Best Nootropics: Boost Your Brain Power
Discover the best nootropics scientifically formulated to enhance cognitive function, improve focus, boost memory, and support overall brain health.
Understanding How Alzheimer’s Affects the Brain
Find out how Alzheimer's disease impacts the brain and why finding a cure remains challenging.
Boost Your Eye Health with These Simple Exercises
These simple techniques can help keep your eyes feeling fresh.
Watch and Understand Why the Octopus Brain Is So Special
Here's a video that gives us an in-depth look of the octopus brain and shows why it is so extraordinary.
Why Do Cats Sport Vertical Pupils?
Why do they need these vertical pupils? Learn all about it right here in this fascinating video.
Menopause and Brain Aging: Groundbreaking Insight
In this fascinating Ted Talk, neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi shares groundbreaking insight on the effects of menopause and brain aging.
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
Take an Incredible Tour of Our Colossal Milky Way Galaxy
Fly Through the Milky Way Galaxy!
Do You Know What Alzheimer's Really Is?
This video will shed light on the different stages of this complex and incredibly destructive disease.
The Channel Tunnel - The 7th Wonder of the Modern World!
The construction of the Channel Tunnel is said to be an impossible feat!
Introducing the Astronauts That Were Just Launched Into Space
The two astronauts — veteran NASA fliers Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley are honored to have been on this flight. Let's get to know them!
You Wouldn't Believe How Far Technology Has Come
Take a look at the advancements of technology in this video. Impressive.
This Video Will Show You Where We Are in the Universe!
Where is our galaxy in the known universe? This video will fly with you to ever-larger destinations, showing you our little planet's cosmic address from a very large viewpoint.
These Theories About Reality & the Universe Will Stun You
You will be shocked to discover these 10 surprising theories of the universe and reality.
You Won't Believe What Passes for a Phone in North Korea
You won't believe what phones look like in North Korea!
6 Harmful Toxins You Didn’t Know You Encounter Daily
These toxic chemicals can be found in everyday products and can be extremely dangerous to us.
How to Make a Floating Chair
If you have some rope and wood - you too can build this floating chair!
What Does Medicine ACTUALLY Do In the Body? Fascinating.
What really happens in our bodies when we take medicine, have you ever wondered? This video will answer your question.
Taller Doesn't Mean Bigger - the True Size of Skyscrapers
If you were to compare skyscrapers by area rather than height, which skyscraper would end up on top?
7 Overlooked Scientists Who Should Be Household Names
Meet seven scientists who never got the credit they deserved.
20 Fascinating Things That Can Be Found in the World
These pictures show us 20 fascinating and absolutely astounding things, from a single mountain with 1000 waterfalls to a giant ant!
Incredible New Bionic Arm Fuses With Woman's Nerves
Karin's bionic hand is real sci fi, making her one of the first true cyborgs.
26 Incredible Facts About the Human Mind
The human brain is an interesting and powerful organ, which is why we've gathered 26 interesting facts about exactly how human psychology works.
10 Unanswered Mysteries You've Always Wondered About!
You might not have thought about the most curious cases of the bizarre things that we encounter every day.
Neon Lights: a Beautiful Union of Science and Art
Neon signs are a beautiful blend or artistry and science, and knowing the history and the science behind them make them even more exciting
Watch the Best HD Panorama Photo of Mars Ever Taken
Watch an incredible 1.8-Billion-Pixel panorama of the planet Mars that was recently captured by NASA's Curiosity rover.
Nobody Believed These 5 Scientists, But They Were Right
These 5 scientists were shamed and ousted, or rudely ignored, although years later, their "crazy" theories turned out to be true...
6 Remarkable Yet Overlooked Minds That Shaped Our World
These underappreciated geniuses deserve more recognition.
14 Retro Inventions That Stunned Crowds Back in the Day
These inventions were the talk of the town back in the day.
2023 in Science: Biggest Discoveries You Missed!
Let’s take a look at the most amazing scientific discoveries that made news this year.
Asteroid Mining: Why it's the New Trillion Dollar Business
Get ready to learn how asteroid mining could potentially transform our world.
10 New Things We've Learned About The Brain
We have learned some astonishing new things about the human brain in recent times.
7 Weird Facts About the Human Voice That Will Surprise You
We bet you didn’t know these peculiar facts about the human voice.
How Your Eye Came to Be the Color It Is...
Why do we have different-colored eyes, and what does it mean?
Could This Popular Ingredient Be a Cause of Cancer?
The chemical triclosan began to appear in a multitude of products in the early 1970s. This ingredient, found in a multitude of products has been linked to cancer.
What Will the Universe Look Like in 10 Quintillion Years?
These questions take us beyond science into the realm of imagination, as we contemplate the ultimate fate of our Universe and everything within it.
20 Amazingly Simple Inventions That Make Life Easier
Some wonderful inventions can fix some of the most annoying little problems that bug us every single day. Here are 20 of the most inventive ideas I've ever seen that I can't believe no one has invented before.
Doctors Make History With First Whole Eye Transplant
Surgeons in New York have performed the world’s first transplant of an entire human eye!
5 Robotics Trends Anticipated in 2024
What does 2024 have in store for the field of robotics?
16 Interesting Things We Bet You've Never Seen Before
Once we have finished school and learned all the necessary skills at work, it may seem that no further studying is necessary. 16 interesting photos you wish you had seen in textbooks at school.
A Must See: White Cells Devouring Bad Bacteria!
A real look at how white cells identify and consume harmful bacteria.
Why Do You See Colors When You Rub Your Eyes?
Explore the science of afterimages, the visual illusions that linger in your vision following exposure to bright lights or images.
Six Inventions Da-Vinci Made Ahead of Their Time
He created and envisioned many inventions that were sometimes even centuries ahead of their time. Was there ever a genius as great as Da-Vinci?
You Won't Believe What the Human Body Does in One Minute
How much do you think it is capable of doing in a single minute? Watch this video and you'll have your answer!
Chocolate Exposed! Here's What It Does to Your Brain!
Just what is it that makes chocolate so irresistible to so many people around the world? Find all of the answers in the article.
Scientists Develop 'Flying Dragon' Robot to Fight Fires
Scientists in Japan have created a water-spitting 'flying dragon' robot to fight fires.
The Truth About Folding Phones You Need to Know
Don’t buy a foldable without knowing this first.
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