7 Travel Blogs Worth Reading
These bloggers also care for the sustainability of their travels, so it's another topic that can be learnt from this blog. In addition to articles, some videos can be found on the site.
9 Useful Blogs Created Specifically For Senior Citizens
This is why we have curated a list of simple and useful blogs that are specifically created for older adults. Blogs are great sources of information that usually rely on personal experiences, professional advice, and other facts that can help improve our lives.
These Grandmas Have a Timeless Sense of Style...
In his new street style blog, Ari Seth Cohen documents that fabulously stylish grandmas of New York, all 60 years old and up. These gals really have it going for them! As one of the regulars on the blog put it, "As we get older, we get better!"
Photos Only A Loving Father Can Produce!
Jason is a wedding photographer who had decided to create a blog with creative photos of his two daughters. Jason says that most of the ideas came from the two girls, 8 year old Kristin and 5 year old Kayla. Source: boredpanda.com Photos Only A Loving Father Can Produce!
Should You Follow Bloggers’ Weight Loss Advice?
The researchers assessed the content of their blogs between May and June 2018, and scored the credibility and quality of the information they found across 12 criteria.
These New Windows 11 Features Are Great Additions
Improved Widgets Image source: Windows Blogs While widgets have been around for a while on Windows PCs , the new version of the OS promises to have some enhanced ones. Firstly, they will now be available directly from the taskbar.
10 Internet Terms Everyone Has To Know
Blog Think about a blog as an online version of a writer's column. Anyone can start a blog, and you can find blogs written both by amateur and professional writers on a vast variety of subjects starting from sports commentary to gossip to tech tips and everything in-between.
Stop the World, I Need a Rest...
מקור תמונות: 12th Blog Stop the World, I Need a Rest... nature, animals, cute, photos, sleep This next collection is to encourage you to get some sleep this weekend...
9 Great Meal Ideas Recommended by Health Experts
Bananas The registered dietitian and author of the blog Better Than Dieting , Bobbie Taub-Dix, observes that b ananas are loaded with potassium, a nutrient most people neglect in their diets. They’re the perfect healthy snack to keep you going throughout the day.
How One Man Turned a Plain Paperclip Into A House
On July 14, 2005, a Canadian blogger by the name of Kyle McDonald used his blog to trade a single, red paperclip for a fish-shaped pen. The idea was to try and always trade up, inspired by the game “Bigger, Better”. Kyle’s blog started getting attention, and his trade up idea became famous.
What This Woman Does With a Sewing Machine Is Fantastic
If you want to learn from her she gives some great tips at her blog , or you can check out her website or facebook page for more of these beautiful creations. Nature in Beautiful Embroidery art, nature, embroidery, sewing I'd love to have one of her creations, how nice!
The Smartest Dresser in Berlin Is an 86-Year Old Tailor
Check out the blog she made called What Ali Wore. Which of these get ups do you think Ali, a former doctor from Turkey, looks best in?
This Devoted Dad Has Some Words to Share....
Michael Mitchell is a devoted American father who started a blog called "Life to Her Years". The point of his unique blog is to collect tips from different fathers about childhood-simple and accurate advice that will add life to their years, as the name implies.
Escape to the Utopic World of Cute Animal Illustrations
For several years now, Climo has been sharing witty comics on her Tumblr blog . These feature silly animals and they're all very good friends. Yes, even the bunny and the snake. Her comics discuss human experiences through a compassionate and humorous lens.
10 Great Money Tips from the World's Most Successful People
In a blog post he wrote that “I have always lived my life by making lists. These vary from lists of people to call, lists of ideas, lists of companies to set up, lists of people who can make things happen.
Paintings Have Never Looked More Real Than This Artist's
See more amazing work by Jason de Graaf's on his blog and DeviantArt.
Fight Alzheimer’s with Food: Panko Salmon & Spinach Salad
By: Debbie W. of tlvfoodie.co blog When I was a little girl, my favorite dish was salmon and broccoli. My mom realized how much I loved it, and like any mother that discovered her picky child’s favorite food, she made it ALL the time. I mean, I think I ate an entire lake of salmon as a child.
Superfoood Delight: Chicken Quinoa Salad
Superfoood Delight: Chicken Quinoa Salad food, recipe, chicken, delicious, quinoa, salad, Yummy, debbie, tlvfoodie Debbie W. from the tlvfoodie.co blog shares her delicious superfood chicken quinoa salad
A Yummy Way to Stay Healthy: Stuffed Eggplants
By: Debbie W. of tlvfoodie.co blog I used to despise eggplants. It wasn’t just that I wouldn’t eat them, but that I would be repulsed by them if they were near me. But, every year since I was a teenager I vowed to try foods I didn’t like to see if my taste has changed.
Fight a Cold with Food: Orange Chicken Salad
By: Debbie W. of tlvfoodie.co blog It’s still wintertime and that can mean more illnesses. And when you’re sick, don’t you feel like people always tell you to drink fresh orange juice? Why is that? What is hidden inside these healing citrus fruits? The answer is not just Vitamin C.
Bent Objects - Funny and Creative!
His cleverly cartoonish scenes are often viral hits on the internet and they’ve brought his blog, Bent Objects, a global audience.
What To Look For In A Streaming Platform?
According to CyberGhost's blog post , make sure to prioritize criteria that align with your specific project goals for optimal results.
How Does WhatsApp’s 'Disappearing Messages' Feature Work?
See Also: 14 WhatsApp Tips to Keep in Mind For a Better Experience In a blog post, WhatsApp said, “Our goal is to make conversations on WhatsApp feel as close to in-person as possible, which means they shouldn’t have to stick around forever.
This Dad’s 30 Tips Will Teach You How to Raise Happy Kids...