Nitinol: The Metal With a Memory!
Nitinol is one of the coolest metals on the planet. You see, this alloy is known as “a metal with memory” because of its remarkable ability to return to its original shape when heated. This isn’t all. Reports say that this industrial gem will play a key role in NASA’s next mission to Mars!
21 Incredible Items Unearthed by Metal Detectors
One hobby that is actually surprisingly popular is metal detecting. The benefit of this activity is that it could lead to discovering a jackpot. For example, in 2009, an amateur named Terry Herbert unearthed the Staffordshire Hoard using a store-bought metal detector.
The Shell of This Weird Deep Sea Snail Is Made of Metal
Also, their bodies are covered in metal armor, with some species even being magnetic.
Discover Why There's a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth
Below, we've listed 8 of the most common causes for a metallic taste in your mouth. Keep reading to learn all about them. 1.
Turning Scrap Metal Into Art – 17 Amazing Pictures
What would you do with a pile of scrap metal? You would probably sell it off, right? Or simply discard it. At best, you would consider giving it away at a recycling center. Ever thought of turning it into a beautiful piece of art?
New and Creative Ways to Upcycle Metal Objects
Metal’s durability and versatility make it an ideal material for upcycling. The benefits of upcycling metal are significant. Many everyday metal objects can be transformed into new, useful items with a little creativity. Here are a few ideas on how you can upcycle metal.
These Bacteria Can Turn Toxic Metal Compounds Into Gold
They play many different roles in life on earth, with one of the most surprising being that some of them can actually purify precious metals.
QUIZ: What Do You Know About Metals?
Content QUIZ: What Do You Know About Metals? quiz They are so handy and helpful to our tools and technology, but what do you really know about them?
Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? Here Are 10 Possible Causes
Taking over-the-counter drugs or vitamins In the winter, many of us reach for the medicine and vitamin shelves to help us get through cold season in good health, and when we take these pills, they may cause a metallic taste in the mouth that doesn’t go away until after we stop taking them.
What Metals Do We Mine the Most? This Graph Shows All!
Metal is all around us. From the devices we use to the buildings we live in; metals are used in almost everything.
Goldsmithing Expert Turns a Metal Blob into Pure Gold!
in gold working (and a fair bit of chemistry), take old junky gold that has accumulated many other metals and dirt, and turns it, through a dedicated and fascinating process, into pure 24-carat gold.
Magnificent Metal Sculptures of Animals Made From Cutlery
His passion for creating sculptures out of metallic materials began in 2006 when he worked as a director of the Center de Beaux-Arts in Greenville. To this day, Wilson continues sculpting his creations out of recovered parts.
Stunning Scrap Metal Animals by the Sculptor Barbara Franc
Using mostly scrap metal as well as wires and other discarded items , Franc has given the world stunningly intricate animal sculptures like these beauties below. 1. Huntley and Palmer the Zebras 2. Nuthatch 3. Badger 4. Highland hares 5. The Fox and the Hen 6. Dog 7. Alpaca 8.
Accurate Replicas of Extinct Insects Made of Metal - Wow!
We are about to show you the most accurate and realistic metal replicas of insects and arthropods you will ever see. Some of these animals can be found in the world today, while others have vanished millions of years ago.
From Scrap Metal to Luxury Sports Car in 5 Years
It took about 50 artists, 5 years, and several tons of scrap steel, and it's finally here: a collection of luxury sports cars replicas made entirely out of scrap metal.
Some Great and Cheap Ways You Can Remove Rust from Metal
It develops when oxygen mixes with the metal's atoms, creating an entirely new compound which weakens the chemical bonds of the metal itself. The main trigger for this process is water, which penetrates microscopic cracks in the metal's surface and reacts with other elements to form acids.
Man Poured Metal Inside a Seashell. See What Happened
In it, this man decided to fill a seashell with molten aluminum and make a metal cast of its inner structure. Both the results and the process are fascinating!
How Can Laser Cut Through Metal and Make Incisions?
Did you know the word laser is actually an acronym? It stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Its potential was first theorized by Einstein in 1917, and was realized in..
Health Guide: How to Preserve the Health of Your Eyes
I’ve also gathered some tips on how to improve your eye health in your day-to-day life, which you can see by scrolling down to the end. Presbyopia - The loss of the ability to see close objects or small print. This is a natural process that happens to everyone.
7 Subtle Signs of Depression You Should Know About
Keith Humphreys, MD, a psychiatrist at Stanford Health Care declares that "hormones commonly disrupted by depression tell us when we are hungry and when we have had enough to eat. As a result, many people with depression eat too much or too little."
This Week in Health Tips
Your health is the most important thing that you have, so maintaining it should be your number-1 priority. This collection of health tips is both educational and entertaining, so lean back and get healthy. Click on an image to see a larger version [related_articles] This Week in Health Tips!
This Week in Health Tips!
Taking care of your health should always be a priority. Sometimes small choices in food and routine can make the biggest difference to your health. Here are some helpful health tips you can apply to your everyday life.
The internet is full of health tips. It’s exciting to see so many people caring about their bodies and well-being and wanting to share this with others. It makes it easy to find practical ways to solve daily health concerns. I’ve searched and found some great health tips for you.
The more we advance through the years, the more we realize that it’s not money, work, accomplishments, or fun that matters, but rather our health.