Words of Wisdom From the Benefactor of the Nobel Prizes
Alfred Bernard Nobel was an engineer, inventor, chemist, philanthropist, and businessman from Sweden. He was the designer and owner of the original patent for dynamite, which was found to be a safer way to handle the explosive nitroglycerin.
Why Do Buildings Need Foundations?
Virtually every building that's bigger than a small shed usually needs a foundation. But have you ever wondered why that is the case? Why can't we just build the house itself right away?
7 Overlooked Scientists Who Should Be Household Names
These unsung heroes laid the foundation for future breakthroughs, their stories sometimes overshadowed by the accomplishments of others. Today, we shine a light on seven such scientists, individuals whose brilliance deserves a spot alongside the most celebrated names in science.
Taking High Doses of Vitamin C Won’t Cure or Prevent Colds
It turns out that taking high doses of vitamin C was never a medical fact, but rather a misconstrued tip from a Nobel Prize winning chemist that blew up in the media. This video explains everything you need to know about this widespread myth.
These People Made History, But Never Made It to Fame
He Won the Nobel For It. Click to watch Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovered a kind of star called pulsar as a Ph.D. student. At the time, the press only made an accessory of her, and years later, the astronomer Anthony Hewish won a Nobel Prize for her efforts. Here's her side of history.
April 3rd, 2017: Today's World News Headlines
Korea Attack Is Nearly Within Reach • 35-Years-Late Library Book Returned with Apology & $200 • Bitter Dispute Underway Over Ecuador Election Result • Bob Dylan Finally Accepts Nobel Prize Photo of the Day Click on image to enlarge Misty valley in Tuscany at sunrise – Shaiith79 Quote of the Day Keep
The First Valentine's Day Was Not That Long Ago...
Source The First-Ever Nobel Prize Winner(s) Source Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy were the two first-ever winners of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Peace Foundation to create a legacy that celebrates humanity and human achievements.
6 Remarkable Yet Overlooked Minds That Shaped Our World
Unfortunately, she was not given full recognition, as Hahn received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry alone in 1944 for their collaborative achievements. For many years, Meitner's fundamental contributions to nuclear research were overlooked.
12 Principles For a Good Life By a Great Thinker...
Considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th Century, he was awarded the 1972 Neustadt International Prize for Literature and the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature. He is considered a great thinker, who puts complex thoughts into simple premises.
Winston Churchill's Most Inspiring and Motivating Quotes
In fact, his writing was considered to be so deep and thoughtful, that he was awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature. Below, you’ll find some of his best motivational quotes, to help keep you inspired and motivated when the going gets tough!
12 Principles For a Good Life By a Great Thinker
8 Historical Coincidences That are Too Bizarre to Be Fake
One Electron is Worth Two Nobel Prizes An Electron is a subatomic particle that has an important part in electricity, magnetism, and thermal conductivity. It was discovered by J.J. Thomson who subsequently won the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery.
Protect Your Home From Cracks and Soil Erosion
Houses situated near steep slopes or embankments are in danger of developing cracks and accelerated erosion due to the soil eroding and washing away and thus not supporting your home's foundation. But even if you don't live near a slope or embankment, your home's foundation can move over time.
10 Incredible People You Never Heard Of!
The Atlantic Philanthropies, his foundation, has given $6.2 billion into education, health care, aging, science and civil rights in the United States, Australia, South Africa, Bermuda, Vietnam and Ireland.
Lets Open a Window to the Past...
Albert Einstein, holding the Nobel Prize for Physics, meets the famous poet Rabindranath Tagore, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1930. 11. Muhammad Ali runs next to Queen Elizabeth's horse carriage, London, 1963. 12. A photo of New York during the infamous power break of 1977. 13.
QUIZ: Do You Know About the Great Science Discoveries?
He discovered X-Rays, for which he won the 1st ever Nobel prize in 1901. Quantum Theory Theory of Relativity The Periodic Table X-Rays He Made This Discovery in the year...
Get Inspired Today With These Penetrative Sartre Quotes
He is most well-known for challenging the cultural and social expectations of his upbringing, raising the issue of conflict between oppressive conformity and an authentic way of "being", and refusing the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature.
10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That'll Make You Think
The selflessness and sacrifice with which she lived her life made her an international symbol of charitable work, and the love and compassion that she showed to destitute of all faiths won her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, which she donated to the poor.
Meet 10 Teachers Who Made Our World a Better Place
Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) Froebel was a German pedagogue and was once a student of Pestalozzi, who developed the foundation for modern education on the basis of research, since he believed that each student has their own particular capabilities and needs for learning.
This Buoyancy System Could Prevent Destruction by Flooding
On a somewhat smaller scale, a former associate professor at the University of Waterloo named Elizabeth English has set up the Buoyant Foundation project.
This is What Mother Teresa Had to Say to the World
[related_articles] Mother Teresa was the recipient of numerous honors including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. In 2003, she was beatified as "Blessed Teresa of Calcutta". A second miracle credited to her intercession is required before she can be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church.
QUIZ: Do You Remember Your Basic Chemistry?
Marie Curie Alfred Nobel Robert Boyle John Dalton What is the most common element in the universe? Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon When water freezes, it... Water is the ONLY liquid we know of that expands when it freezes, and it does so by about 9%.
15 Fascinating Old Photos that Mean a Lot Today
Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian poet, and philosopher who was the first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, alongside renowned scientist Albert Einstein who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, at Einstein's home in Germany - July 1930. 8.