RIDDLE: Can You Prevent a Terrible Plague from Spreading?
An earthquake shatters vials containing a deadly virus that will spread and doom everyone if you don't stop it; can you destroy the virus completely by destroying every room in the lab and leave th..
Plagued By Liver Spots? Here Are 9 Ways to Get Rid of Them
They are known as age spots, dark spots, liver spots and other names, and although they aren’t harmful to our health, they definitely are an eyesore. These brown spots appear mainly in old age, as ..
The Greatest Unsolved Puzzles in History
Dancing Plague of 1518 Citizens of 1518 Strasbourg with the 'dancing plague' dancing amid graves in a churchyard.
This is How Your Bed Gives You a Hunchback
One of the plagues of the sedentary lifestyle is bad posture. Weak back muscles and hunching forward to look at our screens all contribute to the development of a hunchback, spinal stress, and back pain. But if you maintain this truly regenerative sleep position, this can be easily fixed.
History's Deadliest Epidemics That Shook The World
Bubonic Plague Image source - Wikimedia Commons Also known as the Black Plague, the bubonic plague was a disastrous mortal disease that spread across Europe in the years 1346-1352. The bacterium Yersinia pestis was the culprit behind the epidemic that began in Asia.
45 Mythical Creatures That Are the Stuff of Nightmares!
Or do the dead truly rise and plague the living? Have a look through the images below and meet 45 scary and disturbing creatures that are bound to plague your dreams!
Can You Ace this Tricky Quiz about Myths and Folk Tales?
Which was the first plague that God visited upon the Egyptians? The plague of blood The plague of frogs The plague of hail The plague of locust 7. How did King Arthur come into the possession of Excalibur?
How 6 Pandemics Stopped and What We Can Learn From That
In fact, humanity has been fighting infectious diseases for millennia, be it the plague, smallpox, cholera, the flu, or COVID-19.
Why Are Your Ears Ringing? The Causes Explained
According to statistical data, nearly 15% of the human population worldwide is plagued by this strange sensation, but today, we have an explanation for it. If you care to learn what it is, continue watching... Why Are Your Ears Ringing?
These Creepy Diseases from History Are Still Around TODAY
Plague Image Source: Wikimedia Commons What previous generations all defined as the plague is in reality three different types of the same disease caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium. They are the bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plagues.
Saving Ms. Daisy - Touching!
Daisy the French boxer is a lost soul, walking along the ways, searching for food and avoiding people like the plague.
Humans Have Had These 2 Viruses For Millions of Years!
This discovery proves that even these primitive ancestors of ours dealt with the plague of every date, every high school dance, and every family photo - the cold sore. It turns out that humans have contracted the herpes virus millions of years ago.
Make Thieves Oil to Boost Health and Protect From Infection
Thieves oil dates back to 15th century Europe to the era when the Black Plague swept the continent. It was called 'thieves oil' because there were thieves who preyed upon the dead and dying out and somehow never became infected.
Here are Some Passerbys Who Won't Let Bullies Get Away
Bullying is an epidemic that is plaguing schools across the world. It's as simple as a few mean words and a spiteful laugh to tear down someone's self esteem.
New York’s Most Important Tunnel is in Dire Straits
Unfortunately, the tunnel is plagued by a myriad of problems.
24 Smart Storage Inventions You Didn't Know You Needed
A constant challenge that often plagues people living in major cities is the scarcity of available space within our modern homes. While these contemporary homes possess many desirable qualities, they tend to fall short in terms of spaciousness.
Here's a Fast Technique to Put You to Sleep In 1 Minute
Struggling to fall asleep at night is a problem that plagues millions of people. It can be frustrating to lay wide awake in the dark, waiting for sleep to come. Thankfully, there are some simple things you can do that will help.
5 Famous Figures Who Made The Most of Quarantine
Shakespeare, who has become the face of quarantine productivity, was an actor and shareholder at The King’s Men theater troupe when the bubonic plague forced London theaters to close in the early 17th century.
Could Your Pet or Farm Animals Give You the Flu?
These are particularly dangerous and have been the cause for a lot of the deadly epidemics that plagued humankind throughout history. But have you ever wondered how viruses do that to begin with? This video explains the biological mechanisms that help viruses spread from species to species.
Need for Speed – France's Record-Breaking SUPERFAST Train
However, the path to high-speed rail in France was plagued with skepticism, opposition, and rival transportation plans. Find out more in this insightful video.
Microbiome Expert: Eat This to Heal Your Gut
William Davis, a renowned cardiologist and the mind behind the #1 New York Times bestseller Wheat Belly, delves into the contemporary issues plaguing our microbiome.
How Do Vaccines Actually Work and How Do They Protect Us?
But strangely, one population seemed less likely to contract the horrible plague: dairy farmers. In 1796, scientist Edward Jenner surmised that the reason these people were immune was because of a prior cowpox, which he found was a weaker strain of the same virus as smallpox.
Can You Solve This Tricky 'Virus Riddle'?
Will you be able to destroy the virus before the vents open and unleash a deadly plague? In this TED-Ed video, Lisa Winer shows how you might go about this.
How To Make Politicians Keep Promises...
This is the tactic used by the citizens of the fourth largest city in Russia, after their lying elected officials did nothing to cover the awful potholes that plagued the roads. If you have a similar problem, maybe this is the kind of action you should be taking!