What You Should Know Before Booking a Hair Appointment
One of the most anticipated post lockdown comebacks was that of hair and beauty salons. Some states have already given salons a green light to operate while others are expected to open soon.
Should You Change Shampoos For Silvering Hair?
When it comes to hair, opinions are divided. Some think hair isn't all that important.
8 Simple Tips to Help Your Hair Stay Voluminous
Brush your hair once it’s completely dry If you have fuller hair, brushing it right out of the shower is fine, but if you have thinner hair, it is recommended that you refrain from doing so, so as not to damage and break the hair.
The folded salon - The only way to travel!
The folded salon - The only way to travel! video, design, salon !The folded salon - The only way to travel
10 Hair Myths That Are Damaging Your Hair
Plucking a gray hair makes more grow If you’re afraid of plucking your gray hair out of fear that two new ones will grow in its place, you can rest assured this is a false theory. Plucking a gray hair may not lead to more gray hair, but it’s still best to put the tweezers down.
Remove Unwanted Hair with These Natural Remedies
Most women visit the beauty salon to remove their upper lip hair. But, what if you don't need to do so anymore? Instead of opting for an expensive treatment or product to remove your lip hair, read on to discover what natural treatments you can try in the comfort of your own home.
These 17 Animals Could Definitely Model Hair Products
And the fact that some animals have hair that is naturally so much more gorgeous than ours when they aren’t even trying is honestly mildly infuriating. Here are some of those animals who could easily model for hair products and beauty salons. 1. This glamorous collie 2.
Hair Care: Quick 2-Minute Buns for Sparse Hair
These hair tricks will be a lifesaver for women with sparse hair. Here, you can learn how to easily make two-minute buns at home in front of your mirror in 30 different ways! They may look intricate at first, but follow this tutorial, and you will have no trouble.
These 'Hair Pranks' Are Hairy and Hilarious!
This time the theme is HAIR, as we see all manner of pranks having to do with someone's hair. Needless to say, we're all quite attached to it...
What's the Rarest Hair Type? Take Our Hair Quiz!
Content Test: What Do You Know About Your HAIR? quiz How much do you know about those strange cells we call human hair?
These Natural Solutions Will Help Maintain Hair Dye
We reach a point in our lives where our gray hair gets the best of us and so we maintain it by dyeing it. Thankfully there are many options for dyeing your hair. You could get it done at a hair salon, or do it yourself at home, or may even opt for a temporary color spray. The downside?
How a Good Haircut Can Make a Great Difference
A hairdresser's job involves more than just cutting hair. A good hairdresser has to be able to understand a person's style, facial features, hair type and texture, and many other important details, all in just a few minutes' time.
Do You Have Hair Problems? Try This DIY Rosemary Hair Wash
If you suffer from hair loss, your hair lacks shine and luster or you have a lot of split ends, then it's about time you're told about the hair benefits of rosemary. Rosemary grows all year long, especially in hot and dry climates. Its green and grey leaves are needle-shaped with a blue flowering.
These Animals Are Having the Worst Hair Day!
Here we look at the craziest hair styles pulled off by some of our favorite cute animals. Whether it's a chicken, a pussy cat, a doggy or a cheeky little monkey, they all seem to have a knack for making their bad hair days the funniest of moments. The last of the Mohicans. Meet the Angora rabbit.
The Man Who is 96% Hair...
He suffers from a rare condition with hair covering 96 per cent of his body. Yu is also an actor, in actuality since childhood, and so his bizare look actually supplies him with a livelihood instead of being any kind of source for shame. In fact, Yu doesn't mind it at all.
Hair Tutorial, the 18th Century Edition
They are so elaborate, yet decades ago people really did use to wear their hair that way. This fascinating video follows a step-by-step hair tutorial from a 1782 guide book. No detail was skipped, and it's hilarious.
The Slightly Bizarre Club of Hair for Men!
You have never seen so much epic, amazing and downright bizarre facial hair until you've watched this video! The Slightly Bizarre Club of Hair for Men!
Joke: The Silver Haired Husband
So he opened his shirt, revealing lots of silver, curly hair. She said, “That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me.” And she processed his social security application. When he got home, the man excitedly told his wife about his experience at the social security office.
Read These Tips Before Trimming Your Own Hair
Wet hair stretches, so if you cut it wet, it will shrink once it’s dry, and you will end up with shorter hair than you planned. 2. Lift your hair from the scalp in a 90-degree angle and cut the ends off, then let it fall back in place. 3.
Castor Oil For Hair Loss: the Facts
It is claimed and has been praised by many to help cure hair loss or strengthen and thicken brittle hair. Let's separate fact from fiction and see if and how can you benefit from that little bottle of castor oil you've got lying around in the medicine cabinet.
Ditch These 12 Bad Habits, They Ruin Your Hair and Skin
So many hair and skin issues, such as backne, split ends, hair loss, puffiness and others are common nowadays, affecting our confidence and discouraging us from using skin and hair care.
Try These Home Remedies to Stop Hair Loss
Do you wake up every morning and find hair on the pillows and sheets? While some hair loss is normal, excessive shedding is a sign of hair loss.
Can Food Additves Prevent Gray Hair?
Table of Contents What Causes Gray Hair? Vitamins and Minerals Lacking in Graying Hair Can Dietary Supplements Prevent Gray Hair? It’s Even Better to Eat the Right Foods Bottom Line What Causes Gray Hair? There are two main factors that play a role in the graying process: genetics and aging.
12 of the WORST Hair Care Mistakes All of Us Still Make
Washing your hair too often or not enough Hair washing is a highly debated subject - some say we should only wash our hair once a week, others claim we should wash hair daily, and others happily only wash their hair occasionally.