We use numbers all day, every day. We write them, we click them, we calculate with them and we use them to think and count. But how much do you know about the actual numbers you use? Most of us know that they were invented way back, by the Arab empire, adapted by the whole world. Before that, the popular numbers were the Roman numbers (I for 1, X for 10 and so forth). But do you know WHY the numbers look the way they do? If not, then here's why: |
Quiz: Can You Champion Over Our Logic and Math Test?
These 10 challenging math and logic problems are waiting for you to solve them.
16 Fascinating Facts About the Red Planet
Let's have a look at what we already know about the red planet.
Thirsty For Knowledge? Check Out These YouTube Channels
If you love to learn new things with each passing day, then get ready to discover a gold mine full of educational tools!
Quiz: The Clear Thinking Test
Take this quick thinknig test to see how well you can think.
Fascinating: The Man Who Broke Math
This question led a logician to a discovery that would change mathematics forever.
These Apps Are Great For Educating Young Children
Getting kids to pay attention to anything these days is pretty tough but I can guarantee you that they'll love these 7 educational apps and learn something too!
7 Overlooked Scientists Who Should Be Household Names
Meet seven scientists who never got the credit they deserved.
20 Amazingly Simple Inventions That Make Life Easier
Some wonderful inventions can fix some of the most annoying little problems that bug us every single day. Here are 20 of the most inventive ideas I've ever seen that I can't believe no one has invented before.
Fascinating: How Fast Does Our Brain Operate?
Ever wonder at what speeds our thoughts move?
Wow! Who Knew That Jupiter Was So Mesmerizing?
Take a look at Jupiter like you've never seen it before!
WATCH: This is What Occurs In Our Brain When We're In Love
We all love being in love, and actually crave it and need it, but what actually happens to our brains when we're in love? Watch this TED Talk to find out.
8 Ancient Greek Scholars & Their Life-Changing Inventions
The foundations of modern medicine, engineering, biology, and astronomy were set up by these 8 stellar minds more than two thousand years ago.
25 Pics Showing How People in the Past Imagined the Future
Let’s see how the people of the past imagined the future and find out if their fun predictions came true with these 25 vintage pictures
A Must See: White Cells Devouring Bad Bacteria!
A real look at how white cells identify and consume harmful bacteria.
17 Incredible Eye Facts You Have To See To Believe
They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and they also happen to be our windows to the world. Here are 17 insanely fascinating facts about eyes.
Why Do You See Colors When You Rub Your Eyes?
Explore the science of afterimages, the visual illusions that linger in your vision following exposure to bright lights or images.
10 Unanswered Mysteries You've Always Wondered About!
You might not have thought about the most curious cases of the bizarre things that we encounter every day.
Did You Know That Batteries and Magnets Can Make Magic?
Here are some cool magic tricks you can try at home using only a few magnets, batteries and other household items. Watch carefully as the magician puts together a completely self-reliant motor
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.
19 Things to AVOID to Make Your Phone Live Longer
19 common mistakes we all make, that make our phones age quicker.
Science: 20 Mechanical Principles Demonstrated Using Lego
In this video, we'll explore a variety of fascinating mechanical mechanisms, all demonstrated using Lego models.
The Rise of the Machines: Can Humanoid Robots Help Us?
Will humanoid robots change the way we work forever?
The Real Reason Companies Prevent You from Fixing Things
Ever felt like you should be able to fix that broken gadget, but something's holding you back? Watch this to know more.
16 Interesting Things We Bet You've Never Seen Before
Once we have finished school and learned all the necessary skills at work, it may seem that no further studying is necessary. 16 interesting photos you wish you had seen in textbooks at school.
Is Weekend Sleep as Good as Regular Sleep? Let's Check
If you thought sleeping in on the weekend was a bad habit, you're about to find out that it's quite the opposite.
WATCH: What Is the Fingerprint of God's Creation?
The golden pattern, describes the mathematical code of the universe. Is this the scientific evidence of God's will and plan?
How to Make a Floating Chair
If you have some rope and wood - you too can build this floating chair!
8 Important Inventions That Were a Complete Accident
It might be interesting for you to learn that some very important scientific innovations were born as a result of an accident.
When Under a Microscope, Even Ordinary Things Seem Alien
Have you ever given any thought to what every day things look like under a microscope? Some of these images are truly beautiful - see for yourself in the images below.
2023 in Science: Biggest Discoveries You Missed!
Let’s take a look at the most amazing scientific discoveries that made news this year.
These Wacky Inventions of the Past Appear Odd to Us Today!
These vintage tech inventions may look very interesting or even incredible, but their practicality today is questionable...
Boston Dynamic's Robot Does Some Incredible Things...
Boston Dynamics shows us again what her lead robot can do.
WHY is Sugar So Devilishy Addictive?
There seems to be a fascinating scientific explanation for why our will power is weak when it comes to sugar!
14 Retro Inventions That Stunned Crowds Back in the Day
These inventions were the talk of the town back in the day.
INTERACTIVE: A Guide to the Workings of the Human Body
The human body is the most complex machine known to man, and the amount of things it has to do to keep us alive is incredible. View this interactive guide now.
Battle of the Sexes: How Our Brains React Differently
A new study claims to have discovered why women are typically more emotionally sensitive than men. Read all about it here.
10 New Things We've Learned About The Brain
We have learned some astonishing new things about the human brain in recent times.
Do You Know What Alzheimer's Really Is?
This video will shed light on the different stages of this complex and incredibly destructive disease.
10 Tech Products You Must Double-Check Before Buying
Beware! These tech products are most commonly faked.
This Secret Invention Changed the Course of WW2
Let’s take a closer look at the proximity fuze, also called Vt Fuze, an invention that changed the course of the second World War.
Fascinating: How are CPU Chips Made?
This is a comprehensive look at both the fabrication process and the workings of a microchip plant that makes CPUs for computers.
50 Crazy But True Facts About Dreams You Need to Know
Here are some strange and unusual facts about dreams that will surprise you.
Neon Lights: a Beautiful Union of Science and Art
Neon signs are a beautiful blend or artistry and science, and knowing the history and the science behind them make them even more exciting
Breathalyzers May Be More Important Than You Thought
This video does a great job in breaking down how in the future, breath analysis can be used to detect disease and prevent more invasive procedures.
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
20 Useful Facts About the Science of Cooking
The science behind cooking is not often thought of, but it plays a crucial role in a dish turning out right. Here are 20 facts on the science of cooking.
7 Weird Facts About the Human Voice That Will Surprise You
We bet you didn’t know these peculiar facts about the human voice.