How to Make Love When Illness or Injury Prevent It
If you have experienced an injury or illness that has prevented you from making love properly, you should read the following 7 sections.
This Simple Dutch Trick is Saving Injuries on the Roads
A similar study in the UK in 2011 also found that nearly 600 cyclists received injuries due to such collisions or while attempting to avoid colliding with a car door. This problem has become ever increasing as the number of people choosing to use cycling as a regular form of transportation grows.
9 Surprising Holiday Injuries and Ways to Prevent Them
All the busy work takes a toll on our attention and stress levels, which raises the risk of holiday injuries. Sadly, such injuries are fairly common, but the good news is that they are also easily preventable, so make sure to take all the necessary precautions.
Fix Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries & Impingement
Most rotator cuff injuries, along with tendinitis and impingement issues, are merely the outward signs of a deeper problem— dysfunctional movement and positioning of the scapula. To truly resolve shoulder pain, tendinitis, and impingement for good, it's essential to go beyond the surface.
Joke: The Golf Injury
Two women were playing golf. One teed off and watched with horror as her ball headed directly towards a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of them and he immediately fell to th..
Brilliant Doctor Easily Fixes This Common Injury!
The video below goes over the basic mechanisms of this injury, and highlights the best natural and non-surgical treatments available right now. Get Rid of Plantar Fasciitis For Good!
Learn to Treat the 10 Most Common Household Injuries
All of these activities increase the likeliness of getting hurt, which is why it is important to know how to deal with each of these injuries. The tips below will introduce you to the most common injuries and the proper way to treat them.
WARNING: Staring at Your Phone Can Lead to Spinal Injury!
The research suggested that keeping good posture is ideal to prevent spinal injuries from occurring. Dr. Hansraj points out a safer alternative to "text neck". He suggests that your ears should be aligned with the shoulders, while the shoulder blades are retracted.
Anxiety and Grief Can Cause Profound Cardiac Injury
Anxiety and Grief Can Cause Profound Cardiac Injury video, health, emotions, medicine, loss, TED Talks, heart disease, grief, broken heart, cardiovascular disease ‘A broken heart’ is one expression we might want to take more literally.
Have You Heard This Joke? A Dangerous Injury (Rude)
A woman pregnant with triplets was walking down the street when a masked robber ran out of a bank and shot her three times in the stomach. Luckily the babies were alright. The surgeon decided to le..
This Amazing Breakthrough Has Given Hope to Quadriplegics
The stimulator they have come up with bypasses spinal injuries by forcing the body to use alternative neural pathways in order to transmit signals to the body’s extremities.
Why Were Staircases SO Deadly In Victorian England?
But why were there so many deaths and injuries from stairs in Victorian England? The video below explores this interesting question.
Is Your Keyboard Hurting Your Wrists? Here’s How to Fix It
The daily micro-injuries caused by improper keyboard use pile up and create a chronic and very painful problem for your wrists.
Which Car Model Is the MOST Dangerous and Why?
For example, did you know that most car safety tests are designed only with male drivers in mind, which makes female drivers 47% more likely to suffer a major injury as a result of a car crash? This video explains and showcases several important drawbacks of contemporary car safety tests.
Complete First Aid: From Basics to Advanced
We don't wish on anyone the kinds of injuries that we are about to discuss. However, it is no small secret that most accidents occur in the home, including cuts, suffocation, bruises, and concussions.
Keloids, Atrophic Scars and Stretch Marks - a Health Guide
External scars are caused by injury to the skin. They occur when the body produces collagen to heal and close the wound. This is a protein fiber that's naturally thicker and less flexible than the rest of the skin.
This Horse Behaves Like a Human!
Meet Amerigo, the Indoor Pet Horse cute, funny, inspiring, animal, horse, pet, injury, farm, cute overload, video: the dodo, amputation Meet Amerigo, the sassy horse who walks freely in and out of the house.
7 Serious Causes Of Tingling Sensations In the Back
Many equally serious conditions ranging from spinal injuries to tumors can cause paresthesia in the back, and all of these conditions require medical attention, so if you experience persistent tingling and numbness in your back along with some of the other symptoms we will list, it definitely warrants
These Are 15 of the Most Dangerous Summer Activities
Every year, 9,000 firework-related injuries are reported at hospitals around the US. 4. Swimming Taking a dip to cool off this summer might land you in some choppy waters. In 2017 alone, there were 199,246 reported injuries related to swimming and the use of pool equipment. 5.
Is Running Better on a Soft or Hard Surface?
But when it comes to preventing injuries, is this assumption correct? We examined this issue in depth, and the answer is here before you. Table of Contents What do studies say?
Sparklers Are Safe for Children, Right? Think Again
However, most 4th of July injuries are not caused by display fireworks, but rather by “innocuous” personal-use pyrotechnics such as firecrackers and recreational fireworks.
Be Careful When Shoveling Snow This Year
Every year, 11,500 people in the United States are admitted to the hospital with cardiac events and injuries caused by shoveling snow. As many as a hundred people die as a result of shoveling snow annually .
6 Ways to Effectively Treat a Sprained Ankle Right Away!
A sprained ankle is the most common ankle injury, and it occurs when one or more of the ligaments have been twisted, torn, or stretched. With a minor sprain, some of the fibers within the ligament are stretched – but with more serious sprains, the ligament might be torn.
Hot or Cold? Learn How to Treat Common Body Aches
[related_articles] Back injuries Many people are tempted to take a hot shower after injuring their back to relieve the pain, but this is a mistake. According to Dr.