Trump's Inauguration Will Mark the Launch of a New Beast
The inauguration of a new President of the United States is often coupled with the launch of a new armored car to protect the commander-in-chief from any would-be threats to his life, and the upcoming inauguration of Donald Trump is no exception.
How Much Do These 17 World Leaders Actually Earn?
Would you be happy to find out that US President Donald Trump is earning far less than you earn in a month? Find out just what these 17 world leaders make in the article below. Think you can beat a quiz about world leaders? Try it! 1.
This Woman Just Proved that Determination Trumps All
Without ruining the ending of this event, I think this sports moment should go up there among the great. It may not be the world series or the Olympics, but Heather Dorniden's sheer determination, ..
The World News Headlines Today, March 27th, 2017
Leader of France’s rising Front National party, Marine Le Pen, campaigns in the city of Lille, with a strong anti-globalist message, reminiscent of 2016’s Donald Trump and Brexit campaigns.
The Cheapest Energy: Are Renewables Becoming Cheapest?
In addition, analysts believe that the US will exceed its commitments in the Paris agreement regardless of whether or not President Donald Trump withdraws, as he has previously stated that he will.
16 Hilarious Encounters of Celebrity Doppelgangers
Jimmy Fallon lookalike near Fallon’s wax figure The resemblance between this lady and Donald Trump is uncanny! The caption says it all...
The Media Can Be Quite Naughty With Its Coverage Sometimes
US Vice President Mike Pence at Donald Trump's inauguration. 5. Creating the impression of strength in numbers for Hillary Clinton! 6. This soldier looks like he was threatening the boy in the first image. It turns out he wasn't. 7.
The Oval Office Through the Years
Donald Trump (2017-2021) Source Trump's gold curtains were sitting in storage. They were originally bought by First Lady Hillary Clinton for her husband's term, but eventually, they chose a slightly different design.
Have You Heard This Joke? A Scot Goes to an English Uni
Donald MacDonald from the Scottish Highlands, went to study Law at a renowned and austere English university and was living in the hall of residence with all the other students there. After he had been there a month, his old mother came to visit him.
Astonishing! The U.S. Could Soon Have Its Own Space Corps!
The measure still needs to be approved by the full committee, passed by both houses of Congress and signed by President Donald Trump before it can be implemented.
This Mind-Blowing Talk Explores the Nature of Reality
Cognitive scientist, Donald Hoffman, does his best to try and answer this question in this mind-blowing TED talk.
These Private Jets and Planes Are the World's Most Lavish
Boeing 757 – Donald Trump Owner occupation: President of the United States, real estate tycoon Owner net worth: $3.5 billion Estimated jet price: $100 million Donald Trump's private plane, also known as Trump Force One, is a converted Boeing 757 that first took to the skies back in 1991 when it was used
You Won't Believe the Amazing Things 2017 Is Set to Bring!
Big Dates to Look Out For On January 20th: The New US President The start of 2017 will be closely followed by the inauguration of New York businessman Donald J. Trump as the 45th US President.
Joke: The Noisy People
Donald MacDonald from the Scottish Highlands went to study Law at a renowned and austere English university and was living in the hall of residence with all the other students there. After he had been there a month, his old mother came to visit him.
The Innovation That Helped the Allies Win World War II
Donald Bailey came up with an innovative solution - the Bailey Bridge and turned out to be instrumental in winning the war...
QUIZ: Are These Events From 2017 Real or Fake?
Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States in 2017. The New Orleans musical legend, Fats Domino, died in 2017. In 2017, Robert Mugabe formally resigned as president of Zimbabwe. In 2017, Serbian scientists managed to genetically engineer a pig that could fly.
A Little History: The White House Renovation!
45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, is unlikely to find the White House in anything other than tip-top condition. However, things weren't quite the same when the 33rd President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, moved into the residence in 1945.
These Quick-Fire Facts About US Presidents Are Fascinating
Donald Trump (2017- ) Donald Trump does not drink alcohol.
What Insightful Caricatures Can Teach Us
Appearances trumping actual knowledge. You're never as alone as when ignored. Escaping your situation isn't always helpful... Even in war, life goes on... Some people just can't do nor need complex math. Times have changed, poverty hasn't.
March 17th, 2017: A Roundup of the Week's Biggest Stories
March 17th, 2017: The biggest news stories from the past week • Syrian Civil War extends into 7th year • Trump proposes 2018 US Budget • Change candidate Geert Wilders comes close in Dutch election • Brexit bill passes in UK parliament • Sierra Leonean pastor unearths 706-carat diamond On this day Today
These Well-Known Places Have Their Hidden Secrets!
They were once open to the public, but Donald Trump took them over in 1984 and decided to turn it into a private tennis club where celebrities could hang out. In 2009, the Vanderbilt Club was shut down and a full-service lounge for Metro North railroad employees was created. 7.
Have You Heard This Joke? You MUST See the Circus!
“Donald, My tennis coach said last night the lion tamer and the elephant rider did a waltz and it was just the most perfect scene!” she said. “It feels like we’re the only people in town who haven’t seen the show yet and they only have one more tomorrow! Oh please can’t we go?”
British Humor Can Be a Bit Different - Hilarious!
(I Love this child) TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. WINNIE: Me!
When Disney Characters Decide to Pull a Gag at Your Mall...
The mere sight of Goofey makes me smile, and Donald Duck's antics always made me laugh out loud. So what happens when the beloved characters decide to pull a little stunt at your local mall? This video is so much fun, I just watched it several times! The Disney Mall Gag!