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A Touching Story of a Dog Saving a Man's Life
But for Eric, a man who was facing serious weight problems, his dog turned out to be a life-saver. In Peety, Eric found a new motivation that helped him pursue his goals and change his life.
Ingenious Inventions to Make Life Easier!
A life-hack is any invention that makes everyday tasks a little easier with a little ingenious engineering. It could mean removing an unnecessary cord or freeing up some space in ways that you had never thought of. Here's a list of inventions that could help out a lot around your home!
Tips That'll Drastically Improve Your Phone's Battery Life
Use the Built-In Battery Power Saver Most Android phones come with a battery power saver mode which puts the phone in a state where it uses the least battery. Battery saver mode turns off GPS location, auto-sync, background services, and decreases your phone's performance to increase battery life.
Give Your Cat a Better Life with These Amazing Life Hacks
However, there are many things you can do to give your cat a better life while also making your life easier.
Oh, What a Life...
Our Life has become so ' Lifeless ' nowadays: Our Telephone : Cordless Our Cooking : Fireless Our Food : Fatless Our Dress : Topless Our Youth : Jobless Our Leaders : Shameless Our Government : Hopeless Our Job : Thankless Our Police : Clueless Our Policies : Aimless Our Labour : Effortless Our Conduct
This is How You Can Start Building Wealth Later In Life
Some 40% of successful savers—those who built nest eggs equivalent to 10 times pay—did so by saving 15% or more of their incomes for at least 10 years.
Learn To Appreciate Life
Learn To Appreciate Life life, spirituality, photo, appreciate, blessed If you can read this message you are more fortunate the 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it all
Life According to the Tortoise!
The fact that it is a slow animal causes all the faster creatures to take it lightly, but it is the way the tortoise takes life, slowly and calmly, that can teach us quite a bit...
A Life in 85 Seconds...
A Life in 85 Seconds - Brilliant! art, life, video, beautiful, touching, commercial, short film Getty Images touches people in a new campaign making use of hundreds of little videos from its image bank.
These 10 Fantastic Life Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier
The following 10 will hopefully make your life a little simpler! 10 Great Life Hacks home, important information, life hacks, everyday, tips and tricks These life hacks will allow you to get things done quicker and generally make your life easier. Watch this informative video now.
Life is a Journey - Beautiful!
He says his life is a journey, and judging by his photos, that may be true... Life is a Journey - Beautiful!
It's the Little Things in Life...
What are the little things that life is all about? Most of us are so busy looking at the big picture that we forget these most basic delights, but these are the things that make life what it is! Look through these 20 little pleasures of life and tell us if you feel the same! 1.
Life is NOT a Marathon - Beautiful!
This Japanese video takes the phrase: "Life is a race." to a whole new level, showing us the metaphor in live action. But life is NOT a race, it is certainly not a marathon. What is life? This video makes better points than I ever could, so I'll let it do the talking.
These Simple Life Hacks Will Make Your Life So Much Easier
At times, life can get pretty tough, but thankfully there are plenty of ways to make your life easier through sheer creativity and innovation. The video below contains 19 different life hacks. They are all very simple yet extremely effective. Take a look and give them a go yourself!
A Day in the Life - Luxembourg!
T he former Duchy has lush vinyards and gorgeous castles, beautiful churches, galleries and restaurants, all of this an inseparable part of life in Luxembourg, for visitors and residents alike. This beautiful tilt shift video shows a day in the life of miniature Luxembourg.
The Operating System of Life
Explaining Cells: The Operating System of Life animated, video, science, informative, lecture, blood, biology, cells, TED-Ed Dive deep into the cells of our body and be amazed at the incredible work they do!
The Principles of a Good Life Are Simple...
Look ahead and not back Don’t fall into old habits that you had in the past, even if you felt that life was much easier then. Remember, you stopped these habits for a reason - to improve your life, and now you have to keep moving forward rather than looking back, and certainly not go backward. 5.
The Miracle of New Deer Life...
Born in departure bay beach, BC, Canada, watch new life emerge in the form of this baby deer, taking its first steps in an unfamiliar world. No better way to start off your day! The Miracle of New Deer Life... life, video, baby, deer No better way to start off your day!
The Life Proverbs of Jane Seabrook!
Jane Seabrook is an independent illustrator and designer who lives in Auckland, New Zealand, and designs these stunning illustrations that come with some very inspiring, and sometimes quite funny, life quotes.
Don't Forget to Enjoy Life!
Don't Forget to Enjoy Life! life, good news, inspirational, motivational Imagine a world where anything is possible...
Important Life Lessons - Hilarious!
Life arranges for countless lessons throughout. These next 3 animated films have a humourous way of offering some universal advice, in a way that is both amusing and smart! Learning From Experience Looking in All Directions Keeping Time Important Life Lessons - Hilarious!
The Best Truths In Life Are Free!
And so we've collected a few good life truths and advice that we recommend printing and sticking up somewhere to remind yourselves of what's really important! Submitted by: Jackie D. The Best Truths In Life Are Free!
Why Not Simplify Your Life?
Why Not Simplify Your Life? tips, life, advice Keeping It Simple...