The Colors of Night - Beautiful!
Day time makes us feel good, but night time is magical in its own right, and there are some visages we can only see at night, some colors that only come out after dark, and some lights that we wouldn't notice were not the skies dark.
INTERACTIVE: These Buildings Become Gorgeous at Night...
Every night, they transform buildings like the ones you're about to see into unique and exceptionally beautiful structures. Have a look at some of my favorites, and click on the photos to see them after dark... CLICK on the images to see the buildings at night!
Is Urinating At Night a Symptom Of Something More Serious?
When you body goes into rest mode every night, your bladder switches gears and produces less, but more concentrated urine to let you sleep without interruption. This balance can be cut short by a variety of factors, including disease.
These Photos of Scotland at Night Will Blow You Away!
Take a look at these fabulous photos, and I'm sure you'll agree that Scotland by night is truly a marvelous sight to behold! 1. The Trossachs from Ben A'an Source: flickr 2. The Aurora Borealis over The Isle of Bute Source: flickr [related_articles] 3.
These 10 Flowers Will Brighten Up Your Garden at Night!
Flowers that bloom at night can add a touch of quaintness to your garden. Not only are they great to look at, but they also provide nectar to insects and other nocturnal creatures.
Put Your Soul At Ease With These Night-Time Affirmations
Each night before I sleep, I repeat these affirmations to myself, to help ease and relax my soul. They remind me that I am safe, and they prepare me for a new day and all the gifts that it will bring.
Late to Bed, Early to the Grave: Why Night Owls Are Sickly
They walk the pavements of the city in the dead of night when all shops have closed and not a light blinks out of the apartment windows.
I Wanted to Wish You A Good Night and Ask You…
The night approaches, you go to bed with your loved ones, give them a last look before you fall asleep, smile at them and in your heart only a small wish: that your loved one’s dreams will be sweet, and if possible you ‘ll appear in them even for a moment.
10 Mistakes to Prevent If You Want to Sleep Better at Night!
Another problem is the desire or need to complete the hours of sleep over the weekend, and these two practices together are what’s keeping you up at night.
Barely Slept Last Night? These 7 Tips Will Help You Recover
and prevent one from a good night’s sleep. 3.
7 Science-Backed Tips to Get You Back to Sleep at Night
What’s more, one’s risk of waking up in the middle of the night rises as we age. According to the Sleep Foundation , up to 48% of older adults suffer from chronic insomnia, and 69% of men and 76% of women past the age of 40 wake up to go to the bathroom at least once every night.
Joke: A Night With a Russian
A lovely Russian lady came up to me at the mall and said "Please, I am looking for a one night stand."
Joke: A Night With an Alien
Content Joke: A Night With an Alien joke One day, a space ship landed in a farmer’s field...
Night and Day in Kuala Lumpur!
Let's take a look at the day and night of this fascinating city! Since the 1990s, the city has played host to many international sporting, political and cultural events including the 1998 Commonwealth Games and the Formula One Grand Prix.
The Unbelievable Beauty of the Night's Sky...
In this wondrous photo, you can see a meteor streaking through the night sky with the milky way clearly seen next to it. It was taken from the top of Mount Rainier in Washington, 4,392 meters above sea level.
A Night in a Japanese Cat Hotel
Spend a Night in a Japanese Cat Hotel animals, cute, travel, video, tourism, Japan, cat hotel Have a look at this woman's adventure at a Japanese cat hotel.
This Joke Begins With a Stormy Night in a Barn...
After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible blizzard, so they pulled into a nearby farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door, if they could spend the night.
These Flowers Capture a Starry Night On Their Petals
These beautiful flowers appear to have the night sky captured in their very petals. Night Sky Petunias, which are a variation of the Petunia cultivar flower, are a deep purple in color. The little white specks that are present on their petals resemble stars in far-off galaxies.
Is Alcohol Better as a Day Drink or At Night?
There’s nothing like sipping a cold beer or a cocktail during a warm summer night. Alcohol is a popular drug that is known to release endorphins in the brain. However, most people usually consume liquor at the end of the day while daytime drinking isn’t considered too smart an activity.
16 ADORABLE Cats Tucked In for the Night
Lola is all tucked in for the night, and intruders are not welcome 2. Meet Fuzzynuckets. He's 6 years old and he loves naps. 3. Nothing to see here... Related: These Cats Would Sleep Literally Anywhere But Their Beds 4. The ultimate tucked-in kitty 5.
Arabian Nights: The Magic of Saudi Arabia
Arabian Nights: The Magic of Saudi Arabia nature, travel, video, beautiful, HD, drone, saudi arabia, landscape Come with us to fly above and within the magic of Saudi Arabia.
Day and Night in the City that Never Sleeps!
Day and Night in the City that Never Sleeps! photos, new york, photography, sleep Beautiful photography project in the city that never sleeps!
Hilarious! This Wedding Night Was a Learning Experience...
Although her wedding day was the happiest night of her life, this sweet, young maiden had no idea what she was getting herself into, it seems. Fortunately, her wise, old mother was available to help in any way she could...
Cheeky Joke: A Viking Wedding Night
Content Joke: A Viking Wedding Night joke Long ago, Olaf Swenson, out in his pasture in the ancient North, took a lightning-quick kick from a cow