The Human Calculator: This Guy is Astonishing!
Yaashwin Sarawanan is only 15 Years old, and yet he has an incredible gift for calculating in his head. He is so good, in fact, that he can go toe to toe with pretty much any calculator! Don't believe us? Watch this!
Joke: Calculating Hell
Content Joke: The Physics of Hell joke At a Physics course at a University, many years ago, the professor thought to give his students the following assignment to answer:
Math Quiz: Can You Beat This Test Without a Calculator?
Forget about calculators. For this quiz, you need to use your old noggin, the original calculator. This quiz will take you from insane additions to weird divisions, and while it may take some thinking, you can probably find the solution if you give it a little thought. We're rooting for ya!
QUIZ: Can You Beat This Math Test Without a Calculator?
Can you make calculations in your head without resorting to a calculator? These days, more and more kids of the new generation are seemingly unable to do math in their head. Can you? If so, then take our math test challenge and see how well you can do sums in your head.
Calculate How Much Food & Drinks to Serve Your Guests
Table of contents Things to Consider Before Planning a Menu Food and Drink Calculation Drinks Food Dessert A Few Final Menu Planning Tips Things to Consider Before Planning a Menu Being a good party host means knowing to cater to every guest and every occasion.
Math Quiz: Can You Still Calculate In Your Head?
math, interactive, quiz, games, test, riddles, math test, math quiz, math quiz with answers This generation can hardly calculate without a computer. Do YOU remember your basic math skills?
10 Fun and Mind Boggling Facts About the Internet
Of course, this calculation takes into account only the billions of billions of electrons moving through the wiring, servers, devices and other conduits that enable the use of the Internet and not these conduits themselves. 2.
How Healthy Are You? The Statistics You Must Know
When it comes to our overall health and well being, some factors can be determined by the simple use of a calculator.
How Civilizations Computed Before the Days of Computers
While we remain comfortable with the endless roles filled by modern-day computers, their original purpose was that of a high-grade calculator because everything eventually comes down to numbers.
I Wish They Taught Me These Math Tips at School
As time passes, most of us lose much of our mathematical abilities, leading us to rely more and more on calculators. If you want to improve your math skills, and even be able to help your kids, learn how to use these quick and easy methods. [related_articles] 1.
Did You Know This Handy Trick?
This video will show you how to divide paper into equal columns without having to make all kinds of calculations. This is practical for any time you want to make a quick chart, or to teach a child a valuable skill easily! Did You Know This Handy Trick?
Between Art and Science - Beautiful!
Horowitz uses mathematical algorithms to calculate the exact angles he needs to create these original pieces, and then creates them by hand. A perfect blend of art and science! Submitted by: Talia T. Between Art and Science - Beautiful!
Test Yourself: Can You Still Do Math in Your Head?
As an adult, I'm happy I did learn it, and before everyone used a calculator or computer. I still remember a lot of what I was taught. Do you? Take our test and brush the dust off some of your math skills! Let us know how you did in the comments. Test: Do You Remember Basic Math?
I Was Blown Away by What these 10 Super Humans Can Do!
How incredible would it be to have a mind that could calculate the toughest of sums? Or to have the ability to remember the most minute of details? And wouldn't it be remarkable to have super language abilities?
15 Times People Failed at Math So Bad Everyone Groaned!
Ah yes, calculation 4. What a deal! 5. What's wild is your calculation, buddy 6. A penny a day for a year will get you nowhere 7. Makes total sense [related_articles] 8. Wait, why did they need to do the total here? 9. What a genius! 10.
This Ancient Tool is Japan’s Secret to Sharper Memory
Abacus, the ancient calculation tool, was once commonly used in several countries. But over the decades, it has long been abandoned. Not in Japan, though. Thousands of students are still taught some basic skills on the abacus.
One? Two? Or is it THIRTEEN Math Quizzes Waiting For You?
Click Here to Read the Article Can you make calculations in your head without resorting to a calculator? These days, more and more kids of the new generation are seemingly unable to do math in their heads. Can you?
How Smart ARE Dolphins, Anyway?
In this quirky little video, suitable for all ages, we learn that they may be much smarter than we have believed, and may even use a sort of complex mathamtics to calculate locations! So if you've ever thought Dolphins were smarter than everyone gave them credit, you're probably right.
16 Things You Didn't Know Google Can Do For You
In fact, Google has a whole host of lesser-known functions, such as finding the best recipe for you or calculating your restaurant tip. Below, you'll find 16 of the most useful and interesting ones. Your searches will never be the same again. 1. Google can be used as a timer. 2.
Handy Trick - How Many Lights Does a Christmas Tree Need?
Luckily, we found an excellent trick that allows you to calculate the exact perfect number of Christmas lights necessary to decorate your tree, no matter the size or the shape. First things first, let’s point out the obvious – the number of Christmas lights on the tree is a very individual thing.
Math Can be Fun! Here are 13 Cool Facts to Prove it
A simple percentage calculation Here’s how you can harvest the power and logic in math and apply it in your daily life. This trick will teach you how to calculate percentages in your head. The rule says that x% of y = y% of x.
You Can Use Google for a Lot More Than Just Searching…
Here are some of my favorite "Google tricks", essential for anyone who wants to use the site to its full potential: Google can calculate your tip: If you are at a restaurant and you are not sure about the right amount to tip just ask Google!
9 Underrated Free Websites That Will Make Your Life Easier
downloading HD classical art for free Upstract - read the entire internet on a single page Drive and Listen – drive all around the world while listening to radio Stain Solutions – find tips to remove every type of stain imaginable - bring the natural world to the palm of your hand Omni Calculator
Keep Blood Sugar In Check with This Simple Practice
Moreover, calculating how many net carbs your body absorbs can be a confusing task.