Galileo’s Greatest Discoveries: Jupiter’s Incredible Moons
While our world has only one Moon orbiting it, Jupiter has a 79 identified moons, and many are still unidentified. Out of these 79, eight moons are what are referred to as regular moons - natural satellites falling into orbit in the opposite direction of Jupiter’s rotation .
Witness NASA's Rockets as They're About to Leave the Earth
AS-203 Launch (1966) (By Nasa on the Commons, ) Launched on July 5, 1966, the Apollo-Saturn-203 mission took off in Cape Canaveral, Florida, and was set out to investigate certain engineering difficulties in an existing orbiting spacecraft, S-IVB. 2.
The Wonders Glimpsed Through the Great Hubble Telescope
The Hubble telescope is located outside our atmosphere and is orbiting the Earth at more than 500 km above sea level, while orbiting the Earth every hour and a half, at a speed of 28,000 km an hour.
Didn't Catch the Super-Moon? Beautiful Captures!
On June 23rd, the moon was at the closest orbit to Earth it will achieve this year. Despite the talks about the supermoon, many were dissapointed because the phenomenon lasted very shortly and was partly obscured in certain places.
Did You See This Year's Super-Moon? We Did!
On August 10th, the moon was at the closest orbit to Earth it will achieve this year when that happens during a full moon, we get a Super-Moon. Despite the talks about it, many were dissapointed because the phenomenon lasted very shortly and was partly obscured in certain places.
Life on Mars - What Could It Look Like?
From soviet orbiters to NASA rovers, Mars accepted many visitors from planet Earth in the past few decades. So the question is... If we ever were to discover living microorganisms on the Red Planet, how do we know that we weren't the ones who planted them in the first place?
Explore the Most Bizarre Planets We've Discovered So Far
This mysterious planet has been baffling scientists since its discovery, and many believe that it shouldn't even be in orbit due to its staggering distance from any stars. [related_articles] 3. TrES-2b TrES-2b has become famous for being the darkest planet ever observed.
The Stars Our Destination - 14 Ongoing Space Missions
While we still have people orbiting the Earth in the International Space Station (ISS), humans have not ventured further in decades.
New Black Hole Detected and It’s Extremely Close to Earth
Because no light is reflected, black holes are invisible, and the only way for astronomers to discover them is by noting the luminous bodies that orbit them. Most of the black holes we know of were detected because they were devouring nearby stars.
The Apollo Program: A History of Manned Space Missions
Their colleague, Ken Mattingly, spent four days on lunar orbit during this mission and captured many images of the Moon from orbit. They returned to Earth on the 24 th December, 1972. 3. Apollo 15, 30 th July, 1971 This was the first manned mission to use a lunar roving vehicle.
The Stories an Astronaut Can Tell You...
He is also an astronaut, the first Canadian to walk in space and one of only 24 people in history who have traveled beyond earth's lower orbit.
Simple Rules for Living in Space!
Question: How long does it take for you to orbit around the Earth? ISS orbits the world every 92 minutes, so that makes it 8 km/sec, or 500 km/minute - 28,000 km/hr. Or about Mach 25. Question: Have you done any space walks? If so, what was it like?
Beautiful Quotes About Our Nightly Friend, the Moon
amazing, pictures, photography, moon, Luna, Kennedy, Buddah, lunar It's not just a ball of rock that orbits the Earth, it's our cosmic protector and creator of the tides.
When You Wish Upon Many Stars - Beautiful!
Don Pettit is a NASA astronaut recently returned from the International Space Station, orbiting our world. He has uploaded this fantastic series of images depicting star trails. How did he do it? He took long exposure photos (using slow camera shutter speed).
Revealed! This Is How Far We Have Sent Crafts into Space!
The 4 th of October this year marks the 60 th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the Earth. In these 60 years, we have gone much further, reaching new planets and even the edge of the solar system.
Space Looks Breathtaking in These Amazing Photographs
Comet 67P taken by the Rosetta Orbiter. 4. This is the Acidalia Planitia, captured by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 5. This globular cluster, Messier 22, was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. 6. Star Hen 2-427 and nebula MI-67, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. 7.
Celestia User Guide: a Free 3D Space Exploration Program
Now learn how to travel through the universe: Hold the right mouse button and drag your mouse in any direction to orbit around the Earth. Holding the left mouse button and dragging it will distance you from the planet, very similar to Google Earth or any other navigation software.
The incredible Journey of Mankind to the Moon
During the 48 minutes of each orbit he was out of radio contact with Earth, he was the loneliest man in the history of mankind. Flickr: nasacommons The astronauts conducted experiments on the lunar surface and explored the Sea of Tranquility.
Behold the Colorful and Unearthly Beauty of Our Universe!
Wings of a Butterfly Nebula (also known as M2-9) — in the photo, two stars can be seen orbiting inside a huge gaseous disk 10 times the orbit of Pluto. These stars are actually the expelled envelopes of a dying sun, which slowly broke away from the disk to create this bi-polar image.
Far, Far Above the Islands - Spectacular!
These were all taken by satellites orbiting thousands of kilometeres above the earth. Watch the beauty of earth's islands from above the atmosphere! Heron Island , Australia . Island of Hawaii , USA. Juan de Nova Island , Strait of Mozambique. Bora Bora, Pacific Ocean.
SUPERMOON: A Rare Celestial Treat Never to Be Forgotten
A supermoon occurs when a full or new moon coincides with the moment when the moon is closer to Earth than it is to any other point along its elliptical orbit of our planet.
These Planetary Storm Photos Will Blow You Away
A sweeping dust storm captured on Mars by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 5. A view of Saturn’s colossal hurricane swirling at its North Pole. 6. A vast polar storm on Neptune captured through the Hubble Space Telescope. [related_articles] 7.
Back to school QUIZ: Can You Pass an Elementary Science Test?
Around our head Around our belly button Around our ribs Around our feet How long does it take our planet to orbit our sun? The earth takes about 365.25 days to orbit the sun, which is why we have a leap year. 365 days One year 1 day 30 days What is sand made of?
Fed Up With Conspiracy Theories, NASA Broke the Internet
Surface area of the Moon Author: Project Apollo Archive CC BY 2.0 The Space Race, which was essentially a competition between the two rivals of the Cold War, the USA and USSR, began in 1955 following the USSR’s announcement of its intention to launch a satellite into the Earth’s orbit.