Marriage Joke: Don't Forget the Gift!
Joke: The Anniversary Gift wedding anniversary, marriage joke, comeback joke, wife joke, husband joke This joke begins with a husband in real trouble. You see, Marty forgot his wedding anniversary, and his wife wanted some serious compensation for the insult.
Joke: The Lessons of Marriage
On their 50th wedding anniversary and during the banquet celebrating it, Susan was asked to give her friends a brief account of the benefits of a marriage of such long duration. "Tell us Susan, just what is it you have learned from all those wonderful years with your husband?"
Joke: A Confused Marriage Counselor
Content Joke: A Confused Marriage Counselor joke A man goes to a marriage counselor all by himself...
Funny Joke: The Marriage Seminar...
Peter's Catholic Church, they have weekly husbands' marriage seminars.
Joke: The ABCs of Marriage
Joke: The ABCs of Marriage funny, joke After being married for 25 years, a wife asked her husband to describe her.
Joke: A Priest's Theory of Marriage
Joke: A Priest's Theory of Marriage joke A newly married Liam goes to the meet Father Charles...
Joke Collection: 110 Jokes About The Institute of Marriage!
Marriage joke collection Joke Collection: 110 Jokes About Marriage! joke, marriage, collection 110 short jokes, jokes and one liners about the famous institute of marriage.
Joke: The Three Arranged Marriages
Joke: The Three Arranged Marriages funny, joke, humor, joke about men, arranged marriages This joke begins with an Indian man being offered three different arranged marriages, and he faces a very tough decision...
Joke: The Marriage Seminar Went Wrong
Funny Joke: This Is How a Peaceful Marriage Works
"My wife looked me straight in the eye and said: 'That's one. ' "And we haven't had a fight since." images: Scroll below for more funny jokes!
Joke: A Brewing Argument
Joke: A Brewing Argument hebrews, religion joke, marriage joke A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning.
This Joke Begins With a Seductive Wife...
For more funny jokes scroll below. Marriage Joke: The Crumpled Bills funny, humor, wife, husband, money, marriage joke, crumpled bill This joke begins with a wife seductively asking her husband a question...
Joke: What's the Matter Officer?
For more funny jokes scroll below. Joke: The Cop, The Hooker and the Flashlight lovemaking joke, hooker joke, police joke, marriage joke This joke begins with a man encountering a lady of the night.
Joke: The Wife, the Husband and the Genie
Joke: The Genie and the Mature Couple funny, joke, humor, genie, marriage joke, cheating joke, genie joke A husband and wife in their sixties were coming up on their 40th wedding anniversary when they discover a genie...
Joke: Consult the Wife
Joke: Consult the Wife hospital, accident, marriage joke, funny joke, doctor joke, penis replacement, new kitchen This joke begins with an unfortunate incident...
Hilarious: The Marriage Dictionary!
Imagine a new dictionary is soon to come out, defining some issues in marriage that people were curious about. We at Baba-Mail got a "sneak peak" at some of these marriage definitions. Would you like to know what they are? Well, here are some of the definitions we got a close look at.
Joke: It's Never Too Late For Marriage
Joke: The Helpful Phone Call funny, joke There were these two elderly people living in a Florida mobile home park. He was a widower and she a widow. They had known one another for a number of years.
Joke: Getting Married in Heaven
Joke: How to Get Married in Heaven God, divorce, religion joke, marriage joke, funny joke, religious joke, heaven joke This joke begins with 2 people falling in love in the afterlife...
Joke: His Wife Has Needs...
Joke: The Wife and Her Sudden Passion funny, joke, wife, marriage joke, joke about men, egg timer This joke begins with a husband being surprised by his wife's sudden need for...
Joke: The Sad Husband and the Curious Wife
Joke: OUR Problem wife, husband, pregnant, dinner, support, window, secretary, marriage joke, upset, concerned, refuses, suing, glumly A guy comes home from work and he is clearly upset.
Joke: The Weirdest Tattoo Request (Rude)
For more funny jokes scroll below. Joke: The $100 Bill Tattoo funny, joke, rude, wife, husband, money, marriage joke, $100 bill, joke about men This rude joke begins with a man walking into a tattoo parlor with a weird request.
Hilarious: Isn't Marriage a Funny Thing?
You've been staring at our marriage certificate for over an hour!" Husband: "Yea, I'm checking the expiration date." Neighbors "The new neighbors are so in love," remarks Susan to her husband, "he hugs her, kisses her and strokes her hair. Why don't you do that?"
Joke: A Bored Husband in Target
For more funny jokes scroll below. Joke: A Bored Husband in Target funny, joke, humor, wife, retirement, letter, family joke, marriage joke, senior joke, target shop This joke begins with a wife getting a letter from Target about her husband's behavior...
Have You Heard This Joke? 4th Marriage's the Charm!
Scroll below for more funny jokes! Joke Today: 4 Weddings and a Funeral Director funny, joke, elderly, weddings, funerals An 80-year-old lady was being interviewed by a local news station because she had just gotten married for the fourth time...