common sense with the help of such and other psychological tricks as "infiltrating" various senses and touching our deep emotions and feelings.
8 Psychological Techniques to Feel Happy Quickly
But, with these tips and psychological techniques, you will feel happy and will learn to rejoice in each new day. The findings below, studied by neuroscientists, indicate when and why your brain can give you the feeling of total satisfaction. 1.
9 Surprising Psychological Facts About Human Behavior
Steven Yantis, a professor in the department of psychology and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA, has shown that when we focus our attention on listening, we are less aware of the visual information our brain receives.
Psychological Test: Which of These Four Babies Is a Girl?
You are a strong person who can adapt well to different situations, and therefore you also often serve as the leader.
Do You Know the Psychology Behind Superstitious Beliefs?
A Dual-Process of Thinking The dual processing model is an established concept that essentially says that human beings have two streams of thought, one being fast and instinctive and the other being slower and more rational.