10 Cat Breeds That Act More Like Dogs
Do you love cats but just can't stand the aloofness and passivity? Well, cats are not really like that when you get to know them, but some are even dog-like! In this video, we are going to introduce you to 10 species of cats that act almost like dogs!
15 Times Dogs Behaved Exactly Like Cats and it’s Hilarious
Dogs and cats are eternal enemies. Well, not always... We’ve shown you in the past that cats and dogs can sometimes get along quite well. However, what we didn’t know is that dogs can at times behave exactly like cats!
20 Cats Acting Like Complete Oddballs!
Those of you who have never had a cat will not know this, but cats are complete and utter oddballs, and few things are as reassuring to a cat owner as seeing that their pet isn't the only one sleeping in impossible positions or staring at a blank wall for an hour...
Getting Along Like...Cats and Dogs?
While conventional wisdom states that cats and dogs were born natural enemies, this isn't always the case.
This Cat Was Raised As a Dog! What's He Like?
This woman found a cat alone on the street and made the brave decision to adopt him on the spot. She raised him and treated him like a dog, as this is all she knew, but it turns out this was a terrific idea! Birdie is 6 years old, and he loves to play and chat. What a talkative cutie!
Cats Are Cats and Dogs Are Patient!
This is one patient dog. All it wants to do is chew happily on its bone, but the kitty seems to have other ideas, as it does everything it can think of to drive the dog insane! Cats Are Cats and Dogs Are Patient!
This Dog is... a CAT Person!
This service dog is the sweetest canine, but he never really fit in with other dogs. Watching them rough it out and play with each other, he's often on the sidelines, looking at them quizzically.
The Cat Dog-Walker!
A cat that walks the dog on a leash! Don't believe us? Watch the video! According to the owner, this wasn't trained into the cat, it just decided to start leading the dog one day! The Cat Dog-Walker! cute, funny, dog, cat, adorable A cat that walks the dog on a leash! Don't believe us?
Joke: Acting Like an Ape
Joke: Acting Like an Ape funny, joke, humor, ape One day, Bob decided to go to the zoo. When he got to the ape cage, he found himself looking at a big male ape, who was staring right back at him...
Cats and Dogs Are Different - Hilarious!
Cats and Dogs Are Different - Hilarious! animals, funny, dogs, cats As we all know, there are some major differences between these two popular pets...
Why Cats Act the Way They Do...
Cats have been our companions for around 10,000 years, but this video finally explains a few of their behaviors in plain English and in a delightful manner. Ever Wondered What Cats are Thinking?
Heat Stress in Dogs - Learn How to Act Properly
Just like humans, dogs can start overheating in the sun, sometimes even faster than us. According to the Memphis Veterinary Hospital website , “Unlike humans who sweat, dogs eliminate heat from their bodies by panting.
When Dogs Believe They Are Actually Cats...
If you love dogs, then you know that these furry friends can be odd at times, and behave in ways that are very uncharacteristic. If you’re a cat lover, you’ll be surprised to see that these 16 dogs seem to have some very cat-like behaviors… 1. I can see the mailman from here Source 2.
Like Owner, Like Dog: Fun Photos of Dogs and Their Owners
We've all heard it once that with time, people and their dogs start looking like each other, but it's difficult to tell whether or not it's true without a direct visual comparison.
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Dogs LOVE company. They love playing with others, cuddling with them and follow them around. They are extremely social creatures. Cats can be social too, but they don't trust easily, especially not dogs who are often larger than them.
This Girl Can Both Act and Sing Like an Angel!
Watch as she sings and acts her heart out! This Girl Can Both Act and Sing Like an Angel! performance, music, child, singing, acting, play An amazing performance from a child star of the stage!
Cat vs. Dog - The Ultimate Contest!
Cat vs. Dog - The Ultimate Contest! cute, funny, video, dog, cat, adorable, vs !Once and for all, it is time to see who is the more talented animal
The Hilarious Differences Between Cats & Dogs...
Despite being the two most common household pets in the world, cats and dogs are worlds apart in terms of their personalities. I recently came across this series of hilarious illustrations highlighting the differences between the two four-legged creatures, and I just had to share them with you.
It's a Cat's World - Just Ask These Hapless Dogs!
Dogs may be bigger than cats, but when it comes to tangling with their arch-enemies, they often find themselves at a disadvantage. Cats are tougher, meaner and have a no-nonsense attitude dogs can never quite emulate. If you don't believe me, here is undeniable proof that cats lord it over dogs.
Animal Joke: The Cat, the Dog and the Parakeet!
Three house pets - a golden retriever, a parakeet, and a cat - all die and go to heaven... As with all the good animals, God decides to have a personal discussion with each one to see where they will stay in heaven.
When Bears Were Caught Acting Just Like Humans!
Here, you will find handsome and adorable bears who act just like humans. And it looks like they are doing it right… Related: Fascinating AND Funny - Bears Losing Their Winter Coats 1. Mommy checking the road for traffic before letting her little ones cross the road Image source: Reddit 2.
Sometimes, All a Cat Needs Is a Dog to Sleep On
A cozy, comfortable spot is all a cat truly desires. Perhaps they look for comfort in their little corner of the room. The couch may also seem rather tempting from time to time too. But, there may come a time where they'd need to improvise.
Dogs and Cats 2019: The Funniest, Cutest Moments!
Our cats and our dogs, that's who! This year hasn't changed any of them in the least and I for one am thankful for it. So without further a-do, let's enjoy some of the most adorable and funny dog and cat moments captured on film this year. Dogs and Cats 2019: The Funniest, Cutest Moments!
This Family Thought They Brought Home a Dog, Not a Cat!
However, with 2 cats at home, they were naturally concerned about the three getting along. They had nothing to worry about!