Wishing You a GREAT 4th OF JULY! Celebrate America!
On a day that we celebrate the birth of a great nation, why not take the time and remind your family, friends and loved ones know they are loved and cherished by sending a thoughtful greeting card? Because it is them, your close circle of friends and connections that make up this great nation.
Let Us Celebrate the 4th of July With This Special Message
With so much to celebrate and look forward to on this joyous day, why not send this inspiring message to a dear friend, wishing them a truly Happy Independence Day! To send this greeting click here A Happy 4th of July To All!
Nostalgia: Gorgeous Photos of America in the 1950s
This era is celebrated for its distinctive contributions to fashion, music, and a general sense of affluence. During this time, color photography was just emerging as a novel concept. As a result, most of the images from this period are in black and white.
North America Is Blessed with Fantastic Natural Beauty!
Thanks chiefly to the USA, it seems that every day the world's eyes are fixed on North America more than any other continent. Yet relatively little is said about the stunning natural beauty of the region, instead we focus on its economics, politics, and culture.
Celebrate Presidents' Day with These 25 Surprising Facts
At the White House in Washington D.C. lies the office of the most powerful political figure in the world, the president of the United States of America. To celebrate this great democratic institution, here are 25 surprising facts about some of the oval office's most colorful occupants.
10 of North America’s Most Stunning National Parks
North America is abundant in open spaces and beautiful nature, and many of these breathtaking areas are nationally protected. I love how diverse these parks are. They feature trees, rock formations, prairie land, lakes, roaming animals, and you may even see some lava.
Gaze in Wonder at These 35 Amazing Photos of North America
I’m in Love with These Paintings of Classic America
His scenes of rural and urban life are iconic as he managed to beautifully capture slice-of-life moments, of an America of a time gone by.
The Amazing Way Dubai Celebrates
Spectacular countdown celebration marked Downtown Dubai New Year's Eve Gala 2013, attracting over 1.7 million visitors and another billion watching from around the world.
These Oil Paintings Beautifully Capture Colonial America
Contemporary American artist Meadow Gist is fascinated with Colonial America. This California-based artist reimagines a bygone era in striking oil colors, and her love for the period shines through.
The Story Behind One of America's Most Famous Photos
This photograph is well-known not only in America but also outside of it, in most of the western world. It depicts a group of construction workers having their lunch mid-air, all careless and casual. Was it staged? How did they get there? Who took the photo?
These Maps Illustrate Little-Known Facts About America
For example, did you know which are the loudest and quietest areas in America? Or the most spoken languages in each state in the country? Check out these incredibly interesting maps that explain the United States in the most fascinating ways.
A Spectacular Celebration of the Changing of Seasons...
The Chinese Spring Festival, symbolizing the new year, is one of the most important celebrations in Eastern culture, and is celebrated on a date based on the lunar cycle.
A Unique Look Into America's Secret Atomic City
Residents celebrated V-J day (Victory over Japan day) just like the rest of America because they had no idea that they were developing the atomic bomb that ended the war. Two years after World War II ended, the town of Oak Ridge was demilitarized and shifted to civilian control.
These Companies Across America Are Older Than the Country!
These are the stories of 10 of the oldest companies America has the pleasure of calling her own. 1. Caswell-Massey, 1752 ( Amazon ) Now a perfume and soap manufacturer and retailer, this company began its foray into the business world bang in the middle of the 18th century as an apothecary shop.
Are Celebrities Really That Good Looking?
Many celebrities are famous for their unrivaled beauty. But is part of what makes them so attractive is that we've seen their faces so much it has become more beautiful to us? This test aims to give you an answer. Just keep your eyes on center screen and see - are they still so beautiful?
11 Magical Christmas Towns in America
Instead, venture out of the holiday haze and spend your winter break in one of the many transcendental magical Christmas towns in America.
On Foot Across America - An Amazing Journey
On Foot Across America - An Amazing Journey amazing, video, spirituality, body and soul, inspiring In September of 2010, Arthur's mother and only living parent surrendered her life to breast cancer.
Guatemala - The Best Kept Secret in Central America
When I hear the words “Central America”, Guatemala is not the first (or even 3 rd ) thing that comes to mind. This small country, whose motto is “El País de la Eterna Primavera” ( The land of Eternal Spring ), doesn’t seem to get the love it deserves.
How Every Country in the Americas Got Its Name
Countries in North America, Central America, and South America are not exceptions. Many names of these countries originated from Native American words, the names of the countries' founders, or noteworthy descriptions of these lands.
Witness the Brightest Celebrations in the World!
This is the season of lights, and no matter what holiday you celebrate or practices you observe, this is the time of year when lights take center stage. Here are some of the most beautiful celebrations of light all around the world!
Celebrate Thanksgiving: 15 Rare Images of a Nation's Roots
Thanksgiving Day has long been celebrated as a family tradition. In fact, its roots date back to the early 1600s. To commemorate this special day, celebrated this year on Thursday 24th November, let's take a trip back to days gone by with 400 years of Thanksgiving photos.
Even Celebrities Go Through an Awkward Phase...
Before they embarked on a life of glamour and red carpet events, most celebrities led pretty normal lives. And what’s more normal and relatable than an awkward throwback prom picture? Most of us have them.
This Festival Celebrates Spring In an Original Way.
This Festival Celebrates Spring In an Original Way. art, photos, plants, beautiful, flowers, festival, Italy This Italian festival is unlike any other, and is truly worth seeing.