Immaculately Made: Paper Cutout Art by Pippa Dyrlaga
The natural flora and fauna of the area were the cradle of all her inspiration, to this very day. She started creating her works in 2010. Her process starts with drawing a general sketch of her design. She then cuts out the design, adding details as she goes.
These Beautiful Works of Art Are Made With Natural Things
It's always a wonderful thing to be out in nature, but a man who lives in Yorkshire, England decided to make it even better by using natural objects to create beautiful works of art.
When Art Meets Nature, Beauty Is Born
Nurtazin’s canvas is deeply rooted in nature, as the artist uses leaves of various shapes and sizes to “paint” detailed and beautiful illustrations of people, animals, and fictional characters.
16 Of Nature's Best Unintentional Works of Art
There is no doubt that humans have created some unbelievable works of art, be it paintings, beautiful buildings, pottery, or any other type of art. Still, some of the most moving and beautifully effortless works of art are the ones created by nature.
The Secret Art Behind the Sounds of Nature Documentaries
Many people don't realize that the filming conditions of nature documentaries usually don't allow the recording of genuine sounds one would hear in nature. But where do the sounds of nature documentaries come from, then?
The Circular Nature of Olafur Eliasson's Architectural Art
In his latest creation, Olafur Eliasson combines art, mathematical calculations, architecture, and installation to create the “Vertical Panorama Pavilion“.
The Wonders of Nature and Space Combined in Stunning Art
If you’ve ever picked up a paintbrush, you know that using paint to recreate natural shapes is already quite difficult. So you can imagine just how complex the same task becomes when you’re using a needle and thread to imitate the wonders of nature and space.
23 Times Street Art and Nature Coexisted Beautifully
When we think about concrete and plants, it is often in antithetical terms, but it doesn’t have to be this way, and there are many ways to create beautiful harmony between the urban and the natural.
What Art Is More Stunning Than That Which Depicts Nature?
Is there art more stunning than that which depicts nature? These breathtaking paintings portray the natural beauty of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.
QUIZ: What Type of Art Defines the Nature of Your Soul?
When it comes to art, everyone has their own opinion. Whether such-and-such a piece is beautiful and meaningful enough to be considered a great work of art is an entirely subjective question. That’s why your primary personality attributes can be discovered through the way you interpret art.
Experience Nature, Culture & Art Only Offered by Caucasia!
The Caucasus Nature Reserve, in the northwest section of the Caucasus Mountains (By Игорь Шпиленок, Wikimedia Commons ) 3.
Mixing Art with Mother Nature, You Get Something Like This
I've heard of gardening, and I've heard of landscaping, but I think 'art' is what I would call these astonishing sculptures made from living flowers and bushes, that seem to be taken straight from the red queen court in wonderland.
Truck Art is The Best Art!
Truck Art is The Best Art! art, photos, truck !Amazing concept photos decorative trucks
Art on Skin - Special and Beautiful Body Art!
This art is not new and you may have already seen lots of photos of this kind but we must say those ones are really amazing.
Art Collection: The Most Beautiful and Original Wood Art
Below we showcase some of our most beautiful posts about wood art. You're about to see some of the most remarkable wood art in the world, enjoy! These Wooden Logs Got New Life As Stunning Art Click Here to Read the Article I absolutely love wood carving.
Traditional Chinese Art Meets Street Art
Chan Yengeji lives on the line between two worlds of art: Traditional Chinese art and modern street art. One offers a rich heritage of beautiful works and rules based on thousands of years of tradition. The other offers new and unique ways to create art, and has no rules.
Humor and Art Collide in These Wacky Street Art Pics
In recent years, street art has become an increasingly popular means of artistic expression around the globe. From murals to graffiti, street art adds color, life, and personality to our urban landscapes.
BMW's Amazing Art Cars Blend Motoring & Art to Perfection
[related_articles] 3. 320i Group 5 Art Car by Roy Lichetenstein (1977) The third Art Car in the series is supposed to resemble roads, sunlight and the sky. 4. M1 Art Car by Andy Warhol (1979) Leading pop art artist Andy Warhol is said to have painted this Art Car in just half an hour.
12 Stunning Embroideries You’ve Got to See!
In the Western world, embroidery has only recently joined the ranks of fine art. Many reputable art schools are now teaching textile arts, and you can often encounter woven and embroidered artworks rather than painted ones in museums these days.
Art By Field - Remarkable!
We have all heard about the crop circles and seen them on television, in movies, or maybe in real life, but in Japan you can see rice art on the fields. Every year Japanese farmers are planting rice in different patterns and using different sorts of rice for color.
This Artist Uses Broad Strokes to Paint Gorgeous Birds
Angela Moulton is a professional painter who draws her inspiration from the natural world and its inhabitants. From barn swallows to little chickadees, Angela uses broad strokes only to paint the most vivid and colorful bird paintings.
String Pulling Art - the Newest Art Technique Out There
Fluid string-pulling art is a fairly new and intriguing art technique that uses chains, strings, and colorful paints poured over them on a canvas in order to create amazing bouquets of flowers and other mesmerizing shapes and patterns.
Nature Is Weird: Fascinating Natural Phenomena!
Nature is a freak. There, we've said it, and we're not taking it back. How else would you explain the very strange things it gets up to? The imagination it has, quite breathtaking! For example, see these 9 ridiculously cool natural phenomena! Nature Is Weird: Fascinating Natural Phenomena!
The Art of Domino - Beautiful!
The Art of Domino - Beautiful! art, video, fun, beautiful, domino 62,940 dominoes were used to make this unbelievable display of dominos, making a beautiful artistic pattern and eventually - knockdown!